Why do we lay colourless tablets over the vibrant and natural earth?
Extracting the beauty and overlaying it with hateful things we've made...
Killing the life and replacing it with semi-permanent ugly objects that take meaning from our lives?
Do humans have a lust for self-torture or are we too unwise to see?
Perhaps the appeal of things lies different in the eyes of each.
is so appealing about processed grey-black pavement in opposition to a
field of earth and grass and flowers and trees with all the colour in
the world?
What is so appealing about an office building
and a pile of documents to be filed away in continuance of the next,
day after day...of the monotony and repitition, which lacks meaning or
purpose as per individual?
Am I the only one who sees
this? Who wants to change it? Who will do anything in my power to stray
from the path of mainstream life?
Conformity is hardly avoidable in such a society, but not impossible to abolish.
I wish they would ship portions of the population off to new
sustainable planets...Planets with the ability to start over, to create a
better way of life. I imagine that I would be one of the people chosen
to leave...that things would be simpler and yet, in ways, more
complicated...more inconvenient...more fulfilling.
I like this very much. It sounds like something from my own head, and indeed, I think everyone who has enough intelligence to have ever had a moment of clarity about modern life and society would recognize this. You perfectly pinpoint and demonstrate the perfect pointlessness of it all, and also, put your finger right on the nub of the issue - the fact that, even though many of us may now recognize the monster that lurks within, we are powerless to stop it, the system has become a creature unto itself, unstoppable, the need to preserve the status quo always over-riding our ability to save ourselves - the greatest internal and hidden danger of all societies. Very, very well written and expressed.
This is a good, thought provoking piece. You are very direct in your questions and don't seem to be wasting time with complicated analogies. Excellent job!
Like all your other pieces of work this is very deep and well thought out, i find that you are able to look at the world around us and see things no one else can, and i admire that greatly.
Keep it up
I like this very much. It sounds like something from my own head, and indeed, I think everyone who has enough intelligence to have ever had a moment of clarity about modern life and society would recognize this. You perfectly pinpoint and demonstrate the perfect pointlessness of it all, and also, put your finger right on the nub of the issue - the fact that, even though many of us may now recognize the monster that lurks within, we are powerless to stop it, the system has become a creature unto itself, unstoppable, the need to preserve the status quo always over-riding our ability to save ourselves - the greatest internal and hidden danger of all societies. Very, very well written and expressed.
I am with you on this one..I have "Monarch of the Glen" on Dvds and the beauty of Scotland beats tall buildings and pavement any day..I love seeing what God created..not man..Kathie
its problems that we hurdle, that make our legs stronger. Without problems we search for them, they become petty, and empty. I''d rather have an inconvenient truth than an easy lie.