

A Poem by StacyPerry

12-4-2010 [ The Marquee De Sade had an influence in this writing.....if only I had known him by being alive in that era..... ]

I know somewhere that you can go,
Everyone knows your name as well as your face
There are secrets kept in these walls for the wild oats you sew,
No one tells the location or anyone about this place
A lit up hallway with a flashing red bulb of light,
It gives off just enough glow to see you threw the path
Neither the women nor men give up a fight,
Two of the same kind, perhaps 3 or other variations of math
As the humans end up within the locked cells,
The acts of torture do begin
Pleasure within pain, I know that rings a few bells,
If anyone would discover this location it would be the highest sin
A leather clad woman or perhaps a man,
Whatever you want done shall be their wish
Personally I enjoy the whipping while I stand,
Then they take a cloth and wash me from the dish
Blood from the marks that lay upon my back,
Screams of intense ecstasy
Knowing that inhibitions are the one thing we don't lack,
I know you have met my torturer.....his first name is Marquee.

© 2010 StacyPerry

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The realm of fetish plays and the lash to flay flesh as some, might render their screams deliriously. At what is never tender moments. With a man that left us with a history that framed words for that which had never before been discribed... S&M Sado --- Masocisism. This poem based upon those type lines, I have read and researched this man and found he was certifiabley demented.

Yet I did rather like the framing of this peice and its view...

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


The realm of fetish plays and the lash to flay flesh as some, might render their screams deliriously. At what is never tender moments. With a man that left us with a history that framed words for that which had never before been discribed... S&M Sado --- Masocisism. This poem based upon those type lines, I have read and researched this man and found he was certifiabley demented.

Yet I did rather like the framing of this peice and its view...

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

A very interesting tale. I like those stories of old. That lead you into dark places with no escape but to learn to accept the pain. Your story reminded me of them. A excellent story. Thank you.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

very interesting and well written poem....

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Fresh, and unique. Job well done. This is going to be hard for me to keep going through my reading requests, giving good ratings when you keep writing flawless and what I like to call to the point, from an angle.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Very interesting stuff..

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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5 Reviews
Added on December 4, 2010
Last Updated on December 4, 2010



Ashtabula, OH

I have another profile on here I can not get into, so I had to start a new one. Please read ALL of my Poetry and Writings on this page and my old site on here [in which I have a lot of work.....*a tea.. more..


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