![]() Chapter Fourteen- Just Kidding.. A Little...A Chapter by The Doctor
26 September 2010
I lay in bed just staring up at the ceiling. Have been since my alarm went off. I don't know what to do. I feel like s**t and... Depressed... Something I've never felt after a kill... Never. NO matter who it was or for what reason they killed I never felt this way... "It's called remorse and regret Jack," Edward put in solemnly. "Why would it feel like like this? She is no different than anyone else I've killed." "You've never killed anyone you've had an intimate relationship with." "Then why did you let me!" "I didn't," he said from the door way. "What do you mean?" I look up at him. "You wanted to ignore me and not heed what I had to say. So your whole killing experience, it's called a mind trick. I needed to shock you back to reality." I leap out of bed and grab his throat, slamming him into the wall. My hand shakes as I squeeze. "Well you have my f*****g attention," I said through clenched teeth. Edward simply smiled behind his bright red face, I could even feel a chuckle breaching through his windpipe. I let go and walk to my closet, I lean into the door way and close my eyes.. I can't keep doing this with him. The constant mind games and the torment... "But yet I'm still here," I sense the smile resting on his content features. "Shut up." Guess it's time for a jog. Hopefully I can drown some things out for a bit. Later That Morning I fix my tie in the mirror, debating on how to move forward, seeing how I haven't killed Amber. "Act like nothing has happened." "Says the guy who doesn't have to confront her." I contemplate for a few more moments. Before I know it, my keys are in my hand and I'm exiting my house. I'll just go in for a coffee... Then what? "Just go along with whatever happens." I get in the BMW and toss my cell onto the passenger seat, start the car and head to Starbucks. Once I arrive, I find a parking space in front of the entrance. For a few moments I stare at he through the windows between us, a hazy film over my vision. Making Amber seem further away than she truly is, several paces... What do I say... Edward made it seem liked I killed her... So it's like talking to a dead women... F**k it. I get out of the car with my cell, putting both my keys and cell into my suit pants pocket as I close the door. An exiting customer holds the door open, I say thank you and proceed to the counter. Amber, bright eyed and bushy tailed, smiles and walks over to the counter, resting her chin in the palm of her hand, elbow supporting her on the counter. "Hello sweety. Same as usual?" "Please," I smile back, keeping my tone even as possible. She winks and goes to the back to whip up my black coffee. She returns, takes my money and looks at me again. "You mind if we visit tonight? I want to tell you something." I pull the cup from my lips as i swallow the hot liquid. "You know, I was hoping for the same thing." "Good. So eight o'clock sound good?" "You know my place. I'll be home," I give her a teasing smile and walk out. So this will be easier than I thought. So I have time on my hands. I go back home and call out from work. I make a quick clean of the place with some In This Moment playing as I skip from room to room. Picking up small, things here and there and readjusting furniture and inanimate objects. Once satisfied, I turn on my Mac laptop and decide to do some research. Before I completely settle in I make a pot of coffee and place a full mug next to me. With my suit coat off and sleeves rolled up, I'm ready for business. Problem is, what kind of project do I want? "Could kill Amber." "F**k off!" I snap. Edward responds with a low laugh, just enough for me to hear. Where to begin... FBI data base. I open a window and hack into their data base. Opened up to John's research and report logs to find someone new. Searching through the files I find very little, several closed cold case, filed and directed by John. I kinda smile to myself; all this is due to me. Pages and pages with cold cases... All mine...
Finally I find one. Small timer who kills who ever he gets his hands on, strangles and leaves them somewhere public. From the looks of the marks they use latex or rubber gloves. The strangler does their deed in moments of extreme anger of frustration, indicated by the reports of broken bones in the neck and broken windpipe. Reports also show that the victims were sat on, shown again by the face color and cracked ribs and lower vertebrae. A knock on the door causes me to jump out of my research. I close the page and get up to answer the door, mug in my left hand. I glance at my watch and smile. "Evening," I smile as I hold the door open for Amber. She comes in, eyes down at the floor. "I want to tell you something..." She says quietly. "Okay," I look at her as I take a sip of coffee. "I know who you are..." I choke on my coffee and spit it out. It's the end of the world as we know it. © 2011 The Doctor |
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Added on April 27, 2011Last Updated on May 5, 2011 Author