![]() It's Bigger on the Inside...A Chapter by The Doctor
I peer around the corner, looking for anyone coming. I detach from the wall and walk down the left corridor, looking behind me periodically for any unwanted guests. As I continue I look at the blank battleship gray doors until I find one labeled EMPLOYEES ONLY.
"My favorite sign." I take my sonic screwdriver from my inner coat pocket of my suit coat, I hold the long silver section and place the tip of the sonic to the key hold, the blue bulb set in the silver socket and press the button on the shaft. The bulb lights up with a resonating, electronic buzzing sound. After a handful of seconds, the door clicks open. I look both ways again and enter, closing and locking the door behind me. Inside I'm met with large factory racks, all containing Cybermen. Standing tall and inanimate. Lifeless and cold. All of them awaiting...awaiting what? I run up to one and scan it with the sonic. All empty. So all that is needed is a human core. What are they planning? Another invasion? I look down the end of my aisle and find the electrical box. So I run over and open the box, finding labels to rooms and sectors all over the factory. A smile appears on my face, looks like we're going to have an easy sabotage. Looking around again, I find some petrol cans at my feet and formulate an instant plan. The top is popped and I begin to dump petrol on the concrete, making a trail from the the box to under all the shelves down the 30 some aisles. After I empty the third petrol can, I hear the clank of metal feet and the his of pistons in action. I pull my screwdriver out and turn to face the direction from which I hear their advance. "Files confirm that you are the Doctor," the cold, monotone electronic voice states. "You really need new greetings. I mean how many times have we met? Places and different eras? And you still say the same thing over and over again. It gets very annoying," I put my hands in my pockets and walk forward, stopping a few centimeters before his metal face. "Cybermen have no need for greeting." "Yeah, yeah, so you continue to tell me. But I have a question, well it's many in one- who gives your operation orders? Or is it simply in your initial programming? Because you lot seem to keep going and going. Never seem to stop spreading." "John Lumick provided operation programs." "And what do they state?" "All humans will receive an upgrade. All that are incompatible will be deleted." "So it's still the forced upgrade," I shift my jaw and turn on my heel, walking away from the ten or so Cybermen. "that means I'm going to have to stop you- again." "The Doctor has no means of violence. No weapon." "That's right. And that's the way I like it," I point the screwdriver at the box and cause sparks to fly. In the flash of the electricity, I duck and run past the blinded Cybermen. I sprint out and back down the hallway I came, headed to my TARDIS. Going up two flights of stairs and through the first floor office cubicles, on my way through I pull the fire alarm. "EVERYONE OUT! NOW!" I yell and rush out with the horde of panicked personnel. I turn away from the mob and go around the corner of the exploding building. While I'm looking back I don't notice someone running at me. Before I could compute what happened, my eyes were staring at the sky and I lay flat on my back. My head and back throb in the sudden reaction with the ground. I sit up and look at the brunette women rubbing her head in a sit up potion, arm behind her at an angle to hold her up. "Watch where the bloody hell you're going! You're-" She stops her rant and stares at me, a her face flushing red. "Oh, I'm so sorry." "For what? I ran into you. And I'm sorry." I stand up and then offer my hand, she takes it and I pull her to her feet. "But I really must be going," I raise my eye brows to emphasis that I must be going, turn around and run into the TARDIS. I walk up the ramp and to the console. The screen blinks and warns of the explosion.
"Yes, yes I know all about it. I caused it." I pressed some buttons and walked around the console, preparing to leave. As I walk around to face the door. I look up over the console and see the women I bumped into standing on the ramp, head tilted up and rotating around. "Oi! What the hell you doing in here?" She continues to look around in awe, her arm rises limply and points to the door. "Wanted to escape the explosion..." Her eyes still wide, looking at the interior. "Well first off, if this wasn't what it was, why go into a wooden box?" No answer. I sigh and walk over. "It's bigger on the inside..." her eyes lock with me in astonishment. © 2013 The DoctorReviews
3 Reviews Added on May 26, 2011 Last Updated on March 3, 2013 Author