chapter 3

chapter 3

A Chapter by spunkyleo

Soft hands shook me from my slumber. I groaned and wiped away the yellowish crust that formed on my eyes. The pair of hands belonged to none other than mother. Her ginger hair dripped over my arms. She wore the same jumpsuit as I. It looked strange on her. I wasn’t used to seeing her in anything but elegant wear.

“our new home awaits us.”

I walked to the exit of the jet and took a first breath of the springlands. The air smelled like orchids and honey. The fragrance was better than any pie or fruit tart the Rundelli chef had ever presented. Though speaking such words in front of chef Sinth would earn me a smack upon the head with a soup ladle.

“Its beautiful!” I beamed, running to the emerald grass and taking in the warm rays of sun. A crystalline butterfly landed on my thumb. It's clear wings sparkled like diamonds in the light.

“Miss R---- I mean, Daina! Wait for me! Its not safe to wonder off alone.”

I laughed. “Relax, Angela! How can you bicker with this wonderland before you?!”

“its actually Ruth now. Ruth Doe.”

“ We're sisters now are we? Wont that be an interesting experiment?”

Emerson sneezed. “Damn this pollen.” he muttered. “We have to walk from here. The springlanders don’t believe in transport that requires fuel.

“walk? Why not just stick an apple in each of our mouths and call out to the moss bears?” I said frantically.

Ruth giggled . “we would have to be deep in the forest to even see a moss bear. And besides, moss bears are friendly creatures.”

We looked at her puzzled. “How do you know all this?”

“lot of things you don't know about me.”

“well,” I stammered “there’s still plenty of bugs to spare in this place.”

“nothing much to do about that.” she looked up. “Night is to come soon. Let us start moving.”

We nodded and began to walk along the path of pale pink cherry blossom trees.

To every rustle we would jump only to be reassured by Ruth. Then finally, after a mile walk of sweaty feet and dry mouths, we feasted our eyes upon a town of cottages. Everyone dressed same as ourselves: yellow jumpsuits. Children ran amok like wild animals through the dirt paved streets. It was as if we had stepped into the past wearing the clothes of the future.

“Welcome...” said an old man in a raspy voice. His head was bald and speckled with brown sun spots and a beard braided neatly into a long string. “you must be the Doe family. Correct?”

Emerson smoothed the chest of his jumpsuit. He said nothing but he held out a stack of passports bound together with a rubber band.

The man flipped through each of them slowly. Examining every word printed. “as I said, welcome.”

“the pleasure is ours, governor Char.” said Emerson shaking the man's wrinkled hand.

Father interrupted, “ governor Char, I cannot express my gratitude to you for saving my family from the possible dangers.”

Governor Char chuckled. “i am a springlander. It would be against my religion to not assist anyone in need.”

“no matter. Tonight we shall have a feast of lamb and fine wine!”

as father's words met the ears of the citizens, scowls appeared and silence fell.

Governor char cleared his throat awkwardly. “I’m afraid the springlanders are an animal friendly race...”

Father paused for a moment. “meaning?”

“we are vegan and so no meat is included in our diet... and no alcohol of any sort.”

our faces turned pale.

“no real food?” I frowned. “what do you herbivores actually EAT?”

“rudeness is not honorable in the springlands either, young lady. I suggest you change your attitude.”

© 2013 spunkyleo

Author's Note

chapter 3, enjoy!

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Added on May 22, 2013
Last Updated on May 22, 2013