The Battle of The CowA Story by JesusRocks!We wrote this together exchanging authors each sentence.The music was loud; the DJ wore tattered yellow robes. The Cow was very scared and uneasy, and he didn't know what to do. Suddenly the DJ aroused from his seat and spoke to the man in black who was and is and is the keeper of the Cow. "I'll give you two pence for the Cow in the corner", the DJ uttered frankly. The DJ had just released his mix tape, and it was fire. The man gladly sold the Cow, and the DJ whispered in the Cow's ear. The Cow screamed "HASTUR!" Hastur was the Cow's sister-brother half cat half fish-man that was always getting into trouble. The man in black screamed wildly--the Cow had spoken before, but never in such vain. This extreme use of vain caused the Cow to realize his super power he had never known before, even at Sky High. The Cow was led away onto the stage, where it began singing "Sleigh Ride". At this point in time Hastur had arrived at the scene, and seeing the Cow he wept and fell to the ground in tears. And recovering himself, Hastur screamed "You FOOLISH DJ!! Why would you set fire to things like mix tapes, you will burn for this, you and your side kick Bean Boy". The DJ called his side kick over, and the battle began! The DJ summoned his powers and was ready to strike, but the Cow struck him down too quick with his "wave of living turtles". The man in black took the side of the Cow and Hastur, and he pounced on Bean Boy, the great and powerful Bean Magician! "The magic is strong with this one!" exclaimed the man in black as he fell to the floor due to the bean Behemoth. The DJ got up, and sent a wave of fire towards Hastur; by now, the people in the club had left. The Cow used his self destruct power and bursted into 25 preteen mutated Samurai tortoises. The Samurai tortoises rushed upon the DJ and started hacking at his flesh, but he through them off in his hot rage. Meanwhile... Hastur began to talk with Bean Boy who took advantage of the opportunity and half drowned half skinned the poor half cat half fish-man who was and is no more the brother sister of the Cow who was now 25 preteen Samurai tortures. The DJ was still alive, but only almost. He unleashed a final blast of fire, and fell to the ground, dead. The blast of fire blew a shockwave to the nuclear bomb silo and the nuke tipped over. The bomb destroyed the whole earth. END >:(
© 2017 JesusRocks!Author's Note
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