The Doctor and The TARDIS

The Doctor and The TARDIS

A Chapter by The Doctor

"Yes I know it is. But you didn't answer my question, why hide in a wooden box?"
"It was away from the explosion- human instincts," she says like it's a common excuse.
"Alright. Well since you're here," my voice turns soft and inviting, "want to go for a ride?"
"A ride? To where?"
"Well you are in my TARDIS- T-A-R-D-I-S, Time And Relative Dimensions In Space. It's my ship."
"Ship? Like spaceship?"
"Yes. And time machine. Could go anywhere you want. Visit the Eagle Galaxy, or the Medusa Cascade. Or we can see the very first Olympics," I start tapping buttons on the console.
I look up and see complete confusion and astonishment on her face. Overwhelmed by the possibilities of what I've said.
"Here, I'll surprise you."
I throw the switch,a thud rings out as the TARDIS engages for transportation, groaning and grinding as she moves through the fabrics of time and space. Her groaning slows down and another thud rings again. I stand up straight and lean against the railing.
"Go look outside."
"But we haven't moved."
"Says you. Go have a look."
She looks at me suspiciously as she turns and opens the door. She slams them close and leans on them. After a few moments she opens them slightly and stares outside again to only slam them close. I sit and smile, hands in my pockets as I watch this new reaction take hold in my TARDIS.
"There's....there's a field... We've moved..."
"And what did I tell you? We moved."
"We moved."
"Does everyone ignore me? It's like I'm not even here," I mutter to myself.
She runs to me and gets a few centimeters from my face.
"How did we move?"
"And there we go again. Ignoring and things. Drives me up a damn wall."
I move around her and walk out the TARDIS doors. I sniff the air and analyze the atmosphere.
"The Eagle Nebula, I'm guessing one of the jungle planets.... Yenuman to be precise. Maybe some rain later. And by the looks of it, there is a village not too far away." I poke my head back in, "Let's visit the neighbors."
She grabs my arm before I get a foot out of the door.
"We can't go out there."
"Of course we can."
"It's not safe."
"Again, says you. Now trust me, I'm The Doctor."
I grab my brown trench coat from the coat rack and disappear out the door, heading in the general direction of the village. Turning back I see her coming along at a hesitated jog. I face forward and smile to myself as I continue on. She comes up besides me and gives me a look of irritation before looking forward again. I smile to myself as I keep my hands in my pockets and continue down into the green valley.
       "So this is all real than? You haven't drugged me or anything?"
       "No!" I say in a loud and absurd tone. "I maybe a madman with a blue box but I'm not a nutter."
       "Well who and what are you?"
       "Well I'm The Doctor, last of the Time Lords," I say proudly. But a flood of grief fills me and memories return..."The very last one..."
      She looks at me solemnly and waits for me to continue.
      "I travel on my own. Going here and there, not having a clue on what to do," I say in a happier tone.
      "Because there usually is no one else. I get use to the loneliness and the quiet. Sometimes I really enjoy it. Brings me to paece and I don't always have to watch someone."
       "What happened to your people?"
       I look down at the ground before speaking.
      "I killed them... My family and my children... The Time Lords in power wanted to become a higher power, become more than physical forms. And I couldn't allow it. The Time Lords were not meant for that kind of power or control. I mean we practically owned the universe as it was, but some just wanted more..."
      "Well do you feel you did the right thing?"
      "Would you if you killed your spouse and children?"
      She fell silent as we walked on.
     "By the way, what is your name?" I ask as if it became the most important thing.
     "Jessica Saint George."
     "Well Jessica Saint George, welcome to Yenuman."
     We come to an opening that sets the village in view. Green and blue people walking along the dirt streets, carrying natural herbs and food.
     "Are they real?"
     "Of course. The royal blue ones are the men and the emerald green ones are the women."
    Jessica looks at them in astonishment, trying to comes to terms about their existence. I smile and move on into the crowd. I reach out and greet people, shaking their hands. One man recognizes me and wraps me in a hug, picking me up off the ground. I chuckle as I give an attempt to hug the six foot tall man back.
     "Doctor it is so good to see you again! I made it just out of the Time War before someone ended it! Did you see?"
      "It was me Vernatain... The Time Lords wanted to be more than what they were..."
      He looks down at me with sadness.
      "I am sorry Doctor for your loss... But you did the right thing... Someones had to do it and I don't think anyone could have done it. And I'm glad it was you... I wouldn't have wanted anyone else..." he rest his hand on my shoulder.
     "Thank you. But on a lighter note!" I pull a smile to my face as I suppress my thoughts and memories. "This is my newest companion, Jessica Saint George. This is her first time taking it all in so give her a break."
      "How can we understand them?" She whispers to me.
      "The TARDIS has a telepathic field that translates everything for you. So they can understand you and you can understand them. Now be nice and greet the man."
     She walks forward reluctantly and shake his hand.
     "Good to meet you Jessica Saint George. Welcome to Yenumen. It's  a pleasure to have the Doctor and his human companion visit."
      She gives a light smile and walks back next to me.
      "Well Doctor, night is falling and we have creatures here. Creatures of the Nightmare Child."
       My eyes widen, fear fills my gut and everything seems to have come to an end...

© 2013 The Doctor

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I like how you write but I think you need to slow things down a bit with the whole I'm a timelord and then all the explanation from there forward. Otherwise pretty good job

Posted 10 Years Ago

Now trust me, I'm The Doctor." classic line

"What happened to your people?" hmm normally they don't jump in that fast

sooo which dr are you? it hasn't really said.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Yay for madmen with boxes! I'm an insane lady with a box and a time lord, does that make ME a nutter?

Anywho, brilliant chapter. I loved every minute of it. I am now CONVINCED that you are secretly David Tennant. Reading on~

Posted 13 Years Ago

"Now trust me, I'm The Doctor."
"I maybe a madman with a blue box but I'm not a nutter."

Great chapter again. Keep going

Posted 13 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on June 3, 2011
Last Updated on March 3, 2013


The Doctor
The Doctor

ask away and i'll tell. more..

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by The Doctor

Chapter 2 Chapter 2

A Chapter by The Doctor

Chapter 3 Chapter 3

A Chapter by The Doctor