Interview; Emotional Arsonist

Interview; Emotional Arsonist

A Story by StacyPerry

This was for Metalmare Magazine

My first question to you is how did you come up with the name Emotional Arsonist?

Personally, I find the name interesting.

"Originally it was the name of a song I wrote. To be honest, I have no idea where it came from or why, but what it said to me made a lot of sense for what I was trying to do with this project. I wanted both the music and the lyrics to challenge. Firstly, to challenge myself and then others. The idea of challenging the emotions behind what I and others do, and how sometimes we hide behind our emotions and use them as justification for who we are, and how and why we act in a certain way. It is about starting a fire within ourselves, trying to cut through the bullshit you know, all the things we have learned and been conditioned to do, and to get to the crux of who we really are and what we truly want. Emotional Arsonist just generates an image to me of something that burns away all the crap and leaves us feeling honest with ourselves, true to ourselves. It is part of something much bigger for me, but the creative process stirs things and goes deeper for me than than if I just thought about it. That is what it means to me on a personal level. On a grander scale, sometimes there are things that I observe through the media that will stimulate emotions in me, and I suppose that is where some of my lyrics will be a social commentary. I do not see myself as being on any crusade though, I have no big agenda to preach about, but if I trigger difficult questions for both myself and others through my music then I will have achieved something. For me the name Emotional Arsonist captures all of that. Plus, I just like the way it sounds lol"

How long have you been working on music?

I wish I had the talent to work upon the musical side of things as I am on the business side due to the fact I am not a musician by any aspect, except for listening, ha.

I have been working on writing music on and off for about 20 years. I had a big gap of about 6-7 years before I started Emotional Arsonist where I did nothing. I barely even picked up a guitar. I sort of went to sleep musically, but one day last year I just got the urge, and wrote about 6-7 songs on my old four track in about two months, and Emotional Arsonist is the result of that.

This is Stacy Perry from ADPR and I am doing an interview with the ADPR Artist of the Month; Emotional Arsonist.

Metalmare Magazine begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting and I came to an agreement of me interviewing the Bands/Artists that make it to the Winner of the Month
Stage as well as Artists that have earned the right to be in Metalmare and we're beginning with Keith James Clarke [Emotional Arsonist].

I've wondered what your first song was, do you recall the first song you did?

"The first song I ever wrote in it's entirety was a song called "Shadow of your Wings". I still listen to it every now and again. It sounds OK from a sentimentality point of view but it isn't one I would be resurrecting :p. The first Emotional Arsonist song created was 'The New High Priest'"

I am also curious to what your favorite song is that you've made, please tell us what that was.

"This is a difficult one for me. It really depends on my mood to be honest. I love the simplicity of "Substance D", but "The Greatest Trick That God Ever Played" I think is probably one of my best in terms of songwriting craftsmanship. Ask me again tomorrow and I will probably give you a different answer lol"

We all know that I have been plugging In Fear Of Fear to anyone that would listen and that is quite a lot of people. For some reason that song is haunting to me and could even be called a Vampires Lament if you had chosen to call it that, ha.
What inspired you to come up with In Fear Of Fear?

"Lets just say I was going through a tough period in my life when I wrote that. It was a time of deep introspection for me, and probably the first time in my life when I was truly alone. It was very cathartic though and I learned a lot about myself, after facing up to some very important questions about who I was and what I wanted from life. I was also reading a lot of Anne Rice at the time, which I think heavily influenced the sound I ended up with. One person has described it as a vampires lament, which I thought captured some of the essence of the track."

I can definitely see where they could call it a 'Vampire's Lament' as it is simply haunting in so many ways my dear.

How long does it take you to put one song together and what program(s) do you use for your music?

"That varies a lot. 'Substance D' for example took about 6 hours from conception to completion of the demo. It was just one of those times where everything flowed and fell into place. Other songs can take days or weeks. I don't really have a formula I work to. Sometimes it will start with lyrics, sometimes a drum beat, guitar riff or a bass line."

"As for the 'program(s) I use, I use Cubase 4 and that is it really, as apart from the actual recording process, and writing and recording the drum loops, I just plug in the bass, guitars, and vocals. The software is to enable me to record and produce the album myself, because the cost of recording studios here in Ireland is very expensive. As a result of that I will be recording and producing the album myself, although I will be getting someone else to do the mastering."

I want to take a moment to thank you for your time within this interview that I am doing for Metalmare Magazine begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting and I am very pleased that it was a unanimous decision by all of us here at ADPR to make you Artist of the Month for July 2009. It's a rare occasion that all of us agree on an Artist or Band [you were the second unanimous vote that we have had in over a decade].

If there is anything that you would like to state; Any upcoming projects or people that you shall be working with, please feel free to let us know as there has been a lot of interest within your music.

"There has been some interest in collaborations expressed by other musicians, but to be honest all my time at the moment is being spent on recording the album - which is quite a disjointed process with having to work and make a living on top of it. I was hoping to have the album ready for early autumn, but is is more likely to be the end of autumn at this stage. I am also trying to find musicians to take the music to a live audience, but this is also proving difficult. Ireland only has a very small population, so finding musicians that will fit into the vision that is Emotional Arsonist I feel is going to be a slow process. I am optimistic though."

I want to thank you again and I hope that you are well in every aspect my friend.

~Stacy Perry [Owner; ADPR] interviewing Keith James Clarke [Emotional Arsonist] for Metalmare Magazine begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting 7-6-09.

© 2010 StacyPerry

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Added on February 22, 2010
Last Updated on February 22, 2010



Ashtabula, OH

I have another profile on here I can not get into, so I had to start a new one. Please read ALL of my Poetry and Writings on this page and my old site on here [in which I have a lot of work.....*a tea.. more..
