I stepped into the room. Dimly lit. Shallow surroundings suffocating
me. I was not accustomed to these black dress fittings. So I walked
through the crowd, feeling the hot gaze as i passed by. Burning into
the back of my neck. For all i knew, Clark Kent stood hidden in the
crowd, etching a burning hole through me. The crowd parted slightly,
the density slowly faded. The lights seemed brighter. The suffocation
ceased in an instant.
My heart beat. I was alive, but barely. The
joy fluttered by. Fast. On the hands of another man. She stood there.
Smiling. Laughing. That special glow emminating off of her. I stood,
with a hand to my chest. I avoided her gaze as she looked at me,
tilting her head ever so slightly to the left. Every impulse said look
away, but my head turned and I smiled.
i stood. In the most awkward position made available to me. I was
alone. And so i stood there with a lopsided smile on my face. Watching
the woman i had loved forever walk away. She walked away gracefully.
On the hands of another man.