Modern politics from a view that I can understand. Gotham City vs Star City. Greed, corruption and despair run rampant through each. Justice and hope are but a glimmer buried somewhere deep, in a Pandora's box, waiting to be unleashed. How does the greatest country on Earth, or at least use to be, become such a disaster with two different but similar cities trying to rule it. They say if you don't learn from history it will repeat itself. Rest assured, humans as a race, are some of the dumbest people to ever step foot on Earth. It's almost comedic that we want to travel to another planet and one day began a civilization when we can't even work together to make our own home better.
Gotham City is corrupt, vindictive, maniacal and power hungry. Star City is both money and power hungry, bull headed, mischievous and narcissistic. What makes one better than the other? Nothing. Unfortunately we don't have the option of not picking one. It would be much better to put, "s**t for brains one" and "s**t for brains two", into some sort of rock-em-sock-em battle royal and let the none headless leave. Debates do nothing but point fingers at wrong doings or failures and say, "you did this" "you did that", and it doesn't show any resolve to issues. We need a contender that doesn't point fingers. Someone who will say how it is (which Star City does but not always in the politest of manners) but someone who will just take care of business. A very strong "F**k It" attitude and worry less about hurt feelings and more about putting jobs in this country and bringing greatness back to what was once a power house of the world.
The hardest part to watch is American turning on American. Not only over two corrupt cities but any issue that comes to light where different views are expressed. That would be like Bruce Wayne turning on Alfred because he forgot to flush the toilet or didn't dry clean his suit right. It's a dismal issue that you're willing to shoot over. America was once glorious because we fought, not with one another, but as a collective soul to exceptional. The issues we are facing aren't the first time and they won't be the last. It's a vicious cycle because we're too dumb to learn, understand and change. America could be great, should be great, even might be great but instead we just decide to run it into shambles and ruins. Everyone wants money and power, its the American dream, but it only seems we're willing to take that dream by pushing others down instead of building together.