9th Level Of Hell

9th Level Of Hell

A Poem by StacyPerry

12-5-2010 [Chris was my inspiration for this as he said his final goodbye to me period]. This is why my Happy and loving side is strictly for my girls and Jude........

9th Level Of Hell
The days roll on as the wheels turn,
My heart rises up until I feel the burn
It moves back down into my chest,
My eyes well up as I know it's the best
There was a time that you would make me smile,
Now I look at you and think "Wow, it's been a while"
Not quite understanding how this works,
The shadows of my past are starting to lurk
I keep them at bay as well as my feelings,
Knowing that even "we" hold thoughts as we're human beings
Parting was the right thing to do,
A statement we were 'In a friend zone' was my Que
It was a mutual agreement within the end of the talk,
A few tears flowed but seemingly easier it was to walk
A happiness was located, something I hadn't felt prior,
Amazing how giving up a stranglehold on nothing in exchange for pure love had burned bright as a pyre
Yet it was not a funeral of sorts that was naming the 'end' you and I ,
Simply a mutual decision for 'us' to split and it worked out for the best at least in my eyes
In all good ways things worked out well for one another,
I am happy till this day and you are happy my ex lover
So know this statement and remember it well:
We've spent almost 8 years time together of Good, Bad, Sad, Smiles and emotional torture at times....yet we've managed to stay out of the 9th level of hell.

© 12-5-2010 Stacy Perry

© 2010 StacyPerry

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wow.. nice.. i specially like the title..

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on December 5, 2010
Last Updated on December 5, 2010



Ashtabula, OH

I have another profile on here I can not get into, so I had to start a new one. Please read ALL of my Poetry and Writings on this page and my old site on here [in which I have a lot of work.....*a tea.. more..
