![]() The EnergyA Chapter by The Doctor
We automatically scale our side of the structure, making our way to the blue, glowing sphere. Using our sonics we loosen the metal encasement, holding on together as we struggle and shift our way back down to ground level. We our feet land on the flat surface we smile and look up at each other.
"What do we do with it?" I ask. "Well it should be given to someone who can use it. But the question is who?" Eleven says. "Who could use it? It would be a shame just to toss it and forget about it." I sit and think. If it goes to the humans than either U.N.I.T or Torchwood will use it for weapon research. A planet under developed can easily have it stolen or misused on accidental terms. If we took it, could be used in an emergencies. But what would need that kind of energy? "Let's get out of her first. Get it out and us away from the angels before we make a decision like this." "Excellent plan" he smiles. I take it with both arms and run out with Eleven, companions following close behind. On our way back to the TARDIS we found hundreds of angels, all frozen in time. Defeated by their own attempt to adapt and become better. "We will rise again Doctor!" "Good luck with that. I assume that may of your angels are stuck in quantum lock, forced to look mat each other for the rest of time with no escape. This is your curse, now suffer with it," I spit out through bared teeth of anger and stress from the weight. Roger and the others continue to look around, keeping an eye on any angel that is not being looked at by another. Roger runs off ahead to clear the path and warn us of any lively angels. Before long we arrive out our TARDIS's and set the energy down, carefully, between the two. We smile triumphantly;y at each other, our companions still looking around in a frenzy. "We're fine. Most of the angel are in a quantum lock." "Which is what, exactly?" Jessica asks me. "An angel cannot look at each other, that is why their hands always cover their eyes. It is a defense to prevent accidental eye contact amongst each other." "Most of them were giving orders so many are in the quantum lock," Eleven asks. "Well than, what do we do with the energy?" Amelia Pond asks. "I'm not sure, and neither is the Tenth. We were discussing that up on the machine. Any ideas Pond?" "Why not Torchwood?" "Weaponry research." "What about the TARDIS." "This is like a watch battery compared to the TARDIS. It needs to go some where were it will be put to good use." "OH!" I smile pushing my hand through my hair, "Use it as a terra-form device. We can find a desolate planet and let it loose. Just set it all over the planet." "We can do it here than," Jessica smiles. "No, far too dangerous," the Eleventh and I say in unison. "Alright,"she puts her hands up in defense, "just trying to help is all." "Want me to take care of it?" I ask looking at the Eleventh. "I don't see why not. We should get off this rock anyways." I put my hand out and shook his, smiling. We knew we couldn't ask or say anything, with so many questions unanswered for the both of us. Yet none can be answered, we're not allowed to. "Do you still miss them?" I ask him openly. Forgetting my rules as I still hold his hand in a shake. "Yes. It is something that will never be forgotten, something that will continue to push us on. No matter our age." I smile an release his hand, nodding as we turn around and leave. I roll the energy into the TARDIS with the help of Roger and Jessica. After I get it in the door I turn and watch them leave. My future fading away from me as quick as it came. Knowing deep down I am to fade just as quickly.... Twitching back into the present I turn and close the doors, looking back down at the energy. I have no idea where to take it; I guess simply scan for an uninhabited planet. But a little work has to be done to it. I use my sonic and start to change the energy around a little, running back and forth from rooms in my TARDIS, I add items that would carry the DNA signatures of species, vegetation and so on, adding it to the core. After several hours I have it calibrated and set. I run to the controls and type in a destination, giving my companions a fruitful smile. I sprint to the console and run a scan, finding a planet in the Shadow Proclamation. Pulling the lever down the TARDIS starts up and materializes onto the surface of the planet. The screen reads high levels of radiation and other poisonous gases. Smiling I go to the doors and open them. I push the sphere out, letting it roll a few feet away. Taking my screwdriver out I point it at the sphere and press the button, setting the energy to critical. It glows brighter and brighter, letting it explode. "Watch out!" Jessica yells, running at me to grab my arm. "Oi! Relax, there is a shield around the TARDIS that extends a few meters from the door. We're fine, I promise. Now watch," I smile and point at the instantaneous evolution. Her eyes lock on as vegetation and grass spread along the surface. I tap her shoulder, having her and Roger turn back and go inside. Closing the doors I go to the console and pick another destination. The monitor blinks, indicating the TARDIS needs another small tune up. Sighing I set the TARDIS to float in space, grabbing my tools I open the floor and start to get into my wires. "What you doing?" she asks, sitting criss-crossed on the floor. "Giving her a tune up. Little problem with the firewalls and some connection error." I remove my tie and coat, digging into my work.
© 2011 The Doctor |
Added on October 13, 2011 Last Updated on October 24, 2011 Author