Fake News about Medical Training TherapyA Story by SubalathansFake News launched by commercial interests say hat MTT can be owned by Intellectual Property Rights claimed by a provider. MTT is a methodology open to all you have an edcuation and therapeutig experiBasel, Switzerland, June 08, 2018 /PressReleasePing/ - When Incompetence Joins Fake News Production… …then AIRS gets red alert. This press release is launched to sensitize the worldwide community in healthcare about new practices. Recently we became aware that some fraudulent healthcare providers in Far East seem to produce fake news: tailor made for the rehabilitation sector. They state the intellectual property for to "own" MTT (Medical Training Therapy) and to be the only and exclusive possessors. We want to encourage health professionals to stay away from incompetence and "king kong marketing" by trying to impress others with fake noise. The Medical Training Therapy is a therapeutic methodology and in a comparable category like Yoga, Tai Chi, Feldenkrais and several other methodologies in rehabilitation. For every school boy - provided he enjoyed a truthful education for using his own brain - it is obvious that such therapeutic methods cannot not be "owned" due to their nature. The way of thinking behind that "MTT" can be owned is not only face losing by automatism it is a purely embarrassing incompetence. Be aware and stay away. AIRS regards fake news production in healthcare as a true crime since it may violate patients in the end. People who do such should be expelled from the healthcare market. It is not enough that they have branded themselves by such stupidity. We will observe further the developments, as we regard this to be part of our mission. airs-rehabstandards.net Press Contact: Uwe Klein AIRS Grellingerstr. 27, Basel, Switzerland 004915121208495 https://airs-rehabstandards.net/
© 2018 SubalathansReviews
1 Review Added on June 9, 2018 Last Updated on June 9, 2018 Author