![]() Chapetr Nine- EdwardA Chapter by The Doctor
19 September 2010
I sit on my couch, hands on the back of my head down. Trying to figure out what could have happened. I remember going in....leaving with the fragment of glove....out in the car....then nothing. "That's because you can't remember. And you probably wont." "What happened?" "I told you, I took care of the guard." "But how? You're only a voice, nothing more than that. Just something that came into being. how the f**k did you kill him!" "I took over. I simply blocked you and took over. I just wanted it and it happened." "You can't be doing that! It's not our deal." "To put it to you plainly Jack. You're f*****g weak. You kill the ones who deserve it," he said mockingly. "You wont take what you want. You wont kill to fulfill your hunger. You wait and kill, you hide who you are. You subdue what you truly are. You wanted to be a f*****g tamed animal and i don't. I want to kill at will- kill who i want when i see them. Not doing all the damn research and listen to your damn brother babble for f*****g hours on end. I want to kill how I want, not how you want." I sit in silence and think carefully. Blocking them by will from Edward. "You b*****d!" He snapped. "I can play just as well." Suddenly I get the strange feeling someone is in my house home watching me...I look up and there is Edward...standing in a gray suit, thin gray tie and white dress shirt. Brown hair, dark eyes, smooth face and prominent jaw and cheek bones. He smiles a thin, curve, showing much amusement. "Think you have schizophrenia now?" I fall back into the couch, mouth open and mind reeling....I'm hallucinating....A step further into the complicated mental disease... I blink and he appears a few inches from my face, an angry scowl in replace of the amused smile, "I'll f**k up your world and make you suffer beyond your imagination. And I will," he backs up, the smile returning. I still sit there speechless...What the f**k happened to me.... "You have been tired, mind has been slowing decreasing in controlling me. So i just slipped through. As i said, you're weak and I'm stronger." Time to find some meds. "NO! You will not! I refuse to submit back into your f*****g mind!" "Oh you will go. And I will continue to kill killers, not innocent." He materialized before my eyes. Silence. Time to work fast. But wait....where is the glove! I get up and run into my room, checking my suit from last night, but no glove. Then I went to my car, nothing again. Where the f**k is it! "Calm down. I tossed it into the dumpster at the hospital. No one show me do it." I hope he's right. The Hospital I walk through the main doors and up to my office. My suit coat is rested on the back of the door as I go to my desk. Picking up my phone I call up one of the psycho therapist. He knocks on the door before poking his head in, Edward standing in front of him, leaning his face in to examine his bird like features- thin long nose, bald, small eyes, soft, leather like skin. Head even looks small. "He looks like a bobble head bird," he laughs. "Come in doctor," I smile as i get up to usher him in. Taking a look at his thin frame i feel afraid to touch him because of how fragile he could be. "Have a seat Dr. Krygiel." He takes a seat in front of my desk, slowly easing himself into the leather seat. "How can I be of help Dr. Style?" I take my seat before speaking,"You have had some experiences with schizophrenic patients correct?" "Really Jack?" Edward asks with a hint of disbelief. "Yes I have." "Can you perhaps give me a little info on it. I have a friend who I worry a little about." "Sure thing doctor. Well there are no set symptoms of the disease. The most common reports are voices being heard that no one else can hear. They tend to stay away from others and dislocate them,selves from social life. They find that there is really no want to do daily chores or they feel overwhelmed from such little work." "Okay. How about multiple personalities?" "An alternate personality is created usually in childhood, in which the personality takes control during a moment of crisis. The host, as I say, has no control when the alternate takes over. In the progression of life, they can begin to come out more and more, even when there is no crisis." I lean back in my chair. "Does this come along wit hallucinations?" "Sometimes. It gets complicated with most of the mental illnesses. You sure everything is alright Jack?" I look at Edward standing by the door, a flat mouth and dark eyes. "Can you keep a secret for me? This is very important that it goes no further than you or me doctor. Can you promise that?" He shifted in his chair a moment,"Sure." "I'm hearing a voice and seeing someone. I have for most of my life and I have no idea why. I can't remember anything that could have caused them." He looks at me a moment before speaking. Debating on what to say. "The visual appearance of the voice occurred this morning. Could the visual effects have been a product of stress." He sits in silence. "In my honest opinion, I think you should be admitted. I'd have to run test and so on. But this is something you need to go to professionals for." I place my elbows on the desk and put my face in my hands. "And even with their help I'm not going anywhere. I'm going to be right here. Forever and for always Jackie." "Thank you Dr. Krygiel. I will think it over and find a solution." He stood up slowly, i helped him to the door and watched him leave. I close the door and put my back against it, sliding down to the floor. Edward stands in front of me. "There is nothing you can do but simply deal with me. It's all you can do." Maybe he's right....maybe I should just adapt...after all I am a serial killer... © 2011 The DoctorReviews
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Added on April 4, 2011Last Updated on July 8, 2011 Author