My friend of misery that stands by my
You are my companion as well as my guide
You show me how life can be unfair,
You've also shown me how others can't care
The path we walk is one of sorrow,
We seem to cry today and scream tomorrow
Our unjust lives are what makes me ill,
I can't stand to watch the suffering still
I think I will close my eyes and heart,
As my friend of misery engulfs every part.
Misery teaches us to appreciate the good things. My self I brought a lot of the pain and misery into my own life. Your poem rolls like a country song. A excellent poem. I like the ending.
I have another profile on here I can not get into, so I had to start a new one. Please read ALL of my Poetry and Writings on this page and my old site on here [in which I have a lot of work.....*a tea.. more..