The Tragical Love

The Tragical Love

A Story by Leah

a story of romance, heartbreak, and untimely demise

His eyes flashed with love, and Amiela could almost see the hearts dancing within them. He took her hands in his, kissing their snowy-white surface gently with his tender lips. Marshall had never been so in love, but for some reason, Amiela knew exactly how to steal someone's heart away.

It had been a mere year and six months since they had met, but Marshall intended to spend the rest of his life with his fair maiden, and he was ready to tell her so. That evening, he meant to propose.

The ring was nothing special, just a small silver band with a diamond that one could only see while using a magnifying glass, but it was all he could afford. He knew Amiela would not mind though, because it was his love for her that mattered.

That evening, he had a wonderful Valentine's celebration planned. They would meet in the park, near the glorious fountain, and dine on fine foods. They would listen to romantic music, and they would share a sweet kiss. Then, as the stars twinkled in the night, Marshall would present his love with the ring, discreetly hidden within a teddy bear's necklace.

It was only noon, and several hours would still pass before their evening endeavors. However, Marshall was afraid he would spill his plans to Amiela, so he bid her adieu and journeyed home.

He sat in the park, and all was as it was meant to be. The table was covered with savoury delicacies, and it was shimmering under the candelight. The rose petals swam within the fountain, the music drifted off into the air, and the stars were at their brightest. The only thing missing was Amiela.

Marshall waited for a long while, and the time ticked by in a lonely manner. Finally, he called his dear Amiela, fearful that something was terribly wrong. She did not answer at first, and just as Marshall was preparing to hang up and try again, her tender voice spoke to him.

"Hello?" she said in a whisper.

"Where are you, my love? I've been waiting for an hour. Is everything okay?" he asked, deeply concerned.

"I'm not coming, Marshall," was her reply.

He almost dropped the phone; he was so flabberghasted. "Not...coming?" he asked slowly, shaking his head a little as if he had heard incorrectly.

"Listen Marshall, I've met someone...someone else."

"When did this happen?" He felt so incredibly sick to his stomach, and his heart dropped to his feet.

"A week ago. I didn't want to tell you."

"So you tell me now, on Valentine's Day?" He was so hurt, and he felt betrayed by the only person who ever mattered.

"I know how much this day meant to you, and how much trouble you've been going through to make it perfect. I didn't want to ruin anything for you."

"But Amiela, you've ruined everything. Don't you think you could have at least had the courtesy to tell me, so that then I wouldn't have to go through all this trouble for you? I mean nothing to you, is that what you're telling me?"

"Marshall, please...It's not like that," she told him softly with a tinge of sadness in her voice.

"Goodbye Amiela...forever." With that, he hung up the phone and angrily tossed it into the fountain. It sank quickly to the bottom, just like his heart.

Amiela sank to the floor and placed her head in her hands. Her body started shaking, and she could not control her tears. As far as she was concerned, her life was over, and it soon would be.

Marshall did not know how he would survive without Amiela, and although she had broken his heart, he wanted to see her more than anything. He grabbed his car keys, tucked the teddy bear beneath his arm, and clambered into his car. Whether Ameila liked it or not, he would still propose as planned, and she would be forced to love him again.

Amiela could not believe how badly she must have hurt Marshall, her one true love, and she had to speak with him and explain herself. She should not have lied to him, but the truth hurt far too much. However, this hurt just as bad, if not worse. She could not die and leave Marshall behind without letting him know that she truly did care, so she climbed into her vehicle and started the ignition.

The tears were too much for him to bare, and he could hardly see the roads, but he would keep driving to his Amiela.

Amiela was driving recklessly and she knew it, but she had to hurry to Marshall's side. She knew how he got when he was depressed, and she had to resuce him from his unpleasant woes.

Suddenly, she was blinded by a bright light, and she pulled the wheel as hard as she could, but it was too late, and the impact sent her flying off of the bridge. The other car, too, fell to its demise.

Neither driver was wearing the safety belt, therefore both were tossed like rag dolls from their cars. The two victims lay in a pool of glistening red.

When the emergency vehicles arrived on the scene, a peculiar sight was found. Not only were the two drivers laying side by side, the female curled into the man, her hand on his chest, but the blood was shaped in the most interesting design- a heart.

"Look what I found," someone called out, and a police officer walked towards the medical technician, who held out a stuffed bear.

The officer took it, examining it carefully. After a long moment, he noticed the little bear's necklace. He opened the miniscule box and saw a silvery ring inside. "Looks like someone's about to be in for heart-break, poor thing," he said in a sorrowful voice.

The technician glanced back over to the deceased pair and sighed in a disheartening manner. "I suppose I should get to work then, officer," and he walked towards the vacant bodies.

The police man nodded and followed suit. He knelt before the bodies and pulled a wallet from the man's pocket. The ID card read Marshall Delahante, and it portrayed a young man of only 23. Another examiner walked towards them with something in his hand, and it was the ID of the second victim, Miss Amiela Large, 22.

The young female driver of the ambulance looked from person to person, as if some connection had been made. "You don't think...? This is just a coincidence, right? The blood...the bodies...? This means nothing?"

But it meant everything. Amiela did not die as she had thought, from the virus, but her death did come quickly. Marshall never was able to propose to his love, but she knew how he felt, and he too, now knew. They were young, they were beautiful, and they were dead far before their time, but together, they would lie eternally in love.

© 2009 Leah

Author's Note

advanced critique appreciated

My Review

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I think this is great. Has a sense of Romeo and Juliet Aura about it but its definitely not a copycat style. I think you need to expand on Amelias virus a little because it can be taken that its one of these Resident evil type viruses or something else. I would like to know a bit more about what she suffered from. The context is brilliantly laid out though and everything else is in perfect order as far as i can see.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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for the lulz
Compartment 114
Compartment 114


1 Review
Added on February 7, 2009



Hey. You can call me Leah. I am seventeen years old and in the eleventh grade. Writing is my true passion, and I have enjoyed the hobby since I was a small child capable of handling a pencil. Please d.. more..


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A Story by Leah