![]() Tribute to a VideoA Poem by Scoutthe emptiness a silent room a whirling fan thoughts echoing a lone at last free to feel and think your way emotions strewn across your bed sheets the quiet trees, green and rough stare at you, daring you to not speak challenging you to be still no words come out but other sweet sounds are heard the chatter of the brids, the scuffling up a tree, whistling of the wind a lone at last free to admire the earth to gaze at nature for hours at a time and hypothesize as a scientist would why do the butterflies hover over the grass? the meaning of life, the meaning of your life who you are, what you are doing a lone at last no judging eyes to break your security no confusing glares at your every thought just you and the silence truly solidarity teaches you more than any companionship can you say you know yourself? empty hands, cold shoulders dry lips laughing uncontrolably at a random thought watching your reflection in the everchanging waters discovering your beauty the connection with nature fearfully and wonderfully made your biggest critic holding yourself back bringing you down forcing those emotions out get to know yourself better find your quirks, the complex system of who you are talk to yourself, teaching yourself about what is going on be honest, what is beautiful? the sun, the animals, trees if them why not you? God's finest creature you are your own worst enemy so becaome your own best friend reinforce the securities and above all smile, laugh all the negativity and lies away http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7X7sZzSXYs&list=FLM1xHuHbC5fEg1AVP5MLgmw&index=1&feature=plpp_video © 2012 Scout |
Author![]() ScoutMesa, AZAboutI love writing and reading. It is the best feeling to sit down and write out your feelings in poetry, or imagine a dream world and write a novel. I can not imagine not writing ever, it is like my oxyg.. more..Writing