False Beliefs about Angels That Are Commonly Held.

False Beliefs about Angels That Are Commonly Held.

A Story by Stephen J. Vattimo

A article that compares Folklore to Biblical teachings about Angels.

I have been studying the bible for about 35 years, even went to a Bible college to study the Bible for a full year. As I have become acquainted with its teachings, the more and more I have become aware of the false believes about the nature of angel and their relationship with humans.
Know I will confess I don’t know the bible perfectly, that is why before taking on writing this article, I did a word study on angels throughout the whole Bible.
The first misconception about the nature of Angels is their number keep on growing. People falsely believe that Angels start out as human’s who either dye as children, or live life as a God fearing person will graduate to becoming an Angel with wings. On the other side of the coin, if you lived a wicked life, you will become a ghost doomed to haunt the earth, or worse become demon.
The biblical true is that Angel are a species or separate creation then humans are.
So human can never become Angel.
Angel do not reproduce, God created a set number of them and the number does not increase.
Jesus have referred to the angel’s nature, not being married of reproducing when the Pharisees who did not believe in the resurrection, try to trip him up on a quest about seven men who all had the same woman as a wife but neither produced her kids. So whose wife would she be in Heaven?
Here is the Biblical quote: Matthew 22:29-31New King James Version (NKJV)
29 Jesus answered and said to them, “You are mistaken, not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God. 30 For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels of God[a] in heaven. 31 But concerning the resurrection of the dead, have you not read what was spoken to you by God, saying,
False depiction of angels in art.
A lot of time angles are depicted as beautiful woman wearing petty flowing robes with a pair of wings.
The true nature of angels is that every time the Bible mention angel interact with human, they appear in the image of men. Here are scripture that record angel appearing as men to interact with human. ( I going to give a few ,not all examples )
Abraham is visited by three male strangers, who are two angel and the Son Of God. Who come to visit Abraham to tell him that His wife will give birth to a son to him, and to tell him the destruction he was sending on the tween cities of Sodom and Gomora for their wickedness.
Read Genesis Chapter 18; for the whole account.
The angel Gabriel appears to both Mary and Joseph.
Gabriel appears to marry to proclaim she will give birth and be the mother to the promised Messiah
Luke 1:26-38
Gabriel appears to joseph telling him to take Marry as His wife that her pregnancy was not of an act of fornication but by the work of the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit.
In both situation Mary and Joseph were frighten by the appearance of the visiting angel until the angel told them not to be troubled. The false depiction of angel is that they are cute, pretty, And Peaceful.
The Biblical truth is Angel are warriors
2 Kings 6:17-20New King James Version (NKJV)
17 And Elisha prayed, and said, “Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw. And behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. 18 So when the Syrians came down to him, Elisha prayed to the Lord, and said, “Strike this people, I pray, with blindness.” And He struck them with blindness according to the word of Elisha
Angel are messengers from God
The angel Gabriel is sent from heaven to deliver an answer from God to Danial concern His prayer to God.
Daniel 10 :12
Then he said to me, “Do not be afraid, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart on understanding this and on humbling yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to your words.
Angel are not servant for human to command, but God uses angel to intervene in the affair of humans
Going back to when the two angel visited the tween Cities of Sodom and Gomora. They were sent to the city to warn and help lot and his family to leave the city before God reined judgement of annihilation down on the twin wicked cities.
Read the whole account in Geneses: 19
God send angels to stand in the way of people who try to head in a direction God has for bayed them to go. Consider the account were god sent an angel to block the path of prophet riding on a donkey.
The Angel and Balaam
Numbers 22: 22-35
22 But God was angry because he was going, and the angel of the Lord took his stand in the way as an adversary against him. Now he was riding on his donkey and his two servants were with him. 23 When the donkey saw the angel of the Lord standing in the way with his drawn sword in his hand, the donkey turned off from the way and went into the field; but Balaam struck the donkey to turn her back into the way. 24 Then the angel of the Lord stood in a narrow path of the vineyards, with a wall on this side and a wall on that side. 25 When the donkey saw the angel of the Lord, she pressed herself to the wall and pressed Balaam’s foot against the wall, so he struck her again. 26 The angel of the Lord went further, and stood in a narrow place where there was no way to turn to the right hand or the left. 27 When the
Donkey saw the angel of the Lord, she lay down under Balaam; so Balaam was angry and struck the donkey with his stick. 28 And the Lord opened the mouth of the donkey, and she said to Balaam, “What I have done to you, that you have struck me these three times?” 29 Then Balaam said to the donkey, “Because you have made a mockery of me! If there had been a sword in my hand, I would have killed you by now.” 30 The donkey said to Balaam, “Am I not your donkey on which you have ridden all your life to this day? Have I ever been accustomed to do so to you?” And he said, “No.”

31 Then the Lord opened the eyes of Balaam, and he saw the angel of the Lord standing in the way with his drawn sword in his hand; and he bowed [h]all the way to the ground. 32 The angel of the Lord said to him, “Why have you struck your donkey these three times? Behold, I have come out as an adversary, because your way was [i]contrary to me. 33 But the donkey saw me and turned aside from me these three times. If she had not turned aside from me, I would surely have killed you just now, and let her live.” 34 Balaam said to the angel of the Lord, “I have sinned, for I did not know that you were standing in the way against me. Now then, if it is displeasing to you, I will turn back.” 35 But the angel of the Lord said to Balaam, “Go with the men, but you shall speak only the word which I [j]tell you.” So Balaam went along with the leaders of Balak.

In the Book of Revelation We see that Angel introduce God’s judgement in heaven that are poured out on the Earth;
The angel and Seven Trumpets: Revelation8:7- Revelation 9:13-21
Revelation 16:1
Then I heard a loud voice from the temple, saying to the seven angels, "Go and pour out on the earth the seven bowls of the wrath of God."
Friends as I say in the beginning of article, my aim was not reveal everything about angel, or debunk every folklore about angel known to man. But to debunk the folklore I have commonly have seen and heard from people I have come in contact with, or the folklore images portrayer in secular world art.
I want to leave with this biblical account of what real angel look like so when you are tempted to fall for the false believes about angel, this biblical account will sober you up fast.
Mathew 28:1-7
Jesus Is Risen!

1Now after the Sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to look at the grave. 2And behold, a severe earthquake had occurred, for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled away the stone and sat upon it. 3And his appearance was like lightning, and his clothing as white as snow. 4The guards shook for fear of him and became like dead men. 5The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid; for I know that you are looking for Jesus who has been crucified. 6“He is not here, for He has risen, just as He said. Come, see the place where He was lying. 7“Go quickly and tell His disciples that He has risen from the dead; and behold, He is going ahead of you into Galilee, there you will see Him; behold, I have told you.”

Written by Stephen J. Vattimo
Jan 31 2017

© 2017 Stephen J. Vattimo

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Added on January 31, 2017
Last Updated on January 31, 2017
Tags: commentary, article, teaching, informational, biblical truth, stephen j vattimo, surealworld, christian, god, servants, messengers, warriors, defenders, preventers, proclaimers, fear, peaceful, beauti