![]() Gallipta-AllA Story by Bri![]() this is the prolougue and the first chapter of Gallipta, just compressed together....![]() Prologue The year was 2092. Kate Smith was looking out of the window of the bus as it took her and her son, Marco, to their unknown fate. Earth had become a battleground. The largest factions of the world were at war with each other. World War III. Except this time, atom bombs had been launched within the first year. The war had been going on since 2075. The fact that Kate and Marco weren't dead yet was a miracle in itself. The trip they were going on? Another story entirely. Certain people were chosen from each nation in the world, 100 from each, to be exact. These people would be kept in a governmental safe house for the duration of the War. An actual safe house, not one that would fall apart if an atom bomb got too close. These were called the 'Select'. They would be hidden away and then placed in conserved areas, called the Mestos. Kate sighed. It all seemed too good to be true. Then the call came: "Everyone outside!" from a uniformed officer. Kate picked up Marco, only 5 years old, and what little belongings she had been able to pack in the minutes she had to get away before a bomb struck her house, killing her husband, Todd. She walked out of the dingy bus into the dull light, blinking rapidly. The officer told the group to stand along the roped lines and walk rapidly towards the dark area in the distance. "Officer, what will become of us?" One old lady whispered to the officer. The officer looked uncomfortable, perhaps merely from the idea of speaking, or what he knew lay ahead of them. "I'm sorry ma'am. That is confidential information." The officer said very briskly. Then, in a show of kindness, knelt down and whispered, "I'm sorry.....So sorry." Kate shivered. What lay ahead of them? Was it such an unspeakable fate that the officer couldn't even put it into words? She hugged her little Marco tighter, until he squirmed in her arms. "Mommy! Down." whimpered Marco. "Sorry, sweetie..." Kate murmured, setting her little boy down and taking him by the hand instead. She was determined not to lose him too. She put her eyes forward, not blinking, barely breathing, not saying a word. The crowd of hundreds got closer and closer to the building. It looked plain and unremarkable. Not something Kate expected to hold up against the forces of the atom bomb. The group was hurried inside, and the door shut, leaving them in complete darkness. "Welcome, all!" A voice boomed across the room. "Welcome, Select! This is the safe house. I hope that you will find the conditions enjoyable. You will be here for a long time. I doubt this war will be over soon, so plan on staying for a while. Clothes will be provided, as will food. Now, please report to your bunks." Kate sighed. She picked Marco up, and he began to doze on her shoulder. She smiled slightly. Kate and Marco were sent to Bunk 394. She sat down at a bed that looked and felt comfy enough, but had some strange looking tubes at the end of it. She looked confused at first, then placed Marco down in the crib that was next to her bed. The announcer came back on the speaker and said "Oh yes. Tonight, please place the tube on each of your temples. You older ones, please help the children. The tubes each have a suction on the end that will stick to your temple and make it not fall off for the duration of your stay. Thank you." The second that the man got off of the loudspeaker, the room erupted. "What does he mean?" "What is going to happen?" "Who was-" "Why did-" The officers smacked their clubs against the wall until everyone shut up. "No questions! Everyone into the beds and tubes on." With much grumbling and threats from the officers, everyone got into the beds and placed the tubes on their temples. Kate placed them on Marco first, then herself. She lay down on the soft comforter, and turned her head to the left. The last thing that she saw before she fell asleep was her sons tiny chest rising and falling as he breathed in and out.
Gallipta. The year 2300. The Earth is no longer a place of green and life. Now, it merely looks like a large wasteland. Chunks of it have already broken off, taking life with it. The mission of Gallipta? To find where the life went.
Gallipta is one of the few areas that still have civilization. This "civilization", as it is loosely called consists of no more than a broken government, and a few sparse towns that do not have enough food or water. What little they have is rationed out once a week.....which doesn't even begin to cover the basic needs of anyone. However, the main city is well provisioned, but cares none about the sufferings of those outside the walls. The sad part is, Gallipta is the most civilized out of any of the other Mestos. The Mestos were few and far between- one previously known as Canada (now Caustal), another previously known as India (now Deken), another previously known as Ghana (now Shadi), and one that was previously known as England, (now Gallipta). There was no contact to be allowed between the Mestos. Only the leader of each could talk at an annual meeting that was held at a long abandoned tower, known only as The Tower of Pischona. The meeting lasts for 3 days, and always ends in an assasination attempt. The leaders storm off, only to have the same problems the next year. The only leader that has ever attempted for peace during one of these conferences was the great Marco, former leader of Gallipta. That was about century ago. Now, the leader of Gallipta is a young hotblooded male named Kinah. His queen is a self-centered brat named Isa, concerned only for herself. Their child, a girl about 16 years old, is named Mara. Kinah has invested all the money that the Mesto had saved up for the long centuries of inaction into the process of finding the life that spiraled out into the black abyss of space centuries ago. Kinah has already decreed that there will be one more mission to space to find life. The Mission is called Project Discover. Finding the perfect members to go aboard the spaceship proves to be no easy task. The princess will be going onto the ship, so as to have a royal voice in the proceedings. Only 2 of the other 8 needed have been picked. Scientist Brant Charles and Physicist Liza Small are trustworthy subjects of the king who have been handchosen to lead this mission. The only thing that remains is for these two to find 6 people that can handle the work that this mission will bring, and that will not lose much, should the mission fail. People who can keep secrets, and (in the case that the mission fails) will not be missed. ~X~
Chapter One Kaelli 7:45 AM "What can I get you, ma'am?" A voice cut through Kaelli's reverie. She blinked, startled, looking up into the face of a young waitress asking for her order. "Oh...um...uh, I'll have the chocolate biscotti and a cup of coffee, please. Make the coffee black. Oh, and to go please." Kaelli rattled off her standard order at Mel's, the smallest restaurant in town. The young waitress nodded her affirmation, striding over quickly to the kitchen and giving the cook Kaelli's order. Kaelli leaned back in her seat and sighed. She never truly woke up until the first sip of her coffee. It was risky for her to even be coming here first thing in the morning. Her boss wouldn't be happy about her being late (again). This would be the third time this year. And it was only February. Kaelli stood up quickly to run to the bathroom and put her makeup on, realizing that she might as well look nice when her boss went off on her. Grimacing, she pulled open the door to the bathroom stall. Walking over to the mirror, she whipped her makeup out of her purse and began to apply it. Brushing some blush across her soft cheekbones, she looked at her brown eyes. Some eyeshadow would definitely help touch these up, she thought to herself. After quickly brushing the fine powder across her eyes, she quickly brushed through her curly dark brown hair with her hands, admiring the way it settled around her shoulders. Giving it a final fluff, she strolled out of the room and back to her seat. Within five minutes, the waitress came back around with her food and drink. "That'll be 10.50, ma'am." The waitress said. Kaelli silently fished around in her overlarge bag and found exactly ten fifty. Handing it over, she noticed that her recently done nails had already chipped. Oh, crap.... she thought with an inward sigh. Quickly standing up she thanked the waitress, and quickly made her way to her car. Hopping in her black Camry, she sped off to work, dodging the cars in her way, determined to make it to work on time. By the time 8:00 rolled around, Kaelli was safely ensconsed her office, rubbing her temples. Having made it to work on time, her boss, Mr. Marin, had told her (in a surprised tone), "Well, Ms. Kaelli, I can see you are here on time....Well done. now, where is the report that I asked you to finish today?" "Well, sir...you see, uh....well, I...uhm.....er...." Kaelli sputtered. " Hmm. Just as I expected. Have it on my desk at the latest by 5:00 today. If it's not there, well..." Mr. Marin finished threatingly. Kaelli swallowed, feeling her hands begin to sweat. "I understand perfectly, sir. I'll work on that right away." Kaelli quickly turned and sped off to her cubicle. Where she was now, wondering how on Earth she was going to finish that report on time. © 2012 BriAuthor's Note
Added on January 6, 2012 Last Updated on January 6, 2012 Author |