Mary Speller Stole My Work

Mary Speller Stole My Work

A Story by S. R. Morris

By S. R. Morris


This first time someone stole my paper and tried to take credit for work I had done was probably in fourth grade. I’m not sure, but I think it was Bubba Brunswicker. When I dropped my pencil and attempted to retrieve it, he simply stole my paper and passed it off as his own. The last time it happened was just this year.


Mary Speller has become quite well known as a writer and blogger on a variety of subjects. One of the subjects she often writes about is insomnia and sleeping disorders. The problem is that she stole a writer's work. I know it is a fact because Mary Speller stole mine.


It started earlier this past summer when she posted a job on Craigslist. She wanted to hire someone to write on a variety of topics. Mary Speller said she would review and select someone based on their writing ability and give them more work and pay for their work. I selected the topic of insomnia for truck drivers.


I wrote a sample article and submitted it to Mary Speller, but I never heard back from her. Since it was an anonymous address through CL, I had no way to contact her after she removed it from CL. The title of the article I wrote was "How to Deal with Insomnia When You're a Truck Driver."


If you do a Google search with that title, you will see the number one Google posting is my article, but she had sold the article to At first I thought I was imagining it. After all, someone else could use the same title. But I clicked on the article and found Mary Speller as the author and the article was WORD-FOR-WORD my article. Nothing was changed in the 500+ word article except a sentence at the end directing readers to a website.


I decided to see if she has posted it other ways, or sold my work to others. I changed my search to "How to Deal With Insomnia if You Are a Truck Driver." It's a small change (changing from a contraction headline to one without the contraction) and I found that Mary Speller had sold my article to and she had the top posting again. I scanned down the first page and found my article again with her byline on it. This time it was sold to and it was the number seven (7) posting.


These days you hear or read about countries not playing by international rules and stealing an author's work or plagiarizing it, or selling copies of videos, books, purses, shoes--you name it. You never read about that coming from New Zealand, but Mary Speller has no qualms about stealing an author's work. She is a thief. She flat out stole my work and has the gall to put her name on it and call it hers.


I don't feel bad about calling Mary Speller a thief. In my book, that's theft of an author's work, and I don't mind letting folks know the truth. I'm wondering how many others she has scammed. My guess is that I'm not the only one. If you're a writer, and you ever responded to a writing job or Craigslist, I would advise that you check and see if one of your articles has been stolen by Mary Speller.


I will post my article here also and check it yourself. She didn't bother to change my writing, use synonyms or change it to her own thoughts. I will post MY article here they way I wrote it.


Copyright 2012 By S. R. Morris


© 2012 S. R. Morris

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Added on October 6, 2012
Last Updated on October 6, 2012


S. R. Morris
S. R. Morris

Mountain Home, ID

I am a semi-retired freelance writer and I divide my time between my kids and grandkids in Idaho, and my wife and daughter in the Philippines. I spent more than a decade as a reporter, editor and publ.. more..
