The old man said indignantly
"your nobody till your dead, kid.
There is no meaning in this life
only in the next life will
you find happiness but first
you must live right and pray
to God for salvation in the
next life, humble yourself
to the clergy and to the church".
He rambled on for almost an hour.
His face was grey and spectral
with big white beard protruding
from his mouth which
hung from his old jaw-bone
which moved dutifully
and commanded the words
which leapt forth
from his tongue and
taught me how to live
He spoke of a god
and of angels and
of salvation by
believing in fairy tales
and going to church
and by depriving one
the flesh of another
until sanctified by a ceremony
and having a family
and by paying taxes
and by being patriotic.
The old man died
speaking of religion
and of salvation to me
in the bus, we all had
to get off of it
It was the end of line
for all of us.