Johnny Was, John Is.

Johnny Was, John Is.

A Poem by John Stussy


You see me as Johnny,

When in fact I am John.

There are differences in the two

You seem unable to comprehend.


Johnny was gullible,

Willing to trust.

He gave it automatically

And followed blindly.

A model Catholic to you,

Never questioning, narrow thinking.


John is on the wary side,

He’ll trust for a moment,

Then when the knife is drawn

He turns around, trust all gone.

Wary and friendly all at once,

He thinks for himself.


Johnny was a follower,

Didn’t have a clue

What he wanted from life.

He took what paths

Other showed him

And followed without a word.


John is his own person,

He thinks for himself

And knows what he wants.

He is not rich, nor does he want to be.

He is a poet and musician

And not a businessman in a suit.


Johnny was a boy.

John is a man.

Johnny was.

John is.


© 2008 John Stussy

Author's Note

John Stussy

My Review

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Fred, George, Tom or Jim. I dont care what your called, I know who you are. YOU are a man. A man who carries the world on his shoulders and never lets it fall...even when his is crumbling around him. YOU are strong. So strong that you stood when everyone told you you should be down on your knees. YOU are courageous. So courageous that you face your guilt every day with a head filled with pride instead of self pity. YOU are talented. So talented that you could lull a livid giant to sleep with only a few notes from your sax. But most of all

YOU...are loved.

Amazing piece John.

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


I understand. =)
Tehe, this is awsome.
I love how this is put together.
Especially the last lines.
"Johnny was a Boy.
John is a man.
Johnny was.
John is. "

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

wow, drew the line with no room for excess, I like this, it's rigid with a tinge of bitterness, and an interesting dialogue here. SWEET!

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

great write. i can definitely relate to this. as you grow older your mind starts to open up; you're not so trusting; you're quick to be skeptical. then your balls drop and your officially a man. again, great write, and i can't wait to read more...

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I really liked this one. You are so good at writing. Never let anyone tell you you're not because you're talented. :) I loved this poem!

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

You must really not like this Johnny guy


Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

The transition from child to adult is an amazing, constant, but somehow perfectly fluid one. I love the idea of this poem, and I love the execution. My one and only suggestion:

Instead of, "He is not rich, nor wants to be."
"He is not rich, nor does he want to be."

Wonderful poem. I love it.

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

really good swings from johnny to john. sculpts out a great poem of maturity overall, as well as facing ingorance from others.

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

well I hope the intended party certainly got the message - it couldn't have been any more clear. I'm proud to say I believe I've only known John... and we all have to go through Johnny to get there. It's a process that some unfortunately get stuck in. Glad to see you made it through to the other side. Chin up and pats on the back!!! You're a good MAN, John.
I totally hear your frustration in this. "hear" meaning understand in this case. I've been there. Some people don't like others to evolve...especially when it's not utterly convenient to them. It takes courage to go past the boundaries others expect from us and weild our life anew. It's times like that we find out who our real friends are. So... all is not for naught!
Excellent write about the angst of growing out of your mold!!! : )

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

real good write. love it!!!

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

great poem. i can relate to this a little bit. when i was young and immature and unquestioning, people called me "mike" or "mikey." now that i'm older and wiser and more careful, i'm "michael." michael johnson. yo.

a favorite!

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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13 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on July 22, 2008
Last Updated on July 30, 2008


John Stussy
John Stussy


Cook, writer, reader, musician. I don't bte, unless asked to or bitten first. My site's link is to some recordings of my poetry, and I might add some recordings of me playing my sax onto there too... more..

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