![]() Chapter: 1 Worst day everA Chapter by Angel
the first day of summer for bethany was the hardest day of her life she just found out her dad was killed she has mixed feelings because her mom knew all this time and didnt tell her til now. once bethany stopped yelling at her mom about the secret she rooms up stairs and slam the door and cry her eyes out she was so hurt.then the phone ringed it was her best friend allison called hello said bethany. allison can hear the pain in her voice. whats's wrong? asked allison. i just found out my dad passed away and my mom never told me until now says bethany with more saddest in her voice. oh beth im so sorry i dont think you mom should have kept that from you after all you are family since we're talking about what's wrong tony made fun of me again says allison all at once.
what names did he call you? asked bethany. he called me a dumb bitchy blonde says allison with hate and sadness in her voice. he's such a jerk why dont you tell your mom about this? but dont cry or fight back that only shows him that he's teasing is working says bethany. ok thank you beth im glad your my friend but i gotta go says allison ok talk to you later. later that day bethany found out allison killed herself when she heard this she ran upstairs into the bathroom and closed the door and started to cry she couldn't stop stop the tears from rolling down her face honey said her mom knocking on the door at the same time go away says bethany too upset to even talk. please let me in i really want to talk to you about this begged her mom. slowly bethany opened the door rubbing her tears away with a tissue. then bethany ran into her mom so tight and not letting go. i love you says her mom. later that night bethany didn't even touch her dinner please eat your dinner beth says her mom getting a glass of water for herself. im not hungry says bethany back in a depressed low voice as she got up and went to her room and quietly cryed herself to a deep sleep. the next day the sunshine woke bethany up she got up took a big yawn and got up to brush her teeth and wash her face ten minutes later she went down stairs to see if her mom was here she was not her mom was at work but there was a note saying. Dear, Bethany sorry i had to leave for work early but i made you some breakfast which is on the stove and please drink your milk too and sorry for everything that happen yesterday i hope your day is better today Love,Mom <3 Bethany put the letter down and went over to the stove and got her eggs and toast with a glass of milk five minutes later she took a shower and put on some shorts and shirt to go outside she went outside locked the door and walked to the park when she finally got there she sat down on a bench and stared at the sky then she seen a girl walking to her with a dog on a leash when she finally got there she sat down and gave bethany a big smile and said hello hi aid bethany in a depressed voice i'm bella says the girl im bethany nice to meet you said bella holding her hand out waiting for bethany to shake it nice to meet you too said bethany smiling while shaking her hand. oh and this is max said bella patting her dog on the head.then later a big wind came in blowing bethany's long dark brown hair and bella's red hair which was kinda shorter the bethany's bethany looked at bella as her deep blue sea eyes were looking into bella's leaf green eyes. they both smile and laugh cause max was barking at the leaf's that were blowing in the sky. later that day bethany said good bye to bella and went home she seen her moms car out side she must be home early bethany said in her mind so she went in to see her mom cleaning. hey mom says bethany taking off her shoes. hello beth where were you? asked her mom putting the dishes in the dish washer. i went to the park i also met a girl there she's so nice but reminds me of allison says bethany sounding a little sad. oh honey i know you miss allison but it's time to move on and meet some other new people says her mom giving bethany a big smile and hug. when bethany's mom stopped talking to her she went up stairs and started writing in her diary saying, Dear, diary i'm still up set that my dad and best friend died but i met someone new her name is bella she also has a dog named max his a pug and super cute we talked about our life and thing's we liked i think she'll be my other best friend cause allison is still my first.
© 2012 AngelAuthor's Note
StatsAuthor![]() AngelMaplewood, MNAboutI thought i needed a hobby to keep me busy and entertained i love to cook,draw and do arts and crafts i wanna be a fashion designer when i grow up i want to start writing novels just for fun or maybe.. more..Writing