This Moment In Time...
Together we walk
under the moonlight
stars around us
shining so warm and bright
We gaze together, looking
at the hues of the day fades
the dark swallows its splendor
as we feel the warmth
of the gentle breeeze
softly brushes our cheeks
Watching everything all around us
as the beautiful stars start to
come out from their silhouetttes
Reminiscing the past
is just that, past
tomorrow is not yet here
and today is the gift,
the present, the now
All we ever have
is this moment in time
and that can change too
in a blink of the eyes
Our time is borrowed
and there is never any guarantee
sing as no'ne is listening
waltz as no'ne is watching
Make the best of each tick
capture and embrace them
before they are gone
these are precious moments
For you never know
what life will throw
on your path any time of the day
so always cherish and treasure
the friends you make along the way
We all just have the moment
in time to appreciate the beauty
the magic, the mystic of the rainbow
to recognize and always cherish
all the friends that care
and love you...