i laugh my dear of what you said on that tragically wonderful day, indeed i do.
i laugh my dear because of what my heart, soul, and mind have done and are doing all because of you, indeed i do.
i laugh my dear because your efforts to heal me are and will be usless because you refuse to let things be, indeed i do.
i laugh my dear all on the fact that i believed you even when i know you lied, indeed i do.
i laugh my dear on that you believe that if you wait and see everything has a chance to "be right again" even when you know your fate on the matter is already written, and is visible by everyone, indeed i do.
i laugh my dear knowing that it's all nothing but a cover on the truth and you think i can not see under it, indeed i do.
i laugh my dear because you are blind to what i have said all because you choose to be, indeed i do.
i will laugh even more my dear when you realize i've left forever, and i wasn't lying. INDEED I WILL