Ahh! I do feel for you, mine are rubbish at crit too. Don't understand my work at all, Just ignore neg crit John, philistines never get us creative types! Yes you are an adult and your family will have to understand and get used to the fact that, as you so rightly state in this fine rant of your! As a known queen of rants, I can rank you!lol you also write to help you. You are a fine young man and it is not just a matter of getting over it, time and all that rubbish, it is a matter of riding that roller coaster of grief and pain from your loss. IE expressing that pain, love, loss, pure ecstacy, love, the lot. I know that ride so well, I am sure your relatives feel it too but they are much much older and more experienced and NOT in you and your siblings situation. Poetry is poetry and censorship is useless. Well done. Keep writing. Smiling at you, Tai x
Hi John, I love that you can write and "rant". I'm sure it is helpful. It's heartbreaking to me that people give you so much material to rant about! I'm glad that you are able to express yourself and be INDIVIDUAL. Stay strong and proud. I'm proud of you for having the courage to continue. It would have been a lot easier to curl up and hide. Take care and I hope to see you soon.
Oh, I love the name sexi-mexi...It's cute...I wonder if Carrie had something to do with that?
Oh yes, family can be such a pain in the a*s sometimes. I know mine is always poking around in my life telling me all the things I'm doing wrong, telling me what I can and can't do, and I'm 35 years old for f**k's sake. It is maddening! So, I really can relate to this piece. I really liked how you emphasized "I don't believe in your f*****g god!" I'm so tired of people trying to 'save' me cuz I'm a Pagan and therefore going to hell (according to them), it gets old fast.
This is a nice lecture. I applaud you on that. The language is less than origenal than it is a bad concoction of smouldering cliches, which is what I am reading for. Language and structure. But coming from a fundamentalist household who would cut my throat if they ever read Pale Thrills to C**k a Spine I can shake hands with you there.
I know this feeling all too well. Too simple to understand the art of poetry. This poem is expressed in a sharp direct way, backing up that we have freedom to write any words of our choice. I admire that you stand your guns on this situation. Bravo!
Mmm, this is a great rant, John. Like some of the reviewers before me, I never let my parents read my work and probably will never tell them about this site. I know everything you just described in this poem would happen and it would kill me because I love what I write. I hope you feel a bit better now. :)
Haha - I don't let my kids read mine! So, there is a twist.... You write awesome stuff, sweet man.... so keep doing it... your sensitivity and insight is ageless and generally right on! I write for me too and hope that if someone enjoys it, or takes something away with them - well, that is cool - if not... you can tell me I spelled something wrong or make some suggestions but for the most part - it is mine and thanks for stopping by! I read lots of stuff that I don't comment on because everything I read is not always something I feel like I have something to add to .... but this is classic bad advice to ask you to change something that served an effective purpose for you.... keep doing what you do best here.
I learned right away that I can only show my parents the sunshiney happy stuff, so basically, they don't think I write anything lol
If you're showing them your writing, then just....don't. If they're stumbling across it somehow, then it's a "read at your own risk" situation. Writing is the best form of expressing troubled thoughts...it's not illegal, it doesn't ruin one's health, and it's less expensive than a mental health professional.
Cook, writer, reader, musician. I don't bte, unless asked to or bitten first.
My site's link is to some recordings of my poetry, and I might add some recordings of me playing my sax onto there too... more..