A Poem by Pratibha

The day I lost my Kid for a full 10min in the busy Duffering mall of Toronto, Canada outside WALMART...



One second...
That’s all...
I am finished...
My world is gone...
My son is lost...
My life is gone...
He was here, was here with me...
Tiny warm fingers in my hands...
Suddenly, realisation dawned on me that...
He is gone...
No fingers in my hands...
His smiling face lost...
I lost him...Oh God! I lost him...
Lost him forever...
What if, he is kidnapped??
What if, he is ..........??
Could not think...Don’t want to think...Why should I think negative?
But...But ...But...now what?
Where is my son?
For that moment...Everything STOPPED...
Wind stopped blowing...Birds stopped chirping...
Bees stopped humming...Rain stopped pouring...
Life stopped...My heart stopped...My soul died...
I can’t hear...I can’t think...What’s happening??
Why am I sweating so much? What’s this gripping pain in my chest?
No, Never...I cannot let this happen to me...I have to stand up...
Ihave to get up and gather myself...My son needs me...My son is in trouble...
He is lost...He is searching for me...Yes, listen carefully, he is calling for me...
I have to search for him...I cannot afford to lose him...
Somebody please help...
Please help...please...please listen to this mom...
He is small, he is innocent, he is flawless, he is kriish, he is my son...
MY SON...Please, listen, he is MY SON...
My Kriish, my world, my universe, my life...
GOD take my life, punish me hard,
Punish me...I am responsible for this...
I am responsible, GOD...
I am...
I was careless; I forgot to hold his tiny hands tight...
I ignored his plea to go to toy shop...
He got bored and wandered off...
GOD please, please forgive me...
Please give kriish back...Just this one time...
Give him strength...Give him comfort...
“Kriish, Kriish, kriish....
Where are you, honey? Where are you sweetheart?
Come to mama...Come to me...Mama is half dead...
Mama is sorry...Mama is sorry to leave your hands...
Forgive me my son; forgive your mama for being selfish...
Please come out...Mama is calling you...
Ask for help, sonny, ask for help...Cry out “MAMA”...
I will hear you...I will help you...”
No sound, no noise, people walking past me...
Nobody is bothered...Nobody cared...
Nobody tried to search...
Nobody helped little kriish...
Nobody helped his mama...
What if it was their child? What if it was their loved one?
What if...??
Kriish, don’t worry, Mama will come...
Mama will find you...GOD is there with us...
You are GOD’s child...be strong my son...
GOD will help Mama find you...
Suddenly...I heard him...
I heard my son...I heard my kriish crying...
Crying out “Mama, Mama”...
“Mama, where are you?” “Mama, I am lost.”...
“Mmmm....aaaa....mmmm.....aaaa”... “Mama I am scared.”...
I ran towards the call...Towards kriish, towards my life...
Towards my love...Towards Light...Towards faith...
Towards GOD...towards confidence...
This is kriish’s cry...This has to be MY SON...
There he is...
Standing terrified amidst a sea of people who are not bothered...
Standing alone with lots of tears rolling down his cheeks...
Crying out loudly...Crying out for help...
“Somebody help me find my Mama...”
Nobody picked him up to help...Nobody comforted him...
Nobody tried to make him stop crying...
GOD made me hear his innocence, his cry, his plea...
“It’s okay...Mama is here...Come to me...”
Tears did not stop and we hugged each other as if there was no tomorrow...
Sun came out bright and smiling...
Flowers kissed his soft cheeks...
Dew drops like tears rolled down his cheeks and I hugged him even tighter...
Mama loves you more than her life...
Mama is alive for you...for only YOU...
If you are gone...I am gone...I am dead...I will not live...
Don’t want to see anything else...Except YOU and ONLY YOU...
Forgive me GOD...YOU gave kriish in my lap and I took motherhood for granted...
...Please forgive me...
...Please give me the insight to do things right
...Give me the wisdom to think straight...
...Please give me the strength to be a strong and RESPONSIBLE MOM...

© 2009 Pratibha

Author's Note

i really blamed myself for a long long time because I was lost while watching a feng sui display when kriish went away on his own towards a toy display

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Wow! What an awesome write ! It grips my heart, and makes it race, as you draw us into the urgency, the terror, of that dramatic moment. I am so glad you had a happy ending.

Perhaps I felt your agony even more because it brought back the memory of when my first born disappeared in a mall in, of Toronto, thank God, I found her just as an older man was leading her, not to find mama, but out of the store. After hugging her close, I went back into the store and bought her a harness so she could walk without having to keep her arm raised up to hold my hand, but she could not stray too far because I held the leash tightly. It made her feel like she was a big girl, with a little more freedom, and I could slip the end of the leash over my wrist so I could stop to look closer at things without ever losing her gain.

Posted 15 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.


Thanks for inviting me to join the site. And I never knew you wrote with so much emotions. I am glad he is safe. Take care of him. He is precious

Posted 15 Years Ago

I felt this ....

Though I can relate, I can only appreciate your unique perspective and presentation as it is. Thank you.

Posted 15 Years Ago

Don't blame yourself Pratibha. God is kind to get your child back. Thank HIM and carry on

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This is powerful and raw. I knew you had talent but it really shows through in this poem. I'm struck with the effort placed within this poem. Each verse captures the imagery of horror and guilt with tremendous clarity. The vocabulary is very unique and bold.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I think I read this long ago
On another site that we both know
It gripped me then
and does again
I'm visiting you in other places
Your gorgeous smile and tender face
(Guess who??)

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

A single second is all it takes for the icy fingers of terror to grip your heart when you realise your child is missing. You captured beautifully and with absolute clarity all of the emotions a parent feels when they believe their child is gone.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Girl, One time long ago when I was married, our children wondered from the house. It was weird, my husband and I stepped into the living room talking about something and I guess time got away, but the next thing we noticed was the quietness. Panic set in big time. They were out of pocket like three minutes, but that was the longer three minutes in the world. Bumpped up security after that. (paid more attention...lol) I felt your panic here, scarey for sure, very emotional, to the point of making your heart beat a little heavier.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

We have all imagined what the loss of a child might feel like. Now we need imagine no more. You have beautifully, horrifying captured the panic, the fear, the guilt, the anguish, the desperation, the relief and the thankfulness in this three minute read--oddly, probably two minutes longer than the entire incident! How's that make you feel, Prati, to have both your feelings and your writing so validated, so praised by so many people you respect? Is it what we poets live for?

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This is a beautiful poem that describes the experience that so many of us have had with our own children. Your words have made the experience so real.

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

I had the same thing happen to me once and it is devastating. I can't think of anything scarier for a parent to experience. You did a good job of writing it out and the reader can feel how much this affected you. it just takes a second for a parents life to change forever. Thankfully this worked out for you. Great job in the writing Prati!

Posted 15 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.

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14 Reviews
Added on March 14, 2009
Last Updated on March 19, 2009



London,Ontario, Canada

Well, i am 32 years old and a mother of a 5years old naughty but cute son, Sreyansh. I am at present at home taking care of him. When he starts his school this summer, i will go back to my job as a cl.. more..


A Story by Pratibha