the rain breaks unevenly
over the prostrate earth
i watch the drops fall
and get caught like wriggling
fish in the warm glow of a
street lamp;
and from the drops, in their
singularity, i can imagine
the sea--
vast and borderless like the
Russian hinterland;
the foam sputtering spray,
the undulating crests,
the birth pangs from the creation
of the world;
i can unpackage the language
of the water whole
from just a few
jangling syllables;
it rains.
all of nature
is against me.
it is strong:
the ocean beating
against the tremulous land,
it is precise:
the curve of sun arc flame
sloping up the sky,
it is final:
the tragic dust that all lay down to;
--And yet,
there is the
faraway glimmer
of unquestioning love;
and so i,
laugh and
splash along
in the puddles.
we cannot win against
this world
but what easy loss
because there is love.