A Contradiction of Psychological DesiresA Poem by AMetaphoricalSoulI have gladly settled in a position Content with where the standards lie Yet in times of need for validation and warmth I have given in to a weakness Wishing for what is convenient and immediate But always unattainable The subject is immaterial But relevant to what fits my ideal desires Particularly if my desire is inaccessible Constantly trapped in wanting what I cannot have The unavailable perfectly fitting my criteria Perhaps my criteria is the unavailable My history of never gaining what I covet Having conditioned what I expect to receive Consciously deciding that I prefer something else Something healthy and natural Yet unable to control the deep reflections of my subconscious Powerless to contain it Knowing on the surface I would be happier with the current situation But hindering myself by the innermost layers of my psyche I am in favour the boundaries set in place But often unable to accept them Repeatedly incapable of making the connection as to the reason I feel this way Lost to the whims of my deep-rooted longing Idealizing the subject of my unintended pining Romanticizing the intrinsic flaws of my plight © 2019 AMetaphoricalSoul |
1 Review Added on January 22, 2019 Last Updated on January 22, 2019 Author