Chapter 3

Chapter 3

A Chapter by The Doctor

I sit up in reaction, something hits my temple hard and I go back down.
My mind slowly wakes from a fog, eyes opening even slower with a thicker fog. Once they clear up, straps materialize across my chest, wrists, legs and shines. I shake my head and lift it as far as I can.
"These are some pretty nifty glasses you have. I mean real nifty. Must be ones the agency lets you keep. I may keep them." An average height man came into my view, black hair, weather burned face, carried the air of a grunt.
"Well, maybe I'll let you keep them after I get done with you," I smile weakly.
"From there? HAHAHA, good luck."
I smile again and went back to studying my surroundings. Light tugs against the restraints to let me know the possibility of getting out.
"Keep trying, you're not getting out," the man said as he munched on one of my protein bars.
"That was one of my meals."
"I know. It's not like you're going to need it though," his cocky smiled returned.
I'm killing him first, just because of his attitude.
A doctor or scientist of some kind walks in through an entrance behind Mr. Cocky, syringe in his left hand. A silvery liquid resting inside, looking exactly like what DeWalt gave me. So, I know what is going to happen. He sticks the needle in my forearm, fully depresses the plunger, removes the needle once it is empty and then leaves. No words spoken the entire time. I flex my arm rapidity to dull the pain. A few moments later, after Dummy finished my protein bar, another man walked in. 
He was dressed in a nice, clean cut suit. A dark blue, and on his label were the initials, in gold, RB. Both letter back to back, B facing the proper direction. 
"Mr. Clarke. I'm so happy you came to us instead," as he spoke i felt my internal body temperature rise with a slight pain in my neck."It made arrangements much easier for us. It will be easier to work with you here."
The man stepped closer into the artificial light, revealing his features. Early 50's, 6' tall, broad, but slender body. He looked very fit for having such gray hair. The wrinkles and creases on his face showed the ware of time and health problems, which now seem to be solved. His eyes showed the brightness of future endeavors and acts. A man driven by determination and greed. He more than likely had a wife, which he served a lavish lifestyle too. Probably owned a dog or two, no children. He's too stern to be a bearer of children.
"So, why do they send a man like you? You seem to be a little over paid to deal with someone like me. Don't they send a middle man?"
He smiled tightly and looked down and then back up to me, "This organization is a group effort. We all get our hands dirty for the right thing."
"HA! The right thing? Global organized crime and nuclear weapons is for the greater good? Sounds like a crock of s**t to me."
Before I knew it, the man took a swift step forward and slammed a fist right into the side of my stomach. "I do not appreciate such talk of what I helped to build."
"No wonder why it is so s****y," I smile.
I earned another punch for that comment, on the other side this time, telling me that he was a boxer in high school and/or college. This should be a good fight after. 
From his pocket I removed the small pocket knife he had clipped to the edge of the pocket. Before he backed away, I cut the band on my wrist and then jammed it through his rib cage. I used my clenched hand and pushed him back, giving me time to cut myself loose. I elbow Dummy and kick his knee out. As the older man goes to stand I elbow his temple, knocking him out. I take my bag, machete and glasses from Screaming Dummy, "I'll be needing those," I smile and walk out of the room.
I slip my sunglasses on and dig into my bag for a silenced 9mm I picked up on my way down. As I make my way out of the facility, my head begins to hurt and my hearts begins to pump hard and slow, feeling like it's sending daggers throughout my veins. My hand opens a door, leading me into the bright sunlight, I stumble forward and fall off the end of whatever platform. Tumbling the whole way down, feet over my head, side ways, sliding and hitting trees the whole way down. I get wrapped around a medium size tree, stopping me immediately. Rolling over onto my back I let out a sigh and squeezed my eyes shut.
A chill set into my body, aches began and I began to feel nauseous- all things I assumed came from the fall. So I reached for my sleeping bag and curled up into the fetal position.

3 Days Later

The rope chaffed against my wrists as I tried to get out. Laura next to me and mom on the other side of her. The door burst open, two armed men walk in and another man walks in, dragging dad behind him.
"John, I want you to look at this, okay?" He takes his Glock and presses it to my father's temple, his other hand grabs a hand full of hair to lift his head. "This is what happens when you keep snooping and have been playing too long. You get punished."
In one fluent motion, the gun leaves my father's head and two shots are driven into my mother. I tug against the rope and scream through the bandana in my mouth. Heat filling my face and arms.
"That's right," his eyes stay on my father as two more go into my sister, Laura.
I rock side to side and tip over, thrashing hard at an attempt to get the a*****e.
"He's just like you," he smiles and comes to me, "You have the fire and determination, anger too," he grabs a handful of my hair and drags me so I am next to my father, "Say good bye Jonnie"
He takes two shots into my chest.

My eyes flash open hard, someone hovering over me with a wet, cold cloth. My eyes focused to see a women, tanned and dressed in dark material. I sit up, animal blankets falling off me. Looking down, I see my shirt clinging to me from my sweat, my boots and sock on the dirt floor next to me.
"What day is it?"
"Tuesday. You have been asleep long time."
I run my hand through my greasy, dirty hair. Getting out of the bed, I put my boots on and stumble into the daylight. My body feeling very...advanced and...built. Sharp even. Colors seem...brighter and more distinct, smells more noticeable and identifiable. I leaned against a tree and felt every grain and every detail of the rough texture.
"What the f**k..." I look down at my hands in awe, and realize all the little details and all the grooves that make up my prints. "Peter, I hope you can see this, because I am on my way back," I mumbled and went back to collect my bag.

3 Days Later

I watched the nurse draw blood, DeWalt stepping in to debrief me.
"We have intel that Royal Blue was using a virus of some sort to create super soldier. You were injected with it along with more nanites."
"Which explains the silver tone to the liquid."
"Correct. The nanites and the virus increase music mass, flexibility, the brains calculation and reaction time as well as it's cognitive abilities."
"They must have some kind of frequency or control in the nannies- if so, can we hack into this?"
"That is why we are taking blood," DeWalt nods to the nurse securing my blood samples.
"So," I begin as I stand a roll down my sleeve, "what do we do now?"
"We wait for now. Once we have your blood analyzed we can go from there. I would like to send you through some training. See what this addition to your body can do, see what the limits are."
"Sounds good, I'm ready," I smile and walk out, heading to the training room.

"Come on!"
I hit the hand pads harder and faster, quickening the turns in left and right. As the trainer moves the pad, I find myself knowing where he's going before he moves. Small muscle moments in his shoulders and neck are some hints, slight rotation of the body- all things that help predict his moves.
"Alright," he makes a T with his hands to signal a time out. "This is amazing. What have you been doing?"
"Nothing really, why?"
"You're not really sweating, but you look hydrated. Your hits are firm and forceful. I say you could actually break bones with one or two hits. You've been doing well."
"Thank the nanites," I smile.
"I will with a bottle of ibuprofen and a glass of Jack."
"Take two and call me in the morning," I respond.
I smile and take the boxing gloves off. I climb out of the ring and head to the hand-to-hand combat trainer. That lasted about an hour, the trainer gave up, holding his side and limping away. Next came the firing range, which I surprised myself at, because I hit every bull eyes, even when I tried to miss. It was like having ym brain calibrate for me. Same thing happened with the snipers, my eyes seemed to zoom beyond the scope's ability.
After the physical train gin, they moved me on to my psychological testing. DeWalt hooked me up to a laptop via some needles, there was a sensor put on my index to watch my vitals and a band put around my head with four taps to measure my brain activity. Before I knew it, three hours had passed. All this information was collected and DeWalt was typing a report as we sat down and worked on steak and potatoes from the kitchen.
"So, what have you seen so far?"
"Well, as I said before, your abilities have been amplified beyond any scale i have seen. Between the virus and the nannies, your muscles have been toned and recalibrated, your brain function as been increased by 20%, and rising. Royal Blue has truly developed the super soldier.
"What is it like from your perspective?"
"Well," I began as i swallowed a piece of steak, "it's like nothing you can ever really describe. Vision is phenomenal, I mean colors are so clear and distinct. The only way to describe it, is like being a predator. I notice a lot more detail in everything and things almost seem to be...a breeze. The works outs today were nice, but I don't feel all the tired. I'm more anguish than anything to actually DO something."
DeWalt nodded in understanding and typed away a little more. After eating, I cleaned up and left the satellite agency building and went to my safe house. Once there I poured myself a glass of brandy and sat down for some TV. 
"Tonight at 11, criminal organization Royal Blue takes responsibility for another terrorist attack as well as a government overthrow in Japan. More at 11."
"Well, that's interesting news."

© 2013 The Doctor

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Added on May 16, 2013
Last Updated on May 23, 2013


The Doctor
The Doctor

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Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by The Doctor

Chapter 2 Chapter 2

A Chapter by The Doctor

Chapter 4 Chapter 4

A Chapter by The Doctor