You’re Welcome: Errands (17) | Khali

You’re Welcome: Errands (17) | Khali

A Chapter by Stasis

Epherum breaks the silence, "Big day tomorrow."

Our attention shoots to him while his sister stays sleeping. I look over to him past my bowl while Jun sits next to me with a bowl half full.

"Khali, you'll head out with Jun to get the supplies we need. Ala prepared a list earlier - just on her books. It shouldn't take too long."

I down my bowl of soup. "Right, right," I cough. "I got that, homie," I reach over to Jun's bowl as he backs away and accepts my offer.

"We've got a lot to do. A lot to catch up on," Epherum directs to Jun. "Now that you're up, we can go."

"And you have the strength to come along if you want," I add. "Makes it easier for us. May as well." I pat my stomach and lean back into the chair. "We're going regardless, but... Just if you want."

"Of course," Ala shoots through closed eyes. She sits herself up and looks back at Jun. "You don't have to come. It might be helpful if you did, is all."

Jun's eyes are drawn to his side as he notices my creeping figure scaling the side of his seat. "Psst. We'll go now."

Frightened, he leaps off his chair from pure instinct - causing it to fall back and squash me like a bug.

Attempting not to throw up, I kick free, cover my mouth and keep everything in.

"Karma, Khali," Ala lies back down and shuts her eyes.

I remain on the floor, breathing deeply from the close call.

"Don't waste food," Epherum sighs.

Jun dusts himself off and tries to play it cool. He readies himself. "What about you two?" he asks the Prince.

"Practice and planning."

I recover, spring to my feet and sling my satchel around my shoulder.

Epherum reaches into his pocket and passes me a pouch.

"Hm," Jun sounds.

I march toward the front door and bust it open. A sky of deep red meets me at my exit, much thanks to our crystal moon which provides for its eight followers.

I halt once we get to the town square. "First thing's first." I turn to see my assistant for the day. "Health."

Jun nods and follows along with my words and footsteps.

"We need some herbs. So could you fetch an amount of Embrute, Sprinkleaf, Raybeans, and… A sack of rice." I draw my pen and scratch items from our list. "They'll have fertilisers as well so ask for... the second best."

"Ohm, sure," Jun turns to leave.

"Oi." I toss him a thick but soft metallic squared coin. "Meet at the statue."

I turn and head toward a seaside shack to purchase some shellfish, while Jun makes his way to the crop shop.

We reunite at a fountain in the centre of the town square, and I lift a large bag woven from flax. I show off my haul. Anything but shellfish... I just now realise. I forgot. "Sorry, Jun. I lost our list - but I think I remember what was written."

Jun fails a response as he looks up at me from his seat at the fountain. "I bumped into someone," he explains. "When I turned to excuse myself, there was nobody or nothing around."

"Ah." Of course, I'm confused but I'm not sure what to say.

"People around here seem all right. In the few days I've been here, they wouldn't mind an accident."

"I suppose you're right," Jun slinks into his shoulders.

"Plus, you just woke up," I continue. "From a lo-o-ong rest. You're probably tripping."

"Uh, yeah," Jun stammers. "I probably tripped," he scratches his head and looks up at me with a face of mistake. "Anyway," Jun opens the lips of his bag to show his items. "I got the plants and fertiliser too. With just that one coin."

"Sweet. Those coins are for Kingsmen only," I tell him.

"Ah," Jun says. "I thought it was something like that."

"And speaking of, I think it's time you went and dressed the part."

He gets to his feet while I take his bag from him.

"We'll be out for a while. So, head to the armoury and gear up." I slip a few coins out of the pouch before I pass it over.

Jun looks down to snatch it from the air. "Is there a budget?" he laughs.

"Go hard. I got us covered."

Jun's laughter continues. "Seriously, I don't know what I'm-"

"The girls inside will help," I assure him. "I'll fetch our jewellery for the trip and head back with all this. That's if you don't catch me at the fountain. I'll be waiting."

I leave Jun and hit the next store.

A tap on the shoulder.

I force open an eye to see Jun's figure standing over me.

"Took you long enough." I stretch a yawn. "That felt like reading the entirety of a book's filler."

Jun hides a smile and holds his arms to the side. "Sorry."

"You could've got something a little more interesting," I admire his new outfit.

"Eh," Jun replies. "I didn't want to use your coins. Besides, I kind of like bland. It's good enough." He reaches into his new satchel and throws me back my pouch.

I catch it. "Don't be too worried. Those girls know what's up. But did they say any of this was... uh... compatible with crests?"

"I don't think any of these are, no," Jun answers.

I scan through what's left of our funds. A few coins and crystals. I calculate what I need and tie the pouch shut.

I push myself to my feet.

"Which reminds me. We need to refill our stock."

I start walking away, and Jun follows for a bit while I speak.

"I'm off for crests and spells. You take these," I push the pouch into his chest. "Head to the bank and put it under Ala.

I pat Jun on the shoulder and leave down the aisle of stone.

Stuck waiting at the fountain, Jun rests his head.

"Boring, eh?"

He shoots awake and wipes his face while sitting back up. He gazes upon my awesome sight - the flashing and clashing of jewellery adding to my performance.

"Jun. Check me out." I hit a few poses with accessories all over, glistening from the golden sky.

"Ah," Jun laughs. "Oh, cool."

I march toward him with the exaggerated swagger of a teen from Lear.

4 amulets around my neck. 3 rings on each hand. 6 bracelets crossing my wrists.

"Stunning, don't you think?" I ask in a cold voice.

"Stunning indeed."

"Now quick," I take his hand and pull him up. I turn and lead him a few steps toward the city council. "One thing before we go. Uh-." Maybe I pulled him up too quickly. "You good?" I face him and hold his shoulder as he slouches forward.

"Yeah, yeah." Jun reaches for his satchel and joins me as we head away.

"Sweet as," I tell him. "Good and cool."

We walk to the council building and I draw his attention to a notice board. I feel a yawn coming on. Notice "bored", more like.

"All right." I stretch my arms behind my head and run ahead.

I throw my arm against the notice bored... board... and begin explaining something a little more exciting.

"All these papers behind the glass are posted by people having issues. Sometimes they're from businesses having issues, which are the ones to watch out for.

"I see," Jun squints, attempting to see through my glow.

"We've been doing a few of these while you were out." My attention trades between Jun and these notices. "Good coin."

"Ah, ah," Jun nods. "That's where the food came from."

"Yeah, yeah." I continue to explain. "Depending on the amount of rings you see down here," I gesture to the bottom of a page. "Or, I suppose, you can also tell by the rewards. That's how you know how difficult the... whatever... what they're asking for is."

"Right, right," Jun follows.

I simplify the process for him. "Read the objective. Acknowledge the difficulty. Sign down here," I explain. "As soon as the quest is complete, someone in the council building will take down the parchment and you'll be on your way."

"Cool. Yeah, I think we had something like that," Jun tells me. "Maybe."

"Oh," I bump him with my elbow. "Well, this is where our one is. If you ever need money." I draw a pen from my pocket and draw my attention to the notices.

An awkward silence falls upon us as I struggle to read. I attempt to reflect light onto the page with my accessories. "Could you just...Maybe-."

"Oh. Right, right." Jun angles one of my amulets to reflect some light to sign.

The end of the day is upon us.

"Don't be so dramatic," Epherum down to his sister with her head buried in the ground.

"Exhausting," she complains, out of breath.

"I'm not helping," her brother rolls his eyes.

"Heyo," I call over to them. "We've got everything," I pause. "I think."

"Hm," Epherum sounds.

"Hey," Ala sings into the dirt.

"We could even go tonight," her brother announces.

"Please no," Ala flips and whines from the ground.

I giggle at the suggestion. "You should be resting if anybody," I tell Epherum.

"Maybe you're right," Epherum utters. "Fine. We'll chill for a little longer but I won't like it." The Prince stretches his arms and heads inside.

"Come on then, Jun. That's us for today."

He progresses from the back of the group while I reach for Ala.

"And you, too," I speak down to her.

"Uh." Jun moves to the other side of her and we pull her up. Her arms rest around both of our necks as we drag her inside.

After tossing her on the couch, I approach our furnace. I grace the room reaching our stack of maple, filling the fireplace and igniting our fuels. I do so by holding either side of a log and heating my hands. My lack of magical experience requires time for spells - even "easy" ones.

The four of us find comfort around the heat of this flame.

Epherum rests on a mat in front of the chamber while I head over to the kitchen. "Bed's all yours," I tell Jun. "For when you're out of it, for when you need."

"Ah," Jun nods to me. "I can take the-"

"Nah, nah," I interrupt him. "We're good. It's all yours."

He bows awkwardly and eyes the other two while I attempt to formulate a sentence.

"Fix you up a snack," I gesture to the cupboards behind me. "Make yourself comfortable. Do whatever."

I turn my attention to our leftovers while I hear Jun drag himself over to the bed.

"Just to let you know," Jun interrupts the silence of the room. "I don't mind swapping."

"We're good, thanks," the Prince responds.

"Yeah, don't worry," I assure him.

Ala answers with a snore.

"Cool." Jun lays back.

I blow out the candle on the coffee table. "Rest easy, you three."

| Author’s Notes |

~ Glossary ~
Embrute: the roots of a kind of fire-plant. (plural: Embrutes)
Sprinkleaf: the leaves of a water-like plant. (plural: Sprinkleaves)
Raybean: beans of a light-like plant. (plural: Raybeans)

~ Happenings ~
Embrute, Sprinkleaf, Raybeans? What is this nonsense? They’re plants, of course.
“A sack of rice” is meant to remind you that things of Our World still exist as well. There’s just extra things thrown in.
The woven bags of flax are a reference to the woven bags found in New Zealand. Just a touch of the culture of De’Lores.
Nen is a character that was mentioned back in (1-8), and she’s now explored a little more when Jun goes to find some equipment. I cut her scene so I intend to show off more of her later.
Crests: magical symbols placed in various items to provide a magical flair.
Lear is the fancy city of the continent, likely explored a little more later on.
“notice bored” is a joke of Norm MacDonald’s.
“seaside shack” is taken from Destiny Islands (Kingdom Hearts).
“crop shop” is just a play on “crop top”. I thought it was funny at the time.

~ Khali’s Inventory ~
A sack of rice.
4 amulets.
6 rings.
6 bracelets.

© 2023 Stasis

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Added on June 30, 2023
Last Updated on July 8, 2023