At night without you
the dimness really frightens me.
It's dark everywhere else
but in here--the lights
not that bright
which sits on the corner
of the dresser next to
the half empty glass
of water which
you poured for yourself
grimacing at the taste
of the flouride and the
other chemicals for health
purposes but you
prefer your water
bottled and labeled
in far off lands
by Mexicans and the chinese
with tiny hands.
At night without you
my mind wanders
from point a to point b
slowly, but not surely
stopping at every
brain cell to recollect
other night's like these
with me alone sitting
here in my chair in
solitude without
clothes on my back
Exactly the way
you'd expect me to
be on a friday night
with little or nothing
to do but write and not too
wander off because If
I did I'd lose you.
But your touch
on my face is hotter
than the nights
with melissa
or with missy
or with mary.
At night without
you the dimness really frightens