A metallic green fly, hovering, almost motionless before me.
As I see the suns light reflected, glistening off of a spiders broken web.
While the tropical sun beats down, illuminating a dance of dragonflies on the afternoon breeze.
Songs of birds fill the air, as I watch a few drops of last nights rain drip lazily off the roof.
Vanilla and rum scented smoke from my pipe, drift slowly to the heavens.
Surrounded by a God given choreography of yellow butterflies on the wind.
Jobs may be scarce here, but I am surrounded by riches!
what a great last line...and can be taken two ways..
the richness and beauty of nature and the simple things...or everywhere around me i see the rich get richer as i get more and more destitute..
but at least, either way, i have the rain on the roof and the butterflies...
i love the irony of the piece and especially of the title.
Posted 11 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
11 Years Ago
Thanks very much Jacob. But it's definitely the beauty of nature and the simple things!
11 Years Ago
glad to hear that, but what makes this such a good poem is the universality...and how the reader cou.. read moreglad to hear that, but what makes this such a good poem is the universality...and how the reader could see different visions.
Very nice. John Denver used to say he was "high on life", and so that's what these words remind me of. Simple, free things are more wondrous than any mansion or fancy car.
"I do not press my fingers across my mouth,
I keep as delicate around the bowels as around the head and heart,
Copulation is no more rank to me than death is,
I believe in the flesh and the appetites
seeing, hearing, feeling, are miracles, and each part
and tag of me is a miracle"
Walt Whitman wrote that in "Song of Myself" around 1855. I mention that because the poet world
was ashamed of Whitman's emotional outbursts. And for the perception of all the many "Lazy day
Riches" we owe a tremendous dept to Whitman, essential in himself, adding to the beauty,
convenience and effectiveness of the something else of this world.
This is a tremendous poem. Written with and out of love.
Posted 11 Years Ago
11 Years Ago
Well truth be told, other than "Oh Captain, My Captain", I've never read Whitman. So many books, suc.. read moreWell truth be told, other than "Oh Captain, My Captain", I've never read Whitman. So many books, such little time. Just the same, I suppose Im selling myself short by not doing so.Thank you for your kind review.
Beautiful imagery here! I think this poem highlights why we all need to take in the beauty of the nature around us, wherever and whatever that may be. It's wonderful!
"Jobs may be scarce here, but I am surrounded by riches! "
I agree. Sometime we need to look for the good in our life. Thank you for sharing the excellent poetry.
I thought you were going to pull a fast one by the end, I was pleasantly surprised, this is poignant, and elegantly written. Luverly thoughts here, muchly enjoy'd Mark.
what a great last line...and can be taken two ways..
the richness and beauty of nature and the simple things...or everywhere around me i see the rich get richer as i get more and more destitute..
but at least, either way, i have the rain on the roof and the butterflies...
i love the irony of the piece and especially of the title.
Posted 11 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
11 Years Ago
Thanks very much Jacob. But it's definitely the beauty of nature and the simple things!
11 Years Ago
glad to hear that, but what makes this such a good poem is the universality...and how the reader cou.. read moreglad to hear that, but what makes this such a good poem is the universality...and how the reader could see different visions.