this one raises a question (again) which I like to throw in discussions: is bein dependant on someone okay and if so, to what level? From personal experience I know it can make or break a relationship, and I've done both. To some extent it's good, but if it goes over the top, you're breaking a person and tyeir trust, not only for you but also for other candidates after you. I particulary like the spontanous feel to it, and as many poems about 'Love' they have this air of innocence. I's true, that we do need to be dependant but we cqn't fuse or confuse our own identity with another. Good late night write & thanks for sharing, my apologies for the perhaps off topic ideology!
I've come to despise this feeling, except kissing would be a metaphor for kissing, if that makes sense. Dependency is a frightening thing, and once you are trapped in the loop of it, it's quite difficult to escape. To be honest, I have tried repeatedly to write a poem about the irony of being clingy, and never once have I been happy with the results. So simple, so delicate; a mobius strip of love..
Well done.