Alex in Wonderland

Alex in Wonderland

A Story by Stephanie Ashworth

I wake up screaming in terror again. I've had the same frightening nightmare for a month now. I wake up crying every single night.

"It's okay Alex. It's okay," my mother says trying to soothe me like she does every night. My mother looks a lot like me with her blonde curly hair and bright blue eyes.

"Allie, I'm starting to worry about her," my father whispers to my mother when she goes back into her room.

"She will be okay, don't worry," my mother tries to assure him.


"Alex, you are coming with me to visit grandmother," my mother tells me the next morning.

My mother and I try to visit her at least once a month. A lot of people think that she is going mad, but I don't think she is. I think she just has an overactive imagination.

Once we get to the nursing home, my grandmother welcomes me with a smile. Grandmother said that I look just like her when she was my age.

"Have you been having some nightmares lately?" grandmother asks me.

How did she know that I've been having nightmares? Mother didn't tell her.

"How did you know?" I ask curiously.

"I had nightmares when I was your age too, but I eventually got used to it though. Wonderland is actually not that scary," she says.

"Welcome to Wonderland, Alex," said a mad guy with a weird hat.

Then, when I'm about to answer back he disappears. Then, suddenly a woman with red hair and a crown with hearts around it yells "Off with her head!" Then, knights come to attack me and I start screaming, "Don't take my head! Don't take my head!"

Just thinking about my nightmare gives me the chills.

"All you have to do is find the rabbit, and follow him. That took me on many adventures when I was young," she says.

"What happens if I don't want to go to Wonderland?" I scream crying.

"Well, you don't have a choice honey, so try to make the most of it," she says.

"Alice, it's time for your nap," the nurse says walking in, interrupting us.

"Okay. Goodbye Alex, I hope you have many adventures, and remember my advice," my grandmother reminds me.


I'm having the nightmare again. The knights are attacking me. When they are attacking me, I think of my grandmother, Alice Pleasance Liddell. If she can do it, then I, Alex Pleasance Liddell can handle Wonderland. Once I have that thought, I see the rabbit and I decide to follow it. As I'm following it, it comes up to me and says "Excuse me, can you leave me alone?"

"Where are you going?" I ask politely .

"What's it to you," he says rudely.

"I've been told to follow you," I answer.

" Are you Alice's grand-daughter or something?" he asks.

"Yes, I am, and my name is Alex by the way," I say.

"Well, if you are like your grandmother, then you will never leave me alone. We are going to a party," he says.

"What kind of party? Am I dressed right for it?" I say looking at my pajamas.

"It really doesn't matter, you should see what the Mad Hatter wears," he says.

"Mad Hatter?" I say confused.

"The guy that you saw when you first entered Wonderland," he explains.

I suddenly remember him. He's really tall and has a big hat on his head. He also has a smile that is so big, that once you see it you already think that he's mad.

"Oh, I remember him," I say.

"If you think he's weird you should meet his son, Henry,"

"How does someone with the name of Mad Hatter have a son named Henry?" I ask confused.

"How am I supposed to know? I'm just a rabbit, nobody tells me things," he says harshly.

"Okay, don't need to be rude about it,"


When we finally got to the party, it looked like a big buffet. Around the table of the buffet is a lot of trees. It's forest like. It's not the kind of forest that is scary though. It has a happy feel to it. When I looked around there was the Mad Hatter, a boy next to him whom I assume is his son Henry, and then I saw my grandmother. She was talking to the Henry.

"Grandmother!" I yell waving.

"Alex, I need to talk to you about something," she says serious.

"Okay," I say.

"I'm dead now," she says.

My heart sinks. How is this? Is she really gone? I start crying.

"Don't worry sweety. You will still be able to see me, every night in Wonderland, but your mother won't. You inherited the family gene that got started in the 1800s by your great great grandmother Alice, to go to Wonderland, but your mother didn't. So it's your job to comfort her," she says seriously.


When I wake up I hear my mother crying. When I get up my mother says "Honey, sit down, I have something to tell you,"

"What?" I ask, even though I know what she is going to say.

"Your grandmother died," she says and starts crying again.

"I know mother, I saw her in my dreams," I tell her.

I can tell she is shocked, but then she says "You were in Wonderland weren't you?"

"How did you know?" I ask.

"Grandmother always talked about Wonderland. That's why people thought she was mad. So don't tell anybody about your trips there, or you will end up just like your grandmother," she explains to me seriously.

"I promise I won't," I promise sincerely.


40 years later

I'm fifty now, and my mother just died. I go to bed crying. When I finally fall asleep I'm relieved that I can tell my grandmother about her passing. Once, I get to the buffet I see my mother sitting right next to grandmother. Then and there I knew that Wonderland is where the dead go, and I have the gift of never being able to lose someone I love because I can always see them on my trips to Wonderland.

© 2012 Stephanie Ashworth

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really cool addition to the Wonderland universe. Sent here by your Aunt Karen.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Stephanie Ashworth

12 Years Ago

Well you know how I feel about this one... I think this is Brilliant !!! And I know its for a contest... but when your done the contest... expand on it... if you want... because this is really very very good !! :) xo

Posted 12 Years Ago

Stephanie Ashworth

12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

Welcome !!! :)

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2 Reviews
Added on July 6, 2012
Last Updated on July 6, 2012


Stephanie Ashworth
Stephanie Ashworth

hey!! I'm steph!! i love to read and write and i hope you like my stuff!! more..
