

A Poem by Surya pradha

The fear of being forgotten is what drives us. It makes us better human beings. We yearn to be heard, we yearn to be loved, but most of all, we yearn to be remembered.

The barbed bandana, perched high
Slips, leaving it's mark
The pain, once a soft caress
Now the very centre,
Of existence.

Jagged curls, intertwined
The dark embrace, misleading
For friends and foes, alike
Leave us stranded, gasping.

And in the vast expanse,
Lies a writhing mess,
A lone silhouette,

On its knees now, in prayer
Eyes glazing over
A stifled cry, and then silence
A mercy killing, of sorts.

And with one last breath,
Numbness as it's solace,
It lies amongst the ruins,
Long forgotten.

© 2022 Surya pradha

Author's Note

Surya pradha
It's been like 6 years since I've put anything up here. Really looking forward to your reviews!

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Added on August 31, 2022
Last Updated on August 31, 2022


Surya pradha
Surya pradha

Chennai, India

I'm 16 years old and proud to be an Indian. I really like writing and it has kind of become my hobby. I've written tons of poems and short stories and i would like to share them with everyone. more..

Chapter one Chapter one

A Chapter by Surya pradha

Chapter two Chapter two

A Chapter by Surya pradha