

A Chapter by The Doctor

I go to run after Jessica, realizing that the angels are getting closer. My hand reaches into my suit coat pocket, fumbling around to find my sonic. Latching on to it I press the button and scan for Rogers' frequency. After a few blocks I find them at a tourist building, eyes scanning the area and identify three angels above her.
I yell as I run at her, begging that I will make it before they do. My vision switching from angel to angel, suspending their movements for as long as I can. Reaching her I pull her close.
"Listen to me very carefully," my eyes still directed above upward. "We need to leave now. I will explain to you when we return to the TARDIS but we need to run. And I mean run."
Taking her hand I run, dragging her behind me as we rush back to the TARDIS in a dead run. Roger keeping up next to us. Once the TARDIS is a few meters from us I snap my fingers and the doors open, allowing Jessica and Roger to enter. I slam the doors closed and look at Jessica.
"Listen to me and listen well. There is a protocol set up in the TARDIS. Key words you need to know"
"Just remember that. For what is going on," I take my coat off and toss it on the tan column. "There are stone creatures called Weeping Angels. They are very strong and fast."
"But they are stone."
"I know. And that is what makes them dangerous. They can not move if you're looking as the. It's like a defense mechanism for them- move without you looking. They been around, so it has been said, since the start of the universe."
"Why are they so dangerous?"
"They are the only psychopaths in  the universe to kill you nicely. They simply kill you by prolonging your life. One tap and you're sent some where into the past. Just a random time and place, it's like closing your eyes and throwing a ball. You have no idea what is going to happen."
Jessica looks at me in wonder.
"Doesn't sound scary."
"Doesn't sound scary?"
I get real close to her face and talk in  a low soft tone, "Does it sound not scary if your sent into a factory where a machine happens to be? Or end up at the bottom of the ocean?" I step back, "Sure there are not as dramatic occurrences. But you still need to fear them. They need to be feared. You don't fear them than you.. I'm  not sure. But fear them or else lose everything and be stuck alone."
She bows her head, "I'm sorry..."
I bring her into a hug and hold her, "I know. And it's not your fault. I get a little ahead of myself."
As I say that the TARDIS is moved, sounding like a vehicle of some kind ram the side.  We pick our selves up and brush off, walking to the doors with a bit of anger I open the doors and yell, "OI!" I blink and I'm looking at a red head and a man, both gaping at me.
"What the..."
I stop and stand up straight, looking around at a TARDIS. Not my TARDIS.... at least I don't think so....
"Who are you?' The girl asks.
"I'm The Doctor..." My mouth slightly open as I continue and look around. "This is all new. Oh! This cant be good for my time line. Already know too much just being here. Looks great though... Look at you sexy... Whole new remodel... You look amazing..."
"Oi! Space man! Explain where The Doctor went,' her voice sharp and demanding.
"Listen here, I'm not sure what happened- well I do but that's besides the point. I'd like the same respect that you give me thank you very much. I've earned it just as much."
"Okay fine, what happened?"
"Where was I before I appeared?"
"Outside. Said you'd be right back in that worried, quirky manner of yours."
"Quirky? OH!" I run my hands into my hair, "I seen you just today! That was me! I have the hair of an idiot! And what's with the bow tie?" I ask as I put my hand sin my pocket.
"We've asked the same thing and his answer is, 'Bow ties are cool,' " the man said.
"Yeah sounds like me. So- I am to assume he is in my place, and mine in his... Technically I am in my own place... But that's a totally different mind set. So I need to find a way to get us back. My first question is why did the angels switch us? What is the purpose? Disorientation? Skew my time line? Must be a reason..."
I walk and talk around the console, looking the controls over to see what has changed since last time. Smiling I find everything to be in place, I set some coordinates and pull the lever down. I sense a softer groan and smoother ride.
"Well sexy, you have out done yourself... Really have..." I stroke the console as she works to our destination.
"Where are we going?" The man asks.
"The planet of the Weeping Angels."
"We're just going to knock on the front door?"
"Why not? Always worked with me before. Just don't expect me to have a followed up plan. I take it as it comes to me.
"So tell me your names."
"Amilea Pond."
"Pond. Excellent last name. Back home I had a garden we called Pond Garden. Was the east garden, very beautiful place...."
Ameilea looks at me with pity and sadness. Wanting to know what it is I think about.
"Anyways. Allons-y!"
I turn and walk out of the TARDIS and stop, looking around at the open, stone landscape.
"Where are we?" Pond asks.
"Not sure. Never been here just know about it. But I assume that large stone structure is the place to be," I turn and smile at her and lead the way.
I hope this is a good idea, the more I move on the less sure I feel.

© 2011 The Doctor

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OMG AMY AND RORYYYY!!!!! *cough 11 doesnt look like an idiot cough*
thats a way good idea

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on September 14, 2011
Last Updated on September 15, 2011


The Doctor
The Doctor

ask away and i'll tell. more..

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by The Doctor

Chapter 2 Chapter 2

A Chapter by The Doctor

Chapter 3 Chapter 3

A Chapter by The Doctor