![]() Chapter One- The System of KillingA Chapter by The Doctor![]() This was the first one that was up, but I've decided to create a book out of Jack. Hope you all like it. Let me know what can be added or if you have any ideas.![]()
13 September 2010
The air drifted in through my window and the sun roof. Cool and crisp, sending the hairs on my neck and arms on end. Sky is clear and bright, stars twinkle around the moon, making it seem even larger and more important. Than again it makes all the stars seem less important. But I have better plans than debating the significance of the stars and moon. There is a man, Mr. Alto, has been killing nurses left and right. Slowly improving his M.O., becoming more and more bold to kill more frequently. I have been following, or should I say we, for several years since he first began. Each time he becomes more efficient with his deed, from killing to leaving little to nothing behind. Kinda makes us happy inside, knowing people like us continue to improve and become better predators, but at the same time it pisses us off that the innocent have to become their prey. So we have taken it into our own hands to rid the world of such predators, using our disease for some demented idea of good out of our evil. Authority would call serial killers with the delusion of vigilantism, but we like to call it picking up the slack. My BMW comes to a slow crawl with its eyes closed, careful not to scare off our prey. The house loomed with only one light on, which if memory serves us, is the study. Full of books and a desk piled with papers, chairs that are barely used by him. I even believe the books are fake, but that's our opinion. Mr. Alto is into the classical profession, everything from old arts to old music. He restores paintings and conducts classical music for a variety of institutions. I still can't see how he gets so much money. Reaching into the back i pull out our black leather bag, containing our black leather gloves, bundle of wire ties and our black, blade Ka-Bar. There is also five wire ties and our lock pick set. But we also wear something special, a full plain, white, male's masquerade mask. It is to add a little more fear to our victims, making them feel less in power and more able to play into our hands in some cases. For distraction and summoning purposes, we have a CD player containing a Puddle of Mudd album. The song we chose to use is Psycho, song that makes us smile at its irony. I open the pick case and pull out two thin pieces of metal, each having a rectangular nitch out of them. I slide the gloves on and exit the car with the bag in hand. As i make our way to the door I look around, making sure no one can see my deed. I reach the door and set my bag down, pulling out the picks I slide them into the keys slot, jimmying the tumblers to unlock the door. It swings open silently, making smile at the fact I'm still unnoticed by my victim. Entering with my bag and CD player, I close the door, setting my bag on the inside of the door. I walk to the living room and set the player up in the middle of the room, i set the volume all the way up, select the song and and press play. I move back to the shadows, putting on my white, full faced masquerade mask. This adds to the rise of fear in our victims, keeps them vulnerable and scared. It's also to have that feel of power, knowing I control the situation. Alto comes down the stairs in a frantic, hands covering his ears to blot out the noise. With his back toward me I step forward and put him in a sleeper hold. He slams his elbow into my ribs, sending me to one one, but i still don't let go. I pull tighter, another elbow comes back into my ribs, this time I'm caused to lean forward. "That's enough!" I punch him in the kidney and close my arm around his throat, he shakes for a few seconds before finally passing out. I sit on the floor and take a breather. "F**k head." When I catch my breath I bring him into the kitchen and put him into a chair. It's a tall backed kitchen chair, top reaches over his head. I go to the door and grab my bag, I take out five ties. One goes around his throat and the chair, pinning him to the chair. For good measure i tie his wrists to the arm rest and ankles to the legs of the chair. After I finish I take a seat in one of the chairs and look at my work. David Alto is about five feet, six inches, brown hair with hazel eyes that carry the look of a killer, one no one can notice unless you're alike. He has a beer gut and flab any where it can be, evidence of a love for rich food. Practically disgusts me on how this man eats and lives- sure it looks clean but he continues to fatten himself with lies and carbs. While Alto slept I searched his entire home for his trophies, which were locks of hair. About an inch by inch patch of hair was taken off each victim, all the nurses were brunettes with emerald like eyes. An obsession I will find the root of, perhaps some weird thing to do with his mother. My eyes scan the walls of the study, looking for anything out of place of a normal study...And i find it. A metal lip peeking out from behind a tall filing cabinet. I pull it out, revealing a wall safe- so cliche. For some reason there is key slot for this safe; man gets weirder and weirder. I pick it it open and find all twenty patches of hair, each in their own little baggies, labeled even. Stupid thing to do my friend, stupid thing to do. Baggies in hand, we go down stairs and arrange them in chronological order on the kitchen table. Setting up an atmosphere for repentance, explaination for all his wrongs. We want to hear him beg for his mercy. As I finish setting the last bag of hair, Alto jumps awake with a yell, chair sliding on the floor. "Well, I'm very thrilled you could join us Mr. Alto. Because i wouldn't want you to miss this wonderful event we planned just for you. But first, does anything look familiar?" He looks around in a frantic, noticing the wire ties holding him in place to the chair. Vulnerable for any attack. "This is sick!" he snaps. I jumped up and materialized an inch from his nose. "This is sick!? THIS IS SICK!? What gives you the arrogance to say such a thing!? You're the f*****g sicko who does this! You're sick! So you only have you to be criticizing for the predicament you are in. This is your creation, your moments you have created over a dozen times. Over and over again without remorse." I rebut, voice tight with anger. "So what are you going to do....?" His voice, now, small and scared. "First I'm going to make you purge your reason for continuous sin on mankind." "And if i don't?" Fear present in the question. "I"ll make you beg for death," I answer, moving in slightly closer to his face. Alto swallowed hard. "Not so much fun when it is you is it Mr. Alto? Put into the state of vulnerability. Unable to move," I step back, opening my tan suit coat, "Knowing you're going to die at any minute, in someone else's hands. Wanting to piss yourself with fear," I looking down at his crotch,"Seems you already have. So now that you have soiled your soul and body, tell me the reason for your killing." I return to my seat, placing my suit coat on the back of the chair, my vest keeping my tie against my chest. "My mother was a nurse, a very good one. And when my father got sick she didn't help him. She let him die so painfully. The b***h watched him suffer from the cancer." "So wait a minute, you are holding your mother responsible for something she had no control over what so ever?" "She had control. She could have helped him with the pain by letting the insurance compan-" "Oh shut up! You're killing my brain cells. Why don't you give me the real reason huh? Because i can and will draw out your death if need be." He looked down. "You have no more dignity or pride left, so f*****g tell me so you at least have a chance of repentance." "I LIKE IT! I LIKE SEEING THE FEAR! SMELLING IT IN THE AIR! FEELING MY VAINS SURGE WITH THE POWER OF LIFE IN MY HANDS!" Alto screamed at the top of his lungs, throat and face turning a bright red from frustration. I sat there and watched him silently, then i begin to chuckle to myself. "You are just another senseless killer. At least i have a purpose." "And what would that be?" "Getting rid of people like you." I pull the Ka- Bar from the bag and walk over to Alto. Before he can let out his yell I yank the zip tie, a crack rings out-throat and voice box crushed- and i waste no time with the knife. Repeatedly stabbing his torso, over and over again, each jab growing in force. His purple face forces water out from his eyes, the only escape for his current pain. The fear was filling my nostrils and his eyes, showing they know death is getting closer and closer. His head gave a final shiver before falling back, eyes wide open and empty. I step back and sit in the chair. Watching Alto bleed out the disease that filled him. The disease that made him delusional, the disease that haunted him every waking moment. One more off the streets.
© 2011 The DoctorReviews
3 Reviews Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on February 16, 2011Last Updated on June 10, 2011 Author