![]() Chapter OneA Chapter by Benjamin![]() im just see the feed back i get from this![]() Chapter 1 The Beginning As I walked out of the van, I stepped onto the cobblestone pathway that the people of the past used as roads. Seeing that I would be here for a while I decided to explore by myself. "I'm heading out on my own mom" I said just barely audible for her to hear. My mom was not what you would call "normal". She was 6'4" with a very unique haircut, which consisted of a spiky mohauck slash mullet and had a very big bone structure which meant that she was very intimidating. Most of my friends were completely terrified of her when i first brought them home. Although they soon realized that she was like every mother (except for the hair). Although I am getting away from my point, and I should probably start from the beginning of my tale as to fill you in on what is happening.... As I reached for my alarm clock which was on my night stand on the left side of my bed, I groaned yet again for the fact that I had-for the third time in a row- woken up five minutes before my alarm clock. This seemed to be a habit of mine since I could seem to sleep while knowing my alarm was set. I hit the snooze button on my anime style clock. It was six in the afternoon on a Saturday. As I walked out of my room I was tackled to the floor by my older sister. I should probably mention that I am not the most physically inclined person and I would rather read a novel or comic book than go outside to play sports with my friends. I know what you’re thinking "what a classic nerd" but I find that that word does not exactly fit me it just fits my persona. If I were to describe myself I would say I am more of a "gentle giant". My strong belief behind this would be that I am 6'7" and really thick boned. I have shoulder length hair which is a very rare shade of white that is almost see through. I weigh around 210 lbs. and have a fast metabolism. I have a bit of muscle in my arms but most of it is in my legs, which I use a lot to run away when someone gets on my nerves and is trying to pick a fight. Getting back on track my sister who is 19 is a 5'9" brunet that has a very small physique and is the only normal one in the family. She is into sports such as volley ball, badminton and soccer. She attracts a lot of boys-which she does not like- that I have to deal with if they get to pesky. She is also very smart, being in the top of her class in every subject. Well that is except for the math based ones like physics. As soon as she realized that she had knocked me over she punched me on the shoulder playfully and said " Blaze you have to stop being such an easy target to be taken down." she said it sarcastically as if I should expect this as soon as I get up from an afternoon nap... which I should considering this is not the first times she does this. I slowly get up and act as if my ankle is sprained so I get some pity. I see the guilt in her eyes right away! As she makes me sit on the closest chair ,which just so happened to be a purple rocking chair in the corner of the hallway that is right under a green stained glass window. As I sit down I grab her wrist in my left hand and with my right reach for her ankle. But of course they just "had" to teach self defense class in high school. So all I got for my effort was a knee in the forehead that was going to leave a bruise. When I finally recovered from the shock of my sister’s blow I looked at her and she had a triumphant grin spread across her face. “You think that I would actually fall for that one a second time Blaze" she said with a lot of pride in her voice. She even had her head tilted slightly upwards in a superior fashion. So I decided to say the first thing that came to mind. Which when I think about it was not the smartest thing to do at that time considering I was in pain from her bony knee making contact with my forehead. "You know no matter how high you tilt your head your still going to be shorter than me Alexis" while I said this with a half smirk on my face her triumphant body language faded into one of anger and annoyance. I knew that she was not short compared to a lot of people in our school, heck she was one of the 15 tallest people in school. But all the same it still got her mad at me when I made fun of her height. She then stalked downstairs in a way to make it seem that she was being the better person and stopping this argument before we actually started fighting in the narrow stairway and most likely fell down the stairs. I laughed for I knew the real reason that she left in such a manner, it was because she could never make a decent come back to someone insulting her height. I decided that I should head down for supper so I don't get in trouble with my mother. Alexis was probably going to tell her what had just happen and if I was not there to advocate for myself would end up grounded like the last time that Alexis told on me. I was still holding a grudge from last time because I had been grounded for two months because I had broken up a fight in school and my sister had claimed that I had broken the guys’ arms. Well I did in fact but it wasn't on purpose. When they went to punch for interfering I just tensed my abdominal muscles so that it would not hurt. When their fists impacted with my stomach al that was heard had been a "tsss" from me and the sound of bones cracking and screams of agony from them. By the time that I had actually gotten a teacher to them the rumour had spread that I had crushed their arms in sheer anger. Of course it was later settled that I had not in fact attacked them, I had still broken to senior students arms in a fist fight and had been suspended for a month. My mother being extremely over protective decided that I would not be able to go anywhere for 2 months. She shouldn't have even found out but my sister could not keep her mouth closed about the rumour of how their arms had been broken. When I arrived in the kitchen after jumping down a lot of the stairs, I entered and was still surprised by the room which was huge. It had an enormous counter that went along the entire wall of the kitchen; it also had a centered island counter with all the accessories possible. They ranged from things like automated potato peelers to spinning shelves to toaster and even 3 stoves. As everyone guesses when they first see this they think we are a very rich family, which we are indeed. But the reason for our wealth is a sore spot in the family’s memory. Our wealth comes from our late father. He had been a scientist researching something for the military on how to stop a biological weapon threat from some weirdly named foreign country that claimed to have a weapon of mass destruction that would vaporize all biological matter within a 100 km radius. While trying to find a protection against this devastating weapon my dad had created a new element he named “Ubstrutanium”. While testing its properties they had an accident where they spilt a bit of carbonated water on it. This caused the element to explode and kill all the researchers in the facility. Which unfortunately my dad had just begun his shift at the research center. A few days after they found out the countries threats were empty and that there had never been a biological weapon after all. And my dad’s element is now used as a military grade weapon and armour because of its explosive and dense defensive attributes. So every time they use it to make something they have to pay my family a very big amount in royalties for the elements usage and for their part in our fathers’ death for allowing someone to bring carbonated water into a research facility. When my mom looked at me I could tell that my sister had already ratted my out and that my mom was just annoyed at my sister. I let out a sigh as I realize that I am not going to get grounded again. My hopes for any plans this weekend went up in flames just as fast as they had entered my mind as my mother said “We are going to a historic village this weekend.” As I tried to make an excuse for myself my mom interrupted me by saying “Alexis and Blaze don’t even try to get out of this trip. I have already made the arrangements for the stay so there is no getting out of this. I have even made sure that most of your friends are going to show up so that you can’t make any excuses like ‘there is a huge party’ or ‘my friends are inviting me to a movie’.” I then had a revelation that my dad had been smart with math and the scientific junk but my mom was smart enough to eliminate our escape routes out of a family vacation that most people would not even think of. I looked over to Alexis to see if she shared my hatred for this trip. I already knew that she was excited to go because history was her favourite subject in high school. I being three years younger than her I did not see the appeal to learning about some dead ancient people who do not affect my life in the slightest. Although if you listened to my sisters theory about my dislike about history you would laugh as I did the first time. She put it something like “You’re just not mature enough to understand the amazing aspects and great responsibility of the ‘dead people’ and the complexity of how they affect our lives from a day to day basis.” If you are not laughing you don’t know my sister. She is an extremely energetic, immature person. She still watches anime and is into video games like Pokémon, Harvest Moon, Street Fighter and Mortal Combat. She is also still scared of the dark and will freak out at any type of bug that she sees from a tarantula to a butterfly. She can’t get to sleep unless she has her stuffed animal in her arms and our mother sings her a lullaby like ‘hush little baby’ or ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’ that ironically was written by Mozart at the age of 5. My sister then started to suck up to my mom by saying “Mom why would we ever try to get out of such an enjoyable experience. This is a rare occurrence that we actually go somewhere as a family and if our friends are there even the better.” Predictable as always, she said it like I wanted to go with them. Of course I had no real choice in the matter, being as my mom was very good at making people “change” their mind by “persuading”, and I knew it was useless to even try. I started to get my supper ready; this consisted of three egos, a muffin, and a glass of milk. While doing this I agreed with my sister and said in an enthusiastic voice “Of course ‘we’ would love to go to a historic village mom.” She was satisfied with our reactions and then to my disappointment she actually started to skip away. I had to laugh at the sight of a 6’4” women skipping in our gigantic kitchen. Then my smile faded and I turned to my sister and said “Nerd” under my breath. I know she caught it because the next thing I knew I was on the ground holding my ribs because she had just elbowed me in the solar plexus. I must also say that my sister is extremely fast due to her being very active. I sighed and went to eat my food in the living room to watch the television while stuffing my face with the first Eggo. As I finished devouring the Eggos I turned the television on and flipped throw the channels to see what was on and decided to watch one of my favourite shows, this happened to be an anime Trinity Blood*. My reason for liking it so much actually happens to be that I like vampires and it does help that my sister despises this show with a passion and finds that there is too much violence. As I sat there watching the rerun episode of when the main character has to reveal his secret to the new nun it makes me think about ‘what if a secret about me got out’ which one would I hate it to be? Thinking of this it would probably be the secret of who I like. The girls’ features are so amazing; she is almost six feet tall she has flowing brown hair and has the most amazing physique I have ever seen. She has a medium body frame and her smile always brightens my day no matter what has happened. She always knows what to say when I am upset about things and is a very good friend. I am always finding myself thinking about her and her beautiful smile. I love the girl so much and her name is always on my mind and every time I think about it I get the best feeling which I am about to say in my mind. I love you A- My thoughts are interrupted by my mom asking “So what historic village should we visit you guys. It is up to you to decide on where this vacation is going to take place. Before you ask there are a few options to choose from and they are across the globe so think about it tonight and tell me tomorrow. I left the list of them next to the television guide so look through them.” She then announced that she was going to bed. With the departure of the parental figure I and my sister got into a heated discussion on where we were going after spending ten minutes looking through the book. We could not decide whether we would go to a foreign continent or North American history site. Now you are probably wondering why I care, the simple answer is that we would be deciding whether or not we would be close to any electronic device at all. I Just wanted to bring my computer so that I could keep in contact with the people that were not going which would probably be most of my friends. Since their parents can’t make them do anything, especially go on some stupid expedition like this. In the end my sister won out by saying that her choices had some internet connections and that I would be able to contact my friends during the night. So with that I went back to watching television and watching some new anime I had never heard about in my life. It looked interesting so I continued to watch the marathon of the anime. When it started it looked to be a romance but by the end I realized that the series was turning into a comedy, and a very good one at that. I stayed up to three o’clock in the morning when I remembered that I had plans for later that day and better get some sleep. © 2011 BenjaminAuthor's Note
Added on January 4, 2011 Last Updated on January 4, 2011 Author