I think this world has come to a conclusion. There is nothing but trouble, struggle and people dying. Even those who have the power to save the world is not willing to do anything. We have the majority of the world suffering from starvation, and poor health conditioning. Our world has natural resources that is enough for everybody on it. But the rich folks are the only ones that benifet from it. Rich people, and politicans exploit poor fellow beings. There are many other issues that we are human beings are facing beyond that. But shouldn't people leave religious differences, and work together against common issues, such as global warming, helping the poor? There is nothing the world rulers are trying to do to help those in need, instead they are busy eliminating certain race ro religion. They don't see the world as we do, they see it different, they don't care what you believe. I think it is time people should understand that we all have one thing in common, and thats humanity.