25 Facts and Stats about NGOs Worldwide

25 Facts and Stats about NGOs Worldwide

A Story by Subalathans

#NGOFACTS is an ongoing online campaign that highlights important data about non-governmental organizations (NGOs), nonprofits, and charities worldwide. You can join the campaign by sharing facts and

Parana, Brasil, September 08, 2017 /PressReleasePing/ - 1. There are an estimated 10 million non-governmental organizations (NGOs) worldwide.

2. If NGOs were a country, they would have the 5th largest economy in the world.

3. Nearly one in three (31.5%) people worldwide donated to charity in 2015 and one in four (24%) volunteered.

4. The term "non-governmental organization" was created in Article 71 of the Charter of the newly formed United Nations in 1945. An NGO can be any kind of organization provided that it is independent from government influence and is not-for-profit.

5. Three out of four employees in the NGO sector are female, but the majority of leadership positions at NGOs are still predominately held by men.

6. There are more than 1.4 million NGOs in the United States that employ 11.4 million Americans.

7. Eighty-four percent of Canadians donate to non-governmental organizations with an average individual donation of $446 per year. In total, that is $10.6 billion donated to NGOs by Canadians every year.

8. There are 10,700 registered non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Mexico. 66% focus on providing access to healthcare and 27% are based in Distrito Federal.

9. The majority of salaried NGO employees in Brazil are female (62%), but they only earn 75% of the wages paid to their male colleagues.

10. With over 3.3 million non-governmental organisations, India has approximately one NGO for every 400 people.

11. There are more than 129,000 public-benefit foundations in Europe. Combined these non-governmental organisations (NGOs) give more than 53 billion euros annually.

12. The NGO sector In England and Wales is made up of 165,000 registered charities, 948,000 employees, 943,000 trustees, and 3,200,000 volunteers.

13. The Hague, Netherlands is the International City of Peace and Justice and home to 160 non-governmental organizations that employ more than 14,000 people.

14. 40% of the French population volunteers with a local association or NGO and 22% regularly donate money.

15. The Third Sector in Germany consists of more than 600,000 non-governmental organizations. 40% of the NGOs were founded after the year 2000.

16. As of 2015, there were 136,453 registered non-governmental organizations in South Africa and on average, 68 new NGOs are registered every day.

17. The NGO sector in Kenya represents more than 290,000 full-time employees and volunteers of which 80% are under the age of 24.

18. There are more than 600,000 non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Australia whose employees make up 8% of Australian workforce. However, only 60,000 of these NGOs are registered with the ACNC.

19. The number of people worldwide donating money to NGOs increased from 1.2 billion in 2011 to 1.4 billion in 2014. By 2030, the number is expected to grow to 2.5 billion.

20. The estimated value of volunteer is $23.07 per hour. Thus, the value of the 7.7 billion hours of volunteer work performed by 62.6 million Americans, or 25.4 percent of the adult population, in 2013 was $173 billion.

21. Total giving in the United States to non-governmental organizations was $358.38 billion in 2014 (about 2% of GDP) �" an increase of 7.1% from 2013.

22. 9 out 10 people in the Gulf states donate to NGOs regularly with 63% of the donations being made during the religious holidays of Ramadan and Eid.

23. 53% of Asia Pacific citizens donate to NGOs with those in Thailand (71%), Vietnam (70%), and Hong Kong (65%) giving most often. Children's health and education is the most popular cause.

24. The NGO sector in Sweden is made up of 232,000 non-governmental organizations and 58% of its employees are female.

25. Eighty percent of global citizens agree that nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) make it easy to be involved in positive social change.

by Marcio Demari/ Planeta Voluntarios
Via Agência Nacional de Noticias / ANN Brasil
Contact: Marcio Demari / 55-43-3037-1240
SOURCE: NGO Tech Report 

Press Contact:
Marcio Demari
Agência Nacional de Noticias / ANN Brasil

© 2017 Subalathans

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Added on September 8, 2017
Last Updated on September 8, 2017