![]() The Stolen TARDISA Chapter by The Doctor
I stare at the screen in wonder and disappointment, for I cannot go and walk around and see the wonders of this planet. INstead I have to sit around in the dark and find a way to make contact with the TARDIS and Jessica. Not that it's a bad thing I just can't do it out in the open.
Looking around I find an abandoned building to hide myself in. Going up stairs I find a stash of electronics and a bed. This isn't turing out to be too bad of a situation. I sit on the bed with a sigh. I mean, how did I allow her to take it? Am I that old and stupid? Maybe I'm too old for this stuff... Saving humanity and all... But what if I stop? What if I allow them to just deal with it themselves? But I can't... I can't leave them like this. Besides, what would I do with my life? A noise pulls my attention back to reality, standing I pull out my sonic and point it in the direction of the pile of junk. Out from behind steps a German Shepherd, hair kinda ragged with noticeable dirt spots. I put the sonic away and call the dog over with my hand, having him sit down in front of me. "You could use a bath. And some food too. Let's see what we can do for you." We get up and walk out of the building, heading to a pizza joint. I order us a large pizza and water for the two of us. I walk to an ATM and use the sonic to get some cash to pay for our meal. When we were given our food we went back to our living area. I tore the top of the box off and hand him a piece on the box, finding a stainless bowl I clean it out as best as I can and give him some water. "I wonder if I could make you talk. A talking dog... I'm not sure how smart you'd be." At that comment the dog looked up at me and gave a whimper like I insulted him. "Well fine than. We'll eat and I'll see what I can do okay?" He smiles and goes back to his food. On my third piece I get up and walk over to the pile and shift it around with my feet, revealing a voice recorder and some cloth. I look at him and smile, picking up the items I put them on the bed and find a tool box. That gets placed next to he bed. I plant myself and open the voice recorder and check the batteries with the sonic, finding positive results. I take off the dog's collar, get up and walk back to the pile to grab a small DVD player. Opening it I take out the wires and seperate them from each other, and start to attach them to the collar, connecting them to the voice recorder. After a while I have a working voice creator. "You ready for this?" He gets up and walks over to me bowing his head. I put the collar on slowly. "You're going to feel a little tingle, it will not harm you or cause pain. Just tingle which will fade." He looks up and smiles. "This feels great," the voice high pitch. I chuckle and point the sonic to change the voice. "There, now you'll sound like Jack." "Which is who?" "A good friend of mine. He's in a lot of trouble right now, along with another me... And Martha... And her family.." "You're in trouble?" "Well yes. Right now I'm in my own time line. WHich gets pretty complicated." "I guess." "So what is your name? I'm The Doctor." "I've been named Roger. A man found me, lost me and didn't look for me. So I went out on my own. Now I found you." "Excellent. Well Roger, I think we have a friendship in place." We shake hand and paw and eat some more. My mind tinkering away at ways to get the TARDIS back. Eyes locked on the pile of junk. "What if I make a calling platform, big enough to lock on to the TARDIS and bring it back to me... I can give it a signature to follow from my key... But I need power... TORCHWOOD!" I stand up, eyes and smile wide with realization. "Use the rift column in Torchwood to power the device. No one is there and I can sneak in. HA!" I run over to the pile and grab a larger DVD player and bring it to a washing machine. Using the hack saw from the tool box I cut off one side. Setting it on the floor I solder wires all around the plate, directing them to the middle and connecting to a motor rotor, inside is a cut off bulb that will act as a beacon. Once I finish I stand back and smile. "What do you think?" "You're a madman." "Soon to be with my blue box." I put my coats back on, pick up my platform and run out with Roger next to me. After the three mile trek we enter the bowls of Torchwood in Cardiff. I look around at the vast basement area and find the column in the middle. "Do me a favor Jack and don't touch anything." "Roger, and can do." He sits down and watches me connect the device. Once it's done I take the key and put it in the bolt lock and stand back. Standing next to Roger I point my sonic at the device and activate it. The TARDIS whine fills the air and starts to appear. Feeling the anger grow inside me, I wait for it to fully appear. The sonic goes down and I just look at the doors. Waiting to enter. I snap my fingers and the doors fly open, the Nightmare Child standing in front of the console. "You took my TARDIS. You took my companion. And you threw me into the vortex, which didn't feel good by the way. So the least to say you have really upset me. Maybe even pissed me off. So here is what I am going to do." I walk forward and step inside, standing in front of her. "Well I'd like to kill you. And feel that power again. But I wont." My eyes grow soft and I pull her into a hug. A hand resting on the back of her head as I close my eyes. A pain hits me in my burn spots, twisting and pulling at them. I lean back and find her hand inside me, twisting and moving. "Your compassion is sickening. You're known as the On Coming Storm to the Daleks. You are feared throughout the universe. It makes me wonder how you got such a high reputation if this is what you give to them," her voice high with anger and venom. "It's because I'm a man of no second chances." I hit the sonic again and watch her get pulled into the floor of the TARDIS. Being imprisoned to the sphere below the bulb. I fall to my knees, Roger catches me before I fall down face first. "You okay?" "No. I will be though. Go find Jessica for me. I think she is in the second corridor in the bedrooms. Just let her out." "Okay Doctor." He leans me on the railings and trots off, my hand on my chest and my head tipped back. I'm too old for this. © 2011 The DoctorReviews
3 Reviews Added on August 22, 2011 Last Updated on August 24, 2011 Author