But it was beautiful, that single moment I will see for the rest of my life. I hadn't thought of you all day, in the dirty city. In the beautiful dirty city,we wandered, the streets but I was scared and I remember the uncertainty of my feet, which extended farther. Oh, thoughts of another were around me, and I smoked those menthol cigarettes he always seemed to hate and I remembered promises he never wanted to make. I remember him for his lies. Him him him him, he he he he. It was that one that I forced myself to see. I know how I see, and I know I was only looking past him everytime I tried. And so, so I lied. Just as he lied. but
Inside, everything was loud and everything was bigger than I was. This would be more than I knew, which was not much. I waited in the antechamber of my mind to pull out some sense, but the chemicals I imbibed seemed to take me over, when I seemed to let go.
And within the hour, I would swim.The people became waves, an ocean of all humanity. No one could stand, but I, knowing not how to fall could only stand in this torrent which would become all truths from here and forward. And no one mattered, as the man would only spend these words on me who could never hear anyway and all the man that stood in for God, he gave me two directions as to set me even, and I could go forward. I could back. Things could stay, and things could die and rot and I would become all I said that I'd never be. As a woman given to compulsion all my nerves seemed to crash as a cymbal amongst the symphony of what would come, and I may have had no mind but gravity rose up for my defense, the constellations of sense built themselves an army under my skin. They become a clearing of the whole galaxy, and though I picked a planet far, the one that shined the most. The man, he told me, that I would always have my hands, but how far the went mattered more.But in no tongue of him, and I knew me, I knew all, I knew that it was you, and only you that I could never do without.