![]() Kingdom Falls: The Forever doorA Story by little bad puppy![]() stuff![]()
Spire of Bone was a monolithic structure that sat in the middle of
the Great Plains of Hope. The tower, bleached white by countless
years in the unyielding sun,reached upwards towards the heavens like
an enormous skeletal finger. It could be seen from a dozen leagues in
any direction, and most of the nomadic plains dwellers who lived in
its shadow knew to stay away; the blood of many their ancestors had
been spilled to raise the white tower into the sky. It housed a
legion of imperial soldiers and served as a reminder to all who saw
it that the Emperor controlled everything. The purpose of the
construction was not only a garrison, but also a prison for anyone
whom the empire wished to forget about.
Prisoners that were sent to the spire were never seen again. Most of the lucky ones did not survive more than a few months. If the other prisoners didn't kill you, the giant white man-eating rats would. The thick obsidian walls of its lower tiers were carved from the dark bedrock itself, forever dripping with moisture and perspiration. the stagnant air was always pungent with the smell of blood, fear, and death.
The atonal choir of screams and pleas for mercy were a constant serenade in the near darkness of the dungeon. And the constant cries of bandits and beggars alike always floated through the air, day and night. Their song was occasionally punctuated by the sounds of the monstrous white rats that lived behind the bricks of the upper walls and in the cracks and crevices below.
The prison itself was a straight shaft that went down so far into the earth that light became nonexistent. The prisoners were housed on random levels with no doors or bars to restrain them, and the only way to access each level was by a large iron cage that was lowered from above.
Sometimes a prisoner would lose his mind and jump. If he was lucky, he would not fall far before landing on another floor. But if he was unlucky, he went all the way down. And whenever a prisoner did fall all the way down, they never made a sound when they hit the bottom, if there was a bottom at all. There never was a meaty crunch of impact, never the groan of a broken dying man. But occasionally, the prison would be treated to the sounds of some poor soul screaming as he rushed down past their level, and then suddenly, silenced by something living below them.
Once a day the large cage was slowly lowered to each level where the guards would dole out a slimy runny porridge. Most prisoners didn't have a bowl, and would instead use their hands trying to catch as much as they could before licking their fingers clean. A few resourceful prisoners managed to fashion makeshift bowls out of the skulls of other prisoners, and more than a few fights had broken out over the ownership of these macabre dishes.
Besides the lift, the only other thing of importance in this dungeon of terror were the large brass lanterns. They hung from the edge of each level on a complex series of chains, their dim shadowy light did very little to drive back the darkness. Every day the guards would pull them back up into a long room where a few chosen prisoners would refill the oil before they lowered them back again. They did this slowly filling only one at a time, and the process could take almost all day. If the prisoners were being a bit too rambunctious or needed to be punished for some other reason, the guards would neglect to fill the lanterns for that level. And on the few occasions this had happened the men who were not living on that level of the prison could hear the prisoners as they died one by one.
Because leaving a level in darkness for a day might seem like punishment enough, but it was what came out when it got dark that the prisoners truly feared. The large fat rats with their patchy white fur would slither out from the cracks and crevices in the walls. They were not blind, but their eyes were sensitive to light and so it was the lanterns that kept them at bay. These terrible rodents had razor sharp glittering metallic teeth. They could slice through muscle, sinew, skin, and bone in one bite, and more than one prisoner was missing a finger, an ear, or a eye because of the wicked little vermin. But that was when you encountered only one of them. What the prisoners truly feared was when the devil rats swarmed. The thought of a carpet of dirty white plump bodies coming out of the darkness, all red eyes and silvery teeth--that kept many a prisoner awake at night.
There was a tale they would tell each other of two men, who were falsely convicted by the empire of some horrible crime and imprisoned together. The poor souls did not know the dangers of the prison. On their first night of captivity, they had sought out a dark secluded area safe from any of the other prisoners to sit together and bemoan their fate.
The next morning, one of the men awoke and tried to rouse his companion, but the other man would not wake up. The first man called out his friend's name as he rolled him onto his back, but he only lay there with his chest slowly rising and lowering as if he were in a deep sleep. That was when the man's chest suddenly burst open, as a family of fat greasy newborn rats chewed their way out of his corpse. It was said that the prisoner never stopped laughing, and finally threw himself off the ledge cackling all the way down into the darkness.
John stood in the center of the cage as the gears above him clanked and clattered the progress of their dissent into hell. He stood almost a head taller than any of the guards that surrounded him. He was lean, strong, and fit, but not overly muscular like some of the northern barbarian tribes. His hair was dirty blonde and cut in the chaotic uneven fashion of soldiers and sailors. Rope-like muscles moved beguilingly under his sun-bronzed skin, which together told a tale of a salty life on the sea, a life guided by the stars in the night sky, a life of freedom on the open waves of the ocean.
He stood in the middle of the dimly lit cage, his hands clasped behind his back, patiently waiting as they continued their eternally slow journey into the black sea of misery below. The other prisoners were bound and shackled, but John stood among them with no restraints. He almost seemed a free man standing there among the sad convicts.
For sport, the guards would normally mock and berate the arriving prisoners as they descended. When they had first entered the cage, one of the guards had turned to John and began to say something; but when their eyes met he found he could not speak. The guard had looked into his prisoners eyes and saw something he did not quite comprehend. When John looked into the man's hazel eyes, hidden as they were behind the steel mask of the Emperor, he had given the guard a friendly smile. But it wasn't John's cheerful manner that disturbed the guard into silence. It was the strange color of Johns eyes; two different colors, one eye blue, the other green.
It was like seeing someone in the marketplace with a deformity--you don't want to stare, but you can't help but look to see if they are as grotesque as you think. As the guard looked deep into John's soul through those captivating eyes, he did not see freakish horror. Instead, they seem to lend him a type of other-worldly angelic beauty, and it was mesmerizing.
The guard had never seen the Emperor in person, but all of his life had been spent in loyal service to His Empire. And as the guard looked into the face of this man, this man with the enchanting oddity, he felt like he would be willing to die for him if given the command.
John had a natural aura of authority about him, and along with his strong masculine build and his strange beautiful features, it was no wonder men were willing to follow him wherever he would lead. But of all these gifts that a God had blessed him with upon his birth, there was one that was stranger still. John was a twin. He had a twin sister with whom he had shared his mother's womb, and throughout their life they shared everything, including a common goal. Revenge.
The sour-faced warden stood at the edge of the cage as the levels moved slowly past. When they arrived at the appropriate floor, he reached up and yanked the handle above his head, sending the signal to driver of the team of horses above to stop lowering the cage. The door was flanked by a pair of guards, one of them reached out and opened the door, swinging it out into the inky blackness beyond. John eagerly stepped up to the doorway, even though the two-foot gap between the edge of the cage and the lip of the prison floor held a long drop toward death.
“Watch your step, pris'ner,” the warden warned.
“Looks like a long fall,” John replied.
“Many a prisoner has ended up at the bottom of the pit.” John smiled at the old scowling man.
“Well I don't plan to be one of them.” And with that, he hopped over the gap. He walked briskly several turns away from the edge looking around and taking in his new home.
The dim light cast by the lanterns did not go all the way to the walls nor the ceiling, which remained shrouded in darkness. Groups of men stood about, talking among themselves and casting glances as John leapt from the cage. Before the door closed, another prisoner was shoved out onto the ledge. The second prisoner stumbled and almost looked about to fall before he regained his balance. He was an older man, nearly bald, with his hands bound behind his back.
He looked around seeming lost and confused. A group of men who had been skulking near the lanterns twilight begin to slowly walk toward him. The old man looked from them to John his confused eyes pleading for help, smiling John walked over to the man.
“Here, Grandfather, let me help you with those.” he nodded and turned to let John loosen his bindings. The old man had an earthy appearance: the calloused hands of a farmer and the large watery blue-gray eyes of a sheep. John cast a glance at the group he had seen approaching, but it seemed that they had found interest in other things.
“Stay by my side, Grandfather,” John said, stern but gently. "I'll keep you safe."
“Thank you, sire,” the man said in a soft tone.
The two wandered the dim area of the floor. Occasionally John would stop and search the refuse on the ground, digging through the detritus with an old sharp bone, looking for anything he could use. Finally they came across a small raised platform and decided to sit together and take a break.
The old farmer extended a hand to John and said “I'm Mark. Mark Cedar. Thank you, stranger.”
John returned the gesture “John Stilton. So, grandfather, why did they send you here?"
“Well, sire, I'm a farmer from the northern reach. Last season the local lord raised our taxes, me and my family worked our fingers to the bone but was unable to pay. The tax collector came to my home, the home my grandfather build and demanded we Leave. For the sake of the light I was born in that house,” the old mans eye glistened and he choked back a sob.” so any way, I refused to let them take my land, so they burnt down my farm and sent my wife and daughter to work in the capital. Me, they sent me here to rot in this prison. Rot for nothing more than their greed.” he sighed and looked up at John. “ What about you, sire? What did you do to get sent to this hellish place?”
John lean back against The hard rock and with a smile said “well grandfather that's a very long story.”
“Well son we own nothing but time.” said the old man with a smile.
John smiled back “True enough. True enough.” he look up toward the ceiling and seem to reminisce. It was as if he was trying to think of a good starting point for his life and then finally said “well I guess the real reason I'm here started the day I was born.”
Lady Mary Stilton lay on the birthing bed in the chapter-house of the shield sisters. Her dark hair was plastered across her forehead with sweat. The ordeal so far had been far worse then what she had expected. After what seemed like a lifetime of cramps, nausea, back-pain, and pregnancy sickness she thought the worst had been behind her. She had been wed to lord Johnathan Stilton on the nineteenth day of birth. Her father had been a unsuccessful merchant who had no need for daughters. So he was quite happy to exchange her for a handsome dowry, and give her to the kings son no less. But it was not an arranged marriage or one of convince. The two had met when one of her fathers ships had gone down with her aboard.
Johnathan's ship had been escorting them around thunder cape when a summer storm had blown up on them. Mary had been in her cabin before the storm trying to not be sick, the sea did not agree with her. The constant rocking was making her feel ill and it only seemed to be getting worse. She heard some shouting from the men on deck but the sick feeling in her stomach took priority over their troubles. Then suddenly there had been a loud cracking noise and the ship lurched to one side. She had rushed to her door but found it jammed and try as she mite she could not open it. That was when the icy waters had started flowing into the cabin.
Johnathan watched from the deck of his ship as the other broke apart and began to sink. It's sailors were quickly pulled out of the fridged water, and finally it's captain was brought aboard. He had asked Johnathan if Mary had already been rescued, the portly man said she had been in her cabin, and if not was probably still there.
Johnathan had not thought twice before diving into the water,he swam through the cold depths to the sinking ship, and freed Mary from her cabin. But by the time they emerged from the wreck they where far from the surface. Mary was a very poor swimmer and knew they would never make it. She had tried to push him away, make him go on without her, her lungs already burning with the need to breath.
They broke the surface right next to Johnathan's ship and were quickly hauled up to safety. She recalled lying on the deck, shivering, and trying to regain her senses. Her heart hammering away at her ribs, and butterflies seemed to be dancing in her stomach. She remembered hearing a deep voice asking her if she was okay and when she looked up he had been back-lit by the sun. His strong rugged feature, wind-swept hair, and dazzling green eyes had made her faint. From that day forward she had been madly in love with Johnathan Stilton.
The room was bright and well-lit by the tall windows that were set in the walls. On the far side of the room a small dark wood table supported a large silver bowl. The sisters had mixed a potion into its water that seem to let off a strange purple mist. The bed itself was more like a chair design with strategically placed handles the expectant mother could hold onto. It also placed the occupant in a very Indignant, but necessary position. The sisters had remedy this by placing a sheet over lady Stilton to give her a modicum of privacy.
Nancy was the attending sister who would be with lady Stilton the whole time. She was a stout girl with short black hair and dark soulful eyes. She was slightly plump and had a friendly round face that seem to always wear a smile. This was the first time Nancy had ever attended a birth. She had just turned seventeen seasons old and had been with the order since she was a baby. She had been found on these very doorsteps of this chapter house abandoned in the rain not even swaddled or in sa basket. But the watch sister was not surprised to find a naked baby girl screaming on their doorstep. Many an expecting mother or disappointed father left their unwanted daughters here.
The sisters had taught Nancy many things but she personally had wanted to be a midwife. The head matron had smiled when Nancy proclaimed this and said “birthing is a bloody business just like war.” When Nancy had first enter the room she was amazed and horrified at the size of the woman's belly. She never conceive the fact that a pregnant woman could get so huge.
For the first several hours lady Stilton had cried out in pain until the healing mist had taken effect. The mist was what the sisters used because it relieve pain without dulling the senses. Nancy had sen it used once before on a farmer who's leg had been crushed by a cart. The man had watched fascinated as the Matron had carefully removed his leg, and stitched up his wounds. Since the contractions had slowed the other attending sisters had left informing Nancy to call them if anything happened.
The two women sat quietly talking like old friends. Even though Lady Stilton was in no pain her nerves were frayed and the small talk was putting her at ease. Nancy had been asking the lady questions about her experience thus far, to help build on her knowledge of midwifing. They shared private things with each other and Nancy felt as if they were forming a bond. She silently prayed that nothing bad would happen during the birthing to her new friend.
“Do you ever plan to have children?” Mary asked as she rubbed her ample belly.
“It would be nice but the gods have seen to it that would never happen. When I was a small child I caught black fever and it left me barren.”
“Oh I'm so sorry.” Mary said squeezing Nancy's hand.
“It's okay really. I have given my life to the service of the sisterhood. To help those in need and suffering. But what about you it must be nice being a lady and all.”
“Please. It's not all costume balls and princes. My husband is a loud boorish man who thinks women should be seen not heard. He goes out on his hunts or stays up late with his friends drinking leaving all the day-to-day activities of his estate to me. But I love him and would have him no other way.” Mary laughed.
Nancy noticed she could see the other woman's breath. She exhaled as well and steamy vapors escaped her lips. The light through the windows were growing dimmer by degrees. Nancy stood and with her left hand grasp the hilt of her sword.
“Please don't leave me.” said lady Stilton gripping Nancy's freehand.
“It's okay I'm just going to...”
As Nancy uttered these words a silvery form began to take shape at the foot of the bed. It looked like gossamer moonlight woven into The image of a woman. Her body was faded around the edges and seem to shift and move as if caught underwater. Her pale features were strong and she wore a ragged gray shroud that slowly moved and swayed around her body. Across your eyes a piece of gray cloth shielded her vision of the world. Her long black raven hair flowed of its own accord as she looked around the room. Her sightless eyes fell upon the two.
“Who are you specter. Do not come in to the chamber of the Shield maidens unannounced. You shall find my wrath unforgiving!” said Nancy as she gripped the handle of her sword.
The strange being turned and looked at the girl with its covered eyes. A humorless smile crossed its face as it seemed to evaluate the sister. Nancy tried to take a step toward the specter, but suddenly found herself paralyzed and unable to move. The apparition closed in on Lady Stilton as she lay helpless on her birthing bed.
“Be not afraid mortal. for I come to share your happiness.” The ghost said in a hollow echoing voice.
“Who... who are you?” Lady Stilton asked fear lacing her words.
“Do you not know me child? I am the end of all I am the blind queen of death. And I have come to pay gifts upon your children.”
“What? Children? There is more than one baby? Why do you come to me Queen of the dead. I did not call upon you to be my children's godmother. Begone if you have ill will toward them, they are innocent, Please.”
“I mean you no harm daughter I am here to bestow my blessing. As your husband asked of me during the naming ceremony, that night he declared that I would be godmother.”
“But how?”
The ghost put one finger in front of her lips and shushed lady Stilton. It reached a pale transparent hand and placed it upon her swollen belly. Mary could feel the chill of death creep across her skin as the specter made contact with her, and it made all the hairs on her body stand on end.
Her sight began to dim and in her mind she could see the night of the naming ceremony. It was a festival for men who's wives were expecting children. At the end of the night A name was chosen for the coming baby. As well as any godparent declared by the expecting father. She could clearly see her husband in his drunken revelry in the great feasting hall of their home. She remember that night from her own memory because of the cramps and pregnancy sickness she had felt that whole night. She could see her home around her clearly as if she was standing there. The drunken men with their mugs of ale and mead, The large table decorated with food and drink, the bright candelabras illuminating the hall, it all looked so real. She could hear the merrymaking and smell the food but in her current state the smells only made her nauseous.
“My lord, who shall be godmother to this Child? Be if I am the godfather.” Asked Lord falcon.
Her husband looked around to see who had spoken. He stood up, staggering a bit before he found his feet, and looked at his friend who he had declared godfather to his son. He seemed to contemplate the answer for a few seconds and then lifted his tankard high.
“Why she'll be none other than the blind queen. Because my son shall lay any enemy before him, sending them to her kingdom.” Her husband declared loudly and to great applause.
The vision faded from Mary's sight and once again she beheld the blind queen of death before her. The apparition smiled a dark wicked smile as it floated above her. Mary could feel her heart racing as she looked into the sightless face of the apparition. The goddess that had no mercy for man or beast The reaper of all the dead and the last face the dying ever saw. She felt fear for her unborn children at the thought of this being claiming to be their godmother. But she knew that if she did cry out for help no living being could save her.
“If you serve no ill will here spirit then what is your purpose.” Mary asked in a shaky voice.
“Why to bestow my gifts upon my godson.” The apparition said with a evil smile.
“Shush, Be not afraid child this should be a happy time for you. Because I bestow my gifts upon your son.” The Phantom said as she rubbed the woman's belly.
Mary could feel a strange tingling sensation growing in her. It felt like burning worms burrowing their way through her flesh and into her bones. She dared not cry out for fear of angering the ghost but the pain was almost unbearable. Just as suddenly as it started it had stopped and Mary had felt relief flood through her ravaged body.
“Your son now has my blessing child. He will be a leader of men, and shall add to the subjects of my kingdom.” With that the apparition began to float away and slowly fade. Mary began to feel relief as the ghost disappeared but suddenly was stricken with horror at a thought.
“Wait! What of the other one, what of my other child.”
“Your daughter?” the vanishing specter asked.
“I... I have a daughter?” Mary couldn't believe it. Images of her unborn daughters face swam in her mind. She could see her growing up. She could see herself attending her daughter's wedding. Holding her first grandchild and seeing the look in her own daughters face as she became a mother.
“But I was not asked to be her godmother. But I have still given her, my gift.” The fading ghost said with a smile.
“What I don't under....Ahhhh!” Cried lady Stilton as a massive contraction hit her like a bull. She gripped her large stomach as the sudden need to push overwhelmed her. Pain dancing across her face like a sheet blowing in the wind.
Sister Nancy suddenly let out a large gasp as she found herself able to move once more. She looked at lady Stilton and seeing the panic on her face rushed to the door throwing it open. she cried out for help as the screams of the expecting mother echoed behind her.
The birthing process had been short and both babies had come very quickly. They lay swaddled side-by-side on the nearby table as Lady Stilton was still recovering from the ordeal. She had not yet regained enough strength to ask about her children. Nancy and the other sisters were busy cleaning the room and tending to the Lady, but each of them kept glancing at Matron Constance. The Matron stood next to the ancient wooden table looking down at the two little helpless babies. What had the other sisters worried was the sad look on the Matrons wrinkle worn face as she tended to the newborns.
The boy was large, pink, and healthy. He had cried for only a few minutes after he was born, surly a good sign. He had a thick forelock of blond hair, large strong arms, wide shoulders, and handsome features. The matron saw that he would grow up to be a strong capable man, and would be a son any father could be proud of. There was one thing that concerned the Matron though, it was the fact that the boys eyes were of different colors he had one blue and one green. It was definitely a sign, but of what?
Lady Stiltons tiny daughter Teresa on the other hand lay next to her brother in silence. She had come into the world following her sibling, almost like an after thought. The small gray blanket that she was swaddled in was large enough to cover her totally. It was to be the baby's blanket and also her death shroud. She was smaller than most newborns the Matron had seen, and it would have been a blessing if she had even survived a year. She came into the world as silently as she left and like many the sister had seen would sadly leave no trace of her passing. Although lady Stilton would mourn the loss of her daughter the Matron was sure she could at least rejoice in the health of her son.
What happened next would be talked about in hushed tones behind closed doors and be one of the children's favorite bedtime stories. Baby John had began to cry at the top of his lungs until he managed to free his arms. No matter what the matron tried he would not stop reaching for his sister. Before Constance could restrain him he had pulled the blanket off of the tiny form that was his sibling, and grasped Teresa's hand. The Matron was about to try to separate the two when she stopped and gasped at what she saw.
The two children were holding hands as a dim blue glow shone through John's skin. The Woman could see the infants bones and veins as the light crawled down his arm and into his sisters clasped hand. As Constance watched the light infused into the tiny silent stillborn infant. A few seconds later the dead baby began to breathe as she slowly opened her eyes, and looked at the world around her. The matron stared down at the small infant girl as she stared back with one blue eye and the other green. The matron did not know if this was a miracle or maybe some form of dark magic, but later she confessed she thought it was the latter. When the light had faded the small girl began to slowly move and shrug off her blanket.
'Please stop doing that Constance, it is very annoying. Pay attention, when we leave here and return to our home sister Nancy shall accompany us. Do you understand?' The newborn had said this into the matrons head.
The child had a soft voice but it seem to carry a strange authority that the women found hard to resist. Matron Constance could feel the girls words dancing like electricity through her body and mind. Finally she managed to nod and the infant released her finger. The Matron took a step back away from the two children as she cradled her numb hand to her breast. The other sisters turned looking at Constance and then at the babies. They all began to cluster around the ancient little table admiring the small infants with their strange beautiful eyes, like exotic rare little gems.
“What is it? What is wrong with my children?” asked lady Stilton exhaustion and fear filling her voice as she tried to sit up.
“Nothing is wrong my lady, they are both fine and healthy.” The Matron said trying her best to hold a smile on her face. Lady Stilton was so exhausted from the ordeal she did not see through the her falsehood. Instead Mary just smiled and laid back overjoyed with the news that both of her babies were okay.
“Excuse me my lady I have some business to attend to. Nancy come with me!” The matron said excusing herself and pulled Nancy out into the hallway. The young sister seemed confused and worried by the look on her elders face.
“I do not know sister. I have just seen, something, a miracle maybe, maybe something else. The child... the girl, she spoke to me.”
“Yes,” said Nancy a happy smile crossed her face “it is a miracle that she survived. It was so sad to think she was dead, but I am over joyed to find it is not so. I feel very moved by it.”
“No, she spoke to me with words in here.” The Matron said jabbing her forehead with a finger as if she could show Nancy exactly where the offense had occurred.
“What does it mean matron, how could this be?”
“I do not know child, but the girl said to me that you are to accompany them when they return home.”
“But this is my home I...” Nancy did not know how to finish the sentence, all of this strangeness in one day surrounding these two children. She felt a chill run up and down her spine, even though the hallway was bright and warm, at the thought of what this girl could be. What dark thing from beyond the Neverdoor had crept into the world, and now wore the skin of that poor dead girl as its own.
“I will have to talk to Mother Mercy about this before any decision is made.”
“Yes Matron, I also have something I need to tell you. Before the birth began...” Said Nancy hesitantly and then she began to tell Constance what had happened. As the young sister told her story the Matrons face seem to drain of color shade by shade. By the end she had to sit down on one of the many wooden benches lining the hallway
“What shall we do Matron?” Nancy asked her voice full of fear as she finished her story.
“That is not up to us to decide child. If the Blind Queen is involved I believe we will have to ask the advice of the Grandmother. Go back into the room and wait for me. I will go and speak with the Head-mother and see what she advises, After that I shall fetch you. Say nothing to the others.”
“Yes matron.” Nancy capitulated but truthfully the last thing she wanted to do was go back into that room with that little monster. Nancy turned, placed her hand on the door, took a deep breath, and walked back inside.
Constance stood and quickly walk down the labyrinth like halls of the chapter house, looking for the Head-mother. She was like a charging bull, her red robes flapped around her ankles and her steel sword rattling in its scarab. It was a rule of the Shield Sisters that regardless of your station everyone did a daily chore, and for the most part it changed from day-to-day. When the Emperor himself came to visit the Grandmother on her hundredth day of birth, he had found her, to his amusement, on her knees scrubbing floors.
Constance flew past small clusters of Daughters busy with their daily work, she stopped occasionally and questioned them with no results. She entered the cramped sweltering kitchen with all its mouthwatering smells hanging in the hot air. Katherine, the head chief, had not seen the Mother all morning. The Matron finally found her in the stables on the far side of the large rear courtyard.
The aroma of horses, hay, and manure was thick in the hot stale air of the building. The Matron flew past the stalls, The various sounds of the horses followed behind her as she nearly sprinted across the rough wood floor. She was sweating heavily and her whipple was clinging to her head by the time she got to the hot enclosed room where the Head-mother was working.
Mother Mercy, the head of their chapter, was a tall woman with silver-gray hair tied up in a tight neat bun. She wore a white cloth over her stern face in a attempts to stem the stench of the foul stale air. Her work-cloths showed various dark smears and large sweaty patches that testified to her hard labor. As the Matron approached she stopped turning of the manure and looked up.
“Mother I need to talk with you,” huffed Constance trying to catch her breath “it's about Lady Stilton.”
“Well no complications Mother, Not as such, but there was an issue we need to address.” And with that matron Constance recanted the story for Mother Mercy. The words seem to spill out of the women like water from a broken dam, when she told of the infant grabbing her finger, she brandished it before her as if was proof to her tale. The Mother stood silently listening, beads of sweat trickled down her back, as the Matrons story came to a long drawn out close, she sighed.
“Let us not talk of such things in this vile environment Constance, fresh air is required.” The Mother said motioning to the door,and the freedom of fresh air beyond. The two Women stepped outside the stables into the crisp spring air, the mountain breeze made the sweat on their skin freeze almost instantly. Mother Mercy loosened her hair allowing it to flow in a long silver cascade across her shoulders and down her back. She inhaled deeply, allowing the clean air to fill her lungs and set her mind free.
They walked across the manicured grass of the expansive stone courtyard. The three large ancient Jasper trees that occupied the space had just began to bloom. Their loose red peddles would rain down like blood when a breeze stirred their large upturned arms. Stone benches ringed the base of each of the trees and had been put there centuries ago when the saplings had first been planted. Over time the trees massive roots had encircled and snared the old rough stone holding them in place. Mother Mercy's favorite bench was occupied by a small cluster of Daughters who were busy doing needlework, and chatting among themselves.
“I am evicting you girls. Find somewhere out-of-the-way to finish your work.” Mother Mercy said as she shooed them away.
“Yes mother.” they responded, none daring to protest, as they gather their needlework and began to seek quarters elsewhere.
“Not you Beatrice, you stay.” Mother Mercy told the small mousy girl with the unkempt hair.
The girl was short for her age, dirt smeared across her knees, and her long wild locks gave her a strange savage appearance. She looked at the women with apprehension on her face for fear of The discipline she knew was coming. She clutched her needlework under one arm, and tried in vain to correct her state with the other. The mother on several occasions, had made a point to discipline her about her appearance. The woman had drilled into Beatrice what was expected of her, but try as the girl might there was no controlling the insanity that was her hair.
“Please mother, I've tried combing it and regardless of what I do it always ends up like this.” her eyes glistened treating tears at any second.
“I've given up on that battle long ago Beatrice.” The mother said with a soft smile, and patted the worn stone bench next to her. “Come sit next to me I have something I want you to hear. I think your opinion shall be invaluable.”
Hesitantly The girl approached her superiors and sat next to Mother Mercy, the old stone seat was still warm from its previous occupant. The morning air was cool and a puff of breeze sent a fresh cascade of blood-red peddles dancing through the air around them. Beatrice took out her sewing and resumed it. her hands shook because she was still leery for fear of some other slight she might have done that they were about to discuss.
“Should she hear this?” asked Constance as she looked the mousy girl over, trying to see why the Mother would ask her to stay.
“I value her opinion.” said Mother Mercy. She tussled the young girls wild mop with an affectionate smile. “She may be unkempt, undersized, unreachable, and unruly. But one day she will be a Head-mother herself. Now Beatrice tell me what is the first law.”
“The first law governs all actions without it there would be chaos. Knowledge is power and power in the wrong hands is dangerous. You must teach the hands to respect power, so it may be used for good.” The youth repeated from memory as a reflex. Constance just smiled politely at the girls ability to quota the text, that was nothing special.
“I still do not think she should hear this,” said Constance “but as you wish Mother.” with that she began to retell the tale of the happenings to Lady Stilton and her children. Beatrice sat listening as Mother Mercy waged a useless war on the girl's hair with her comb.
The carriage ride home for the new Stilton family was scenic and uneventful. Jonathan admired his children as they slept peacefully in their bassinets. He had sent word ahead to his steward to make preparations for their rival. Before they left for the sisters convent they had only prepared for the arrival of one baby, but now joyfully they had two. Mary rested her head on her husbands shoulder and commented on how wonderful their little bundles were. She never told her husband of the visitation she had received before the birth, and hopped he would never find out.
Lord Jonathan was the third son of the Fisher king of the green hills. His father's land stretched from the black mountains in the north to the sapphire sea in the south. His oldest brother Cuthbert was Governor of the northern expanse, his lands were covered with thick dark forests whose trees could blot out the sun. his middle brother Christian had been given control of the eastern reach, and it was the largest of the three territories. Once it had been leagues of flourishing farmland, but now most of the land was fallow and dead. His two older brothers despised each other, and Johnathan. Over the years they had begun to focus their attention on each other and ignored lord Stilton. But as the southern reach began to flourish, and his older brothers had turned a careful eye to his lands. He knew one day his father would pass into the next life, and then he would have to contend with his siblings.
But he had always told Mary that he had no interest in his father's crown, and he was satisfied to let his two brothers squabble over it. He was quite happy being the steward over his father's lands in the south. He and Mary had discussed many times moving to the capital but Jonathan had always insisted on staying in the country. He told her that the fresh air agreed with him more than the stuffy aristocratic atmosphere of the capital. He had grown up with the political back stabbings that frequently occurred and had happily given it up.
The Southern lands were many turns away from the capital. Its main export was wine and grain. It's people were a simple folk, they measured a mans worth by his sweat. Most of them could not read or write, but their skill at tilling and tending the earth always amazed Johnathan. The fertile lands stretched all the way to the coast, and was bordered on the north by tall ancient mountains.
Before he had arrived the land had been ruled over by one of his uncles, but his father was dissatisfied with the production of the land, and had sent him to fix it. His uncle had been taxing the people more than what he was reporting and when Jonathan's father found out he was furious. The citizens of the southern land had been in poverty because of the greed of his uncle.
When Jonathan had arrived there had been year's worth of work to do before the people of the land once again trust in their king. Jonathan himself had only been barely twenty seasons old then and the locals found it hard to believe such a young man could gain their trust. But he had worked hard and selflessly until finely the land once again flourished. On more than one occasion he had arrived on a farmers door-step in the predawn hours to help any local who was in need of assistance. The people always marveled at a lord willing to spend all day digging stumps, or tilling fields.
On the occasion that he had returned to have an audience with his father. Jonathan's brother Christian had taken him aside and pointed out the fact that he could tax the people another thirteen percent. The people had more money than they knew what to do with, and that a peasants with money was a dangerous thing.
Several months before a large group of settlers had migrated into the Southern lands from Christians holdings. Jonathan had personally met with them talking with their leaders and discussing possible resettlement. A few days after they had arrived soldiers from his brothers lands had followed them demanding that they return.
Jonathan had asked their commanding officer what the settlers had done wrong to warrant extradition. The man had produced a proclamation saying that they were all dissidents and wanted for treason. Jonathan had laughed, pointed to several children in the group, and asked the man how they could be criminals as well. The soldier had no response so instead had try to forcibly take the settlers into custody. That was when Bill stepped in.
Jonathan never traveled with a group of guards like his siblings did. Instead he traveled only with his manservant Bill. He had come across the man when a traveling carnival had visited the southern lands. Bill had advertised himself as a strongman. And when the soldier moved to arrest the settlers Bill lept into action without waiting to be told. He had grabbed the lead soldiers horse and lifted it over his head. The animal had panicked, and tried to free itself from the strange grip. Bill shook the animal once slinging its rider from his saddle and, when he returned the horse to the ground it galloped off in a panic. The other soldiers were too shocked to do anything and only stood watching as Bill lifted their commander from the muddy ground over his head.
From the back of his horse Jonathan looked the man directly in the eyes and asked him to repeat his order. The man to only stammer until he said " we are going to pull back and return home my Lord." Which is exactly what he did. He had brought the refuges back to his estate and offered each of them a passel of land. They all had been grateful and one old women wept openly, she hugged him as she sobbed and refused to let go.
Christian ruled his lands with a heavy clumsy hand. From what he had heard from the settlers, most people barely had enough to eat, and most lived in poverty. His brothers men were allowed to enter any home without reason, or to take whatever they wanted. They were nothing more than thugs employed to keep the locals in line. One of the men Johnathan had spoken to would always stand out in his mind, his name was Robert.
The man had been sitting alone by the fire in the great feasting hall as Johnathan sat down next to him. Robert was startled and moved to stand up, but lord Stilton dissuaded him, insisting that he sit and eat. The man was listless and seemed to keep staring with sad eyes at the children playing with John. Johnathan asked the man if he could help, and he had turned to him with hollow eyes and said no. Robert thanked him and after some light talk had told his story.
When Robert's daughter Tina had turned thirteen seasons old a group of Christian's men had come through his village. One of them had spoke to her in the market, finding out where she lived, and that night the soldiers had come to their house. They had forced their way in and held him down, making him watch, as they violated her. He had cradled his broken daughter all night till morning.
The local Sisters had healed her body but could not heal her mind. He had confronted the local constable demanding justice, but the man had only laughed. Their lives had been shattered, but slowly they began to heal. Then a few months later she found out she was with child. It was like it had happened all over again, she had cried all night till she mercifully fell asleep. Robert had been afraid for her health and had left the next morning to fetch a healer. He had not thought anything about leaving her alone, but when he returned he walked straight into a nightmare.
He had found he laying with her eyes open on her bed. Her face was a strange shade of green, and her lips a deep color of blue. She was wearing in her best dress, and cradled her patchwork doll her mother had made her. He had found a empty vile of poison on the floor next to her, he normally used it to keep the rats out of his barn, and had no idea how she had gotten a hold of it. The man told Johnathan this without shedding a tear, he never showed any expression only recanted his story as he watch the fire.
Jonathan had been moved by the man's story, he invited him to stay and joined his personal staff. There was a large tract of forested land just north of Jonathan's estate and the lord found himself in need of a good huntsman. Robert had thanked him for the offer but declined, Jonathan had insisted and after some persuading Robert finally agree.
So when Christian had confronted him, commenting on the fact that his brother's lands were under taxed, and telling him he was sure that he could milk more taxes from them. He knew what his brother really meant, Jonathan had something he wanted. Their father on the other hand was quite pleased with the increased production of the land and its seemingly complacent people.
As dusk began to settle across the countryside the Stilton family finally arrived at their home. The Stone Well estate was a large mansion set in the middle of a large old vineyard. It had been constructed long ago by one of Jonathan's ancestors. It sat empty for a long time forgotten and neglected. When his father had told him that he was to take charge of the southern lands Johnson had traveled here to survey the lands. One day he had come across the derelict building It had intrigued him. He had spent quite a bit of his personal money and set about restoring it.
Nancy rode alongside the carriage on a horse Mother Mercy have had given her. She was not used to riding a horse even though she quite adored them. She admired the massive fields of rolling green grass that touched the far foot of the snow topped mountains. She had spent most of her life in the walls of the convent and was quite taken back by the scenery. Sadly it amazed her that all of the possessions that she owned fit into the saddle bags on her horse. The trip had made her realize how small her life up to this point had really been.
That night she slept in the barely furnished guest room that had been provided for her. Mary promised to help her in the morning find more appropriate accommodations. But after reviewing the available rooms in the mansion she settled for the cramped little room instead. She said it reminded her of her room back in the convent, and she did not need any more than that. She assisted Mary in caring for the children, her years of training to be a midwife were quite invaluable. Mary had grown up being a lady of privilege and at first had insisted on taking care of the children herself. But the daunting task soon overwhelmed her and she was grateful for the young woman's assistance.
To Nancy time seemed to suddenly slipped by, months and years just blurred together. John grew like a weed by the time he was 10 seasons old he was almost as tall as his father. He was always getting into some type of mischief. Exploring the wine cellar under the house, swimming in the large swift river that ran alongside their property, or pillaging bird nests under the eaves of the house. It was all she could do to keep up with him most days. Even adults were quite enamored with the boy, the cleaning staff and cooks would always smile when he came scampering into the room. The staffs children always wanted to follow their parents to work and spend the day running around with John. And whatever mischief they got into he was always the one leading the pack.
Teresa on the other hand was almost invisible. She was like a ghost that haunted the manor, she would silently walked the halls her nose buried in a book, or could be seen sitting under one of the many lizard wood trees that surrounded the house. The girl never spoke out loud and the few times she did it was only one or two words, like yes, or no, or thank you. Other than those few occurrences Nancy would have sworn that child was a mute. Unlike her brother she did not seem to age, by the time she was ten seasons old she was barely a turn tall. Her body might be that of the small child but her mind was sharper than that most adults. Sometimes Nancy would catch the twins holding one-sided conversations with each other. John would be the only one talking but Teresa seem to communicate with him wordlessly. She had spied upon them once when she was sure they could not see her.
The few days before John and his group of boys had come across a bird with a broken wing. They had placed it in a small crate with some straw and had told Nancy that they were going to nurse it back to health. But a few hours later the bird had passed away. Nancy had told the boys that it needed to be buried and had left to go to the shed to retrieve a spade. But when she returned the crate was empty and the boys were looking into the sky laughing. She question them about what it happen, Felipe had told her that John had made the bird better and it had flown off. But when Nancy had asked John about what had happened He only shrugged and said the bird got better.
The conversation she over heard between Teresa and John that afternoon was more than a little odd. It seemed that Teresa was scolding him, telling him he should not do things like that in front of other people. Her brother capitulated telling her he knew but he just felt so sorry for the bird. She had said something to him that made him respond with " no they don't, everyone loves you." Which made Teresa just shake her head. The two exchanged a brief hug and John said " I know, I love you too." The two had parted ways and Nancy was about to return to her room when she suddenly heard a young voice behind her.
" I saw you spying on us sister. That is very rude, and I'm sure you were taught better. If you wish to have a conversation with me all you need to do is ask." The voice was soft but carried a strange authority to it.
" I'm sorry I..." Nancy began to say as she turned around thinking it was John that addressed her, but she found herself staring into the eyes of Teresa. She then realized she had not heard the voice with her ears, but instead had heard it inside of her mind. The young girl smiled and curtsy to her before walking off. The encounter had unnerved Nancy and she had written a very long letter to Mother Mercy about it.
She had always tried to keep her distance from the girl, and more so after that. It was the way that she looked at people, like she was looking through them, like she knew all of your thoughts, and all of your secrets. The other members of the household felt the same way as well. They were not ugly or rude to the girl, but she had a strange feeling about her. The only person it did not seem to affect was her twin, he was her constant companion, when he was not playing with the other children. Nancy never saw Teresa joining her brother in his adventures. She always spotted her sitting alone watching from a distance.
Robert had always felt at home and the forest, that allowed him to feel unburdened walking underneath the large trees. He crept silently through the shadows making very little noise as he moved across the carpet of dead leaves under the trees.
The cool shadows of the thick foliage overhead provided a small degree of relief from the summer heat. As he approached a large fallen oak he readied his bow, he was listening for the sounds of the large buck that he had been tracking. He strained his ears trying to identify the sounds of the forest around him, he could make out the songs of the colorful birds in the branches of the trees overhead, and he could hear the distance river that bordered the forest.
He peeked over the fallen log scanning the surroundings looking for any signs of his prey. A short distance from where you stood a large muscular deer stood munching berries from a bush. Its large dark eyes alert and watching for predators as it ate. Robert slowly pulled back the draw on his bow and sighted down his arrow, he held his breath as he steadied his aim. The deer sensing something slowly lifted its head and looked in his direction as he loosed his arrow. The shot was deadly clean and the animal fell instantly.
Robert leapt over the log and quickly approached his prey, he knelt down next to the animal as it struggled to stand. He slipped his knife between its ribs piercing its heart as he held it down. It's spasms slowed as the crimson essence flowed out of it, until finally it's eyes closed for good. He said a small prayer that his father had taught him for the animals soul, and thank it for its flesh.
He quickly set about cleaning the carcass and after a time began to make his way home with his prize. The sun was beginning to drop from the sky as he returned to the estate. He took the deer into the small shed that was adjacent to the little cottage that he lived in. He cleaned and prepare the animal before taking the meat to the main house.
The small side door that led into the kitchen was hidden in the shadows of the firewood bin. It opened into a small hallway with doors on either side. Robert stepped through one of these into a dimly lit stuffy pantry. He located the large thick wooden box from memory and lifted its lid. Inside were large sheets of leather packed with curing salts, he nestled the fresh meats carefully inside so they would not spoil. His job done he made his way into the kitchen, following the wonderful smells his nose detected. Tristan the house's large cook hovered over the pot bellied stove stirring a iron kettle.
" Ho, Tristan I do not know what you're cooking but it smells absolutely wonderful." Roberts said as he felt the knotting pain of hunger in his stomach.
The large man turned his gaze from his work, " Oh. This? Nothing more than basic soup." Said the hulking cook.
" yes my friend but your most simple soup would be fit for the Emperor himself."
“flattery, your trying to hard my friend.” the big man said laughing
“ no,” Robert replied dryly “ just honesty.”
The cook offered him a bowl and Roberts stomach demanded that he not refuse. The taste was exquisite, and he could not help but ask for a second.
The two held conversation as Tristan kept busy with his work. Robert had created a new life here and slowly the painful scars of his old one was disappearing. Lord Stilton had been kind to him and ask for nothing in return, it was a far cry from the dismal life of poverty he once had. He felt loyalty to Jonathan, a stranger who he felt in some ways had saved him. He confessed once over drinks that he still missed his family on those lonely dark nights, but the pain had eased.
After a time they were interrupted when Bill walked into the kitchen.
" Robert, good I found you. The lord wishes to speak with you, at your earliest opportunity." Said the large man in his deep brass voice.
" did he say what it was about?"
" no, but I do not think it's too important."
Robert nodded and thanked the man. He finished his cup of bean brew, before heading out to see what lord Jonathan needed. He found the man in the great hall entertaining a constable from a few towns over. Looking around Robert procured himself a seat near the fire as Jonathan listened to the man's concerns.
It seemed that there was a group of brothers that lived in the sheriff's township that had been causing trouble. They have recently started to rob people passing down the main road, and the constable did not think he had enough men to handle the situation.
Lord Stilton sat listening to the man's concerns, only interrupting with the rare question. The situation seem to concern him as Robert could see him listening intently to the man's story. When his report was finally done the sheriff asked what should be done.
" what is your opinion Robert?" Jonathan asked turning to his huntsman.
" it can only be dealt with by force. Find out which one of them is their leader and make him bend knee to you. If that did not work kill them all." He responded coldly.
Jonathan took in his words and considered them. " and who should I send to take care of this matter? The constable is asking for twenty men."
" I could take care of it myself my lord." He responded without emotion.
" I believe you could serve this purpose well," said lord Stilton He turned to the sheriff " my man here will take care of your problem, he is more than capable of handling these bandits."
" I shall leave in the morning my lord and accompanying the good sir home."
Jonathan smiled, but the constable seemed less than assured.
Nancy sat in the garden behind the estate and reread her letter. The midsummer heat was oppressive and closed in from all sides almost smothering everyone. Bees buzzed through the hot air in a halfhearted lazy fashion, they chased after any late-blooming flower they could find, and filled the air with their soft hum. The small metal bench was uncomfortable but it sat under the shade of one of the lizard wood trees near the garden. The occasional cooled puff of mountain air wandered across the grounds giving a brief second of comfort.
She had long ago abandoned her sister hood robes in favor of cooler attire but she still wore the traditional whipple of her order. After so many seasons of living away from the convent she had grown accustomed to the local lifestyle. She had spent the previous day in town for the opportunity to have lunch with one of the local wine merchants sons.
She had never considered marriage but they had been seeing each other for almost a season now. That morning she had received a letter from him thanking her for visiting and asking if she would come again soon. She smiled to herself as she held the paper, thinking of the way his eyes sparkled when he smiled, and how beautiful his laughter was. It made her feel soft and warm inside, and she longed to have his arms around her once again.
She had spent much time with him and they had discussed their lives when she told him of her current occupation it seemed to spark his interest. The townspeople had heard about the twins, and had even glimpsed them on rare occasion. Many stories and rumors circulated about them and more so about the lord's young daughter. People seemed to be strangely fascinated by tales of her oddities. But it was not something Nancy liked to talk about. But still on more than one occasion the conversation had turned to that.
The thought of Teresa suddenly made Nancy look up and search for the girl. The twins had been instructed never to wander too far from her sight. John found this hard at the best of times, but his sister was just the opposite. Nancy spotted them on the edge of the vineyards, Teresa sat under one of the other trees a distance away, and seem to be carrying on a conversation with her twin. Nancy sighed and returned to her letter.
'I don't understand John what is it that you want me to do?' Teresa silently asked.
" look, I'm just saying that maybe if you tried. you could be friends with her. You both like the same things, I see you reading all the time, and she reads all the time. You both like to read." John said motioning toward Nancy as if this made his case.
" it's not the same John. I don't get along with people the way you do." She said turning back to her book in a vain attempt to ignore him.
" it's because you don't try. How about this once. For me, please." He pleaded.
She gave up and closed her book. " okay I will try this once. What you want me to do?"
" wait here, I'll be right back." With that John sprinted across the lawn to where the sister sat.
Nancy looked up as John came running across the grass toward her. She put a letter down smiling as the young boy came to an awkward stop in front of her. " good afternoon John, what has you so excited?" Nancy asked as he caught his breath.
" sister, if you could have anything that you wanted, right now, what would be?"
" well, let me think," Nancy said. But in her heart she could only see Ned's face." I'm not sure. It would have to be something I think about."
" okay, be right back." And once again John took off back toward his sister. Nancy watched him leave and shook her head. She looked back to her letter reading it over, thinking of his smile. She heard foot steps as John once again approached and when she looked up she saw he had Teresa with him.
" Nancy, my sister would like to do something nice for you." John said. The little girl wore a forced smile on her face as she looked at the sister.
" oh, what would that be?" Nancy felt like this was a game for him so she humored John.
" I asked her to give you what you really want." John said with a giant smile on his face.
Nancy let out a light chuckle, and turned to the girl. " well Teresa, what is it that I would really want." The girl did not verbally respond only pointed back toward the house. Following her indication Nancy turned to look in the direction she indicated. Coming down the gentle slope of the grass was Ned.
He was wearing a large smile and waved at the trio as he approached. Nancy could not believe that this girl had somehow caused the appearance of the young man. She turned and looked at Teresa who had gently touched her shoulder.
" he's nice." The young girl spoke with a smile.
" see Nancy, I want you two to be friends. My sister doesn't have many friends, would you be her friend?" John said smiling
" I would like that, if it is OK with you." Teresa told the sister, but this time her lips did not move. It unnerved Nancy but she felt no malice in the girls actions.
" yes, I would like that as well." Nancy said honestly taking the small girls hand and hers and giving it an affectionate squeeze.
" hello. Sorry to call unannounced but I just had to see you again." Ned said awkwardly. Nancy look from the girl to him smiling.
John stepped forward extending a hand " I'm John Stilton nice to meet you. You are more than welcome to visit us anytime."
Ned turned looking at John as if seeing him for the first time. He was suddenly captivated by the strange aura the boy had. He stood there for couple seconds dumbfounded before looking from John to his sister and then back again. He looked down at the boy's hand before cautiously taking it into his own.
" my lord, it is an honor to meet you please I'm sorry for the intrusion." Ned said fumbling with his words.
Everyone smiled, greeted one another, and after a minute the twins gave Nancy some privacy. They watched the two from the edge of the garden hidden in some bush's. John turned to his sister and whispered something in her ear. Teresa close her eyes for a second before opening them again to watch.
The two young lovers sat on the small metal bench in the shade holding hands and talking. Suddenly the air seem to be a rainbow of butterflies fluttering all around them. The young lovers looked on in amazement as the beautiful little insects danced around them. And as the two spies watched from the bushes Ned leaned over to Nancy and stole a kiss.
The old man sat on his knees, his sightless eyes turned to the ceiling as he screamed. He was nothing more than a skeleton with paper-thin skin stretched across his gaunt frame. His bones and ribs showed plainly through the ragged stained clothing that he wore. A thin trickle of blood oozed from the corner of his mouth. It testified at the length and volume of the man's agonized vocalization. His white eyes bulged in his skull, as he took in another breath and released along gurgling tortured howl. His hands lay limply in his lap, and as he took in a new breath his right hand grabbed a digit on his left. With the crunchy snap he broke one of his own fingers, it served to intensify his scream.
" how long has he been doing that?" Philippe demanded to know.
" almost all night, my lord." The jailer said.
" and you didn't think to call me? you fool!"
The two men stood in the dimly lit tunnel looking through the small window of the cell door. The jailer looked quickly for an answer that would not end him up in one of his own cells. He had not thought to call the head inquisitor until one of his helpers had pointed out who had been screaming. The sun had not yet risen and he had been leery of disturbing the man's sleep.
" did he say anything before he started doing this?" Philippe asked the imbecile.
" I think he said something about the death of the Emperor my lord. But he's just a madman. He says strange things all the time."
" I know you fool. That's the point." The head inquisitor turned around to the third member of their party. A young slave boy stood behind them trying to huddle into the shadows and go unnoticed. Phillip thought about sending him to fetch one of his assist inquisitors but knew it would be too late by the time any of them got here.
" what you want me to do my lord?" Asked the jailer.
" what you're about to see you do not discuss with anyone, You understand?"
" yes my lord. As you say my lord. Anything my lord."
" open the cell." The jailer fumbled with the keys until he managed to find the correct one.
Phillip withdrew a wicked little curved dagger from the waist of his belt and stepped inside the cell. The madman seemed to somehow sense his presence and turned his still screaming face toward the intruder. The inquisitor approached the man blocking the view from outside. There was a wet noise and suddenly the screaming stopped. The jailer heard what sounded like a blood filled choking. Then suddenly the prisoners body thumped heavily against the floor.
The prison was now deadly quiet, as silence flooded in to fill the empty space. Only the occasional sound of dripping water could be heard in the suddenly amplified silence. The jailer suddenly became aware of the soft kitten like mewling noise.
The young boy looked up to the jailer eyes wide with fear at the horror show before him. Phillip slowly turned around cradling something in his hands. A large soft white insects like creature with spidery legs rested in his palm. It's plump pale body covered with blood and mucus like a newborn babe. It's long snake white tail wrapped around Phillips wrist as he gently cradled the monstrosity. The strange infant like noise seemed to be issuing from the white gelatinous thing. Carefully Phillip walked back to the door as the thing undulate slowly in his hand, and cried.
" by the gods what is that?" Asked the jailer.
" it is nothing you should concern yourself with. I do not have time to get a suitable host. hold him down." The inquisitor said motioning to the slave.
The boy did not understand what was happening when the jailer locked his arm around the boy's neck. He tried to struggle and scream but it was useless. Phillip brought the thing close to the slaves face.
It's spider-like legs began waving and touching the boy's skin. Two of its appendages located one of his nostrils and latched on. It pulled itself out of Phillips hand and onto the boy's face, as it began to push itself into his nose. There was a loud crunch and suddenly the jailer could feel the slave spasm in his grip. The things transparent body began to disappear, and the boy's face bulged hideously. There were additional crunching noises as more of the thing vanished until finely the tip of its tail disappeared.
The jailer released his hold and stepped back rubbing at his arm where the thing had made contact. The boy stood there shaking violently and then suddenly stopped. A trickle of blood was the only visible testament to the horrific intrusion. Slowly his breathing return to normal, and when he opened his eyes, they were bone white.
Phillip stood in front of the boy wiping off his blade. He watched as the seer-worm became accustomed to its new body.
" can you hear me?" He said addressing the slave who was now staring at his hands.
" yes." He responded, his voice was odd. It sounded off and strangely otherworldly.
" well, what did you see." Phillip asked.
" this is not the right body. It is small. It is cramped. Why did you give me this body?"
" it is only temporary. I need to know what you saw."
The thing turned and looked at Phillip. It's sightless eyes seem to stare past him and through the wall. " I see the Emperor lying dead in the pool of blood, I see the heir to the fisher king holding a sword, I see the walls of the empire crumbling to dust, I see fire and death on all sides, I see the end of the empire."
The sound of racing footsteps down the corridor caught their attention as the other inquisitors arrived. Phillip cover the boy's face with a hood as he took him by the shoulder. The two began to walk past the other men.
" there's a body in the cell dispose of it as normal. And leave that one in its place." He said motioning toward the jailer.
" but my lord!" Was the last thing Phillip heard as he took the boy to see the Emperor.
John was a prisoner being held captive against his will. His jailer was torturing him mercilessly. He knew he had to find a way to escape no matter what the cost. The only thing he wanted was his freedom.
“ John are you paying attention?” Nancy asked. She pointed at the piece of slate with his sums on it.
“I'm bored, I want to go outside.” John Pleaded as he dropped his head on his desk.
“you need to learn this John. It's important for a Lords to know his sums.
“ Ugh!” John protested.
Teresa sat on the bench in the window smiling at the exchange she had witnessed far to many times. She knew her brother and admired the sister for her persists. She looked out across the grounds as a flock of gulls winged their way slowly through the sky. The thick book rested on her small lap forgotten as she watch the scenery. She felt happy, one of the few times in her life that she would truly feel that way.
the grand throne room was huge, it's vaulted ceiling glowed as sunlight poured in. the deep red polished floor looked like slick dark blood. The giant pillars that supported the ceiling were larger than most peasants homes. There were no guards to be seen anywhere only a few advisers. This was the literal heart of the empire, it's point of origin, from this room all of the power flowed. The throne was but a simple chair carved from skull of a desert sand drake. The Emperor did not have any need for large impressive furniture, because his presence was impressive enough.
“ Emperor urgent news. I must speak with you.” Phillip said as he stopped at the foot of the stairs with the boy. The inquisitor dropped to one knee and looked only at the ground.
Slowly the Emperor turned and looked at the man below him. His eyes where like sharp circles of gray steel, and as his gaze came to rest upon Phillip it actually had a weight to it. He wore his dark hair cut short, a habit from his military days. His clothes were plain, no large golden crown, or gem studded fur robes. Instead he wore a simple tunic and pants,maybe other men had the need to wear such lavish things but not him. That was because everyone who lived knew his face, it was on every coin, countless statues, and millions of paintings. He was the man who ruled over kings, the one all but the gods answered to, he was the Emperor.
“ Inquisitor, what news is so urgent it could not wait?”
“ the seer-worm has a prophecy you must hear great lord.”
the Emperor nodded as if entertaining a child. “ go on then, out with it.”
Phillip nervously reached up and pulled the hood from the slave boys face. The child looked around absorbing the room till his white eyes fell on the Emperor.
“ I have a vision for you my Lord,” the boy said in his dual toned voice, “ the blood heir of the fisher king shall slay you, he will stand over your corpse and claim your crown for his own. The light of your empire is fading.”
the Emperor frowned his darkening face looked like a gathering storm, “ if we kill the man will it divert the prophecy?” he asked.
“yes. But he is not a man yet, he is but a boy. Your death is years away.”
“ man, boy, it makes no difference. Tell me seer can you find him now?” the Emperor asked.
“ I can seek him out, if it is your will me lord.”
“ yes! Tell me where he is and I will personally put this dagger in his heart!” he said drawing his blade.
The slave closed his eyes and the invisible mind of the worm flew from it's roost in the boy's head. It was now pure thought with no physical form, it soared through the wall, and into the bright blue sky above the massive palace of the Emperor. It looked down and could see the tiny flickering lights that were the souls of the people. Below it one stood out like a beacon in the night. Worm saw the searing sun like glow of the Emperor and it was blinding.
The seer banked and began to head in the direction of it's prey. It knew the general location of the one in the prophecy, and as the landscape blurred beneath it, the beast could see the minds far below. It found the one it was looking for and started seeking out a weak mind to steal. One near the assassin preferably, some one who he cared about. It saw two others there in the room with the prey. One was shielded with walls like iron from years of training. The other was young and delicate, just the way the worm preferred. It dove falling from high above and into the soul of the small girl, it latched on with teeth and claws as it took control of her.
Teresa suddenly bolted up right from her seat, her book flew across the room, and she stood shaking violently in place. Both John and sister Nancy were startled. they turned in panic to look at her as her eyes rolled into the back of her head. John screamed his sister's name as Nancy leapt foreword to catch the girl if she fell.
To John the whole world seemed to slow down. He could see the birds outside the window hanging in place. He could see the motes suspended in the shaft of sunlight streaming through the window. He could feel his heart hammering in his chest as fear raced through his body.
As suddenly as she started Teresa stopped shaking and Nancy suddenly let out a gasp as the girl opened her eyes. They were gone in their place were too wicked bone white orbs. John saw his sister smile demonically as she took a step toward him. But suddenly she stopped as a frown creased her mouth, her head snapped back and she let out a unholy scream, several glass containers around the room shattered. Her hands started clawing at her face as the level and volume of the noise increased. John and Nancy had to cover their ears as the windows in the whole mansion began to shake. With no warning she stopped and looked at the two with a blank expression. The new silence was almost as loud as the supernatural noise she had made.
" I'm dead..." She said in a voice that was not her own. then without warning Teresa collapsed limply onto the floor.
Mary sat idly doing her needlework as her husband discussed matters of the court. She hope to soon get her husband's attention because she had wanted to talk to him about the trip they were planning. But there was plenty of time for that later Jonathan and Lord Joshua sat opposite each other over the great table.
" so that makes fifty-seven head of cattle so far this year. We need to do something about those wolves, we can't just let them keep taking on livestock." Lord Joshua said shaking a sandwich at Jonathan.
" I have sent Robert, my best huntsman to deal with it, and he tells me it's not wolves. He searched the forest for two days and could not find a single track." Jonathan responded.
" find, poachers then." Said Joshua around a mouthful of food.
" poachers that don't leave tracks? We still have the same issue."
" well, you know what I think."
Oh no not this again." Jonathan said rolling his eyes. " I think..." Joshua was suddenly interrupted by a loud bone piercing scream. The three of them covered their ears as the noise rang in their skulls. Just as fast as it had started it suddenly stopped.
" what in the name of the light was that?" Lady Stilton said looked around as her hearing slowly returned.
" I'm not sure I've never heard anything like that." Said Jonathan
They turned and stared at each other as understanding simultaneously dawned on them. " the children!" They said in unison.
They rushed to the upper study and flung the door open. John knelt on the floor cradling his small little twin and weeping loudly. Teresa was pale and limp as he clung to her and called her name over and over. Sister Nancy sat next to the girl holding her wrist in one hand, and held two fingers to her own throat. The sister looked up at them as they stood in the door, and Mary could see the truth written across her face.
Teresa was suddenly startled when the being had invaded her mind. She was stunned having never experienced anything like this before. Its presence felt alien, dry, and old. She felt violated as it easily wrestle control away from her, stealing her body for it's own purpose. She could feel it looking at her brother through her own eyes. Its mind was full of malice as Teresa felt it flow across her, it's wrongness grated against her as it slithered into her very being. She could see into it's mind and saw it's purpose, she knew what it was sent to do, and what it meant to do to John.
But there was something the creature had not counted on, this was her mind, and it was not like any mind the thing had ever invaded before. Teresa was not some simple milkmaid, and she was far more than her father's daughter. Over the years she had played mind games with herself, as she sat day-dreaming under her favorite tree in the garden. She loved imagining sometimes that she was other people, animals, or creatures of ancient tales. There was one creature in particular that had always been her favorite, and she would spend hours pretending in her head as she sat under her tree. She knew how to form worlds in her mind and knew how to make their rules. The thing had stepped into her arena, one that she constructed, one that she controlled.
Once again she imagined herself in a new body in her mind's eye. She concentrated as she felt her form stretch, grow, shift, and change. The being that dared to try and hurt the one she loved was not prepared for this. It turned its gaze back toward the girl it had dispossessed. It did not understand what was happening, how could this small child contain such power. It looked around quickly as the sky in the girls mind darkened, thick stone walls burst up from the ground in all directions blocking it's escape. It scurried and darted around looking for some where to hide as a huge dark shadow began to blot out the sky.
Teresa rose above the creature on giant black wings of death. Like the ancient dragons in the folk tales she descended from the sky. Her body was hard iron muscles protected by a layer of impenetrable steel hard scales. Her voice sang out with waves of apocalyptic fire, her claws sliced like guillotines, and her bite a cascade of razor swords that longed for blood. She roared at the small helpless intruder as it cowered beneath her, before crashing down on it like a falling mountain thrown by a god. When she impacted the ground the world shook as dust and wreckage flew in all directions.
It was over in instant as the thing that dared to challenge her in her own world died screaming. She looked at its small ghostly remains as they began to crumble and fade from existence. That was when something caught her eye, Teresa squinted at it with her acute predators eyes. There was a gossamer trail that lead away from the things disappearing corpse and vanished into the dark oblivion beyond. Teresa knew that was where it had come from and that was where its master was. She spread her wings wide scooping the air in them and pushing off from the shattered ground. She quickly gained altitude and sailed toward the dark horizon, following the little silvery line.
Phillip knelt next to the boy waiting for him to begin telling them what he saw, small trickles of sweat ran down his back. but the boy just stood there like an unmoving statue, occasionally his face would twitch, or his hands would spasm. Phillip glanced up at the man at the top of the stairs as he paced back-and-forth, and began to become worried. The silence in the air hung a like a physical object all around them, no one dared to make a noise.
" I'm waiting." Growled the Emperor as he began to grow impatient. The slave boys features suddenly smoothed out and became placid. He turns his face up toward the man standing on the top of the steps above him.
" Emperor?" The boy questioned in a soft tone. Phillip knew something was wrong, this was not normal. He stood up and began backing slowly away from the slave.
" yes, tell me what you see!" The man shouted as he gripped the hilt of his dagger so tightly it creaked.
The slave boys eye's bolted open and stared into the steel gray gaze of the most powerful man in the world. The Emperor blinked and stared at the boys eyes, one was blue and the other green.
" I see you." The boy said. Suddenly the slave was gone in his place stood a small girl no older than six seasons. She wore a fine blue dress that matched the color of one of her eyes. Her long blond hair was braided in a ponytail that fell down her back. And as she looked up at the Emperor she smiled knowingly.
" What is this?!" The Emperor bellowed.
" I know you, and I have seen your plan in the mind of your beast before I slayed it. Listen to me, leave us in peace, or you and everything you care about shall perish. I promise you this personally" Teresa warned him mounting the first step. She felt bold, excited, as she challenged this man.
The Emperor screamed in rage and flung his dagger at the girl. It landed perfectly between her eyes with a wet crunch. The slave boy fell to the floor as the worm inside his brain twitched and died.
Teresa slowly opened her eyes, her head was throbbed and her ears were ringing. In hind sight she thought that maybe confronting the Emperor had been a bad idea, she would have to be more careful in the future. She slowly sat up and looked around, gray soft mist surrounded her in all directions like prison walls. It almost felt like the mist was alive as it seemed to cling to her as she sat there. The ground was covered with a soft brown moss, that was warm to the touch.
The tendrils of chilly mist slowly curled around her as she stood. For as far as Teresa could see the world was dim, like dust just before night fall. She could see no sun, moon, or stars only a world of dim twilight nothingness. Strange shadows moved and danced in the fog around her. She could almost make out human faces in the sinister shifting mist.
Slowly she became aware of the absence of any sounds. The world was unnervingly silent like a long forgotten tomb, and it made her feel like an intruder. There were no animal noises, no soft blowing of the wind, or the sound of human voices.
As Teresa began to walk slowly in a random direction the sky flashed with silent lightning, that made her jump. That was when she became aware of a soft sound coming from somewhere in the strange fog. She strained her ears trying to discern it's source and direction. It sounded like someone sobbing, some poor sole who was also lost in this nightmarish miasma.
“hello? Who's there?” Teresa called out. The sobbing continued as she waded through the clammy fog. Sitting next to a twisted lifeless tree was the slave boy. He clung to it's bark, his face contorted in a mask of fear as tears flowed from his eyes.
“help me.” the boy chocked out between sobs. “I'm scared where am I?”
“I think your dead.” she told him.
“NO, no, your lying! Where's my mother.”
“look, come with me, I'll find us a way out.”
“Stay away from me!” the boy yelled as he began crawling backwards through the fog away from her “Mother! Mother help me I'm lost.”
Teresa watch as the boy called out for help and shuffled across the ground like a crab. From somewhere nearby they both heard a rattling noise, it sounded like old chains. The boy froze and slowly turned looking over his shoulder, as a large robed figure began rising out of the mist.
It had no face, only a shrouded hood with two glowing pin-points of light where eyes should be. It's ancient thick ragged robes hung in sheds from its body. It's forearms where exposed and the skin was covered with weeping black sores. It had no legs only flapping shredded robes that fluttered slightly in a invisible breeze. Thick rusting chains crossed its body and rattled menacingly as it rose into the air.
The boy screamed and lept to his feet, but he had not taken more than two steps before he was jerked backwards through the air. A clanking chain had snaked off of the specter and wrapped around his waist. The slave fell to the ground hard as the breath was knock out of him. The chain slithered it's way across his body drawing blood as it scraped against any exposed skin, and all the time he screamed. Finally after the ghost had cocooned the boy it turned and began dragging him off through the mist.
When the apparition had vanished into the fog she slowly turned to go but froze in place as one of the things was hovering behind her. It's hooded head dipped down as it sniffed the air in front of Teresa. There was a stagnant rotting smell surrounding it, and she could see the moldering near fleshless skull in it's hood. Its eyes were milk white and it seemed to be blind, relying only on its scent of smell. It sniffed the air almost as if it was looking for her, she lifted her hand and waved it before the things face. It did not seem to sense her, to it she seemed to be invisible.
She knew she should be afraid of this thing, she should be trembling in terror at something so monstrous, but she wasn't. Strangely she felt calm, it was almost as if she understood that the creature would not hurt her, that it could not hurt her. Teresa looked deep into it's face, there was sorrow hidden behind the mask of pain and rot.
“what are you?” she asked the specter.
It's head whipped around and focused directly on the girl standing before it. The phantom's jaw opened, the long unused muscles creaked and groaned. It's leathery lips moved slowly, and Teresa nodded as the thing spoke in a slow almost silent whisper. When it was done it reached one of it's huge rotting hands into it's robes and pulled from it a tiny gray bundle.
Teresa looked down at the offering, the small pink face of a infant stared back up at her. The baby looked around curiously as it tried to moved it's limbs that where held in place by the blanket. Some how she knew it was a boy, as she reached out and took it from the apparition.
When she held it she could clearly see in her mind's eye a huge brutish man with a long scare across his eye. She could see the man dropping a weighted basket into a frothing black river. She felt the icy cold water claw at her body, robbing her of her warmth, as the reed basket vanished quickly beneath the dark freezing surface. She felt the infant's terror as it had tried to gasped for breath, his lungs burning uselessly with fire, before everything slowly went dark.
Teresa collapsed onto her knees, as she cradled the baby boy to her. It was unfair, it was unjust, this baby had done nothing wrong. She looked up at the floating specter as hot tears of anger and sorrow rolled slowly across her face.
“why?” she asked
the creature's creaking leathery lips once again slowly moved as it mouthed it's almost silent words. It hovered there for a few more moments before it turned and drifted off into the mist. It's ancient rotting robes quickly blending into the shadowy fog around them. She watched it go, looking into the mist after it, and knowing what she must do. Once again the sky flashed with silent lightning, this time it silhouetted shapes in the starless sky overhead. Teresa looked up in awe, she saw hundreds of the phantoms, and each one dangled a chain cocoon behind it.
Bill had carried the small limp form of Teresa to her room. Sister Nancy had set about making the girl comfortable and trying to see if if she could awaken her, but nothing worked.
John sat in the chair next to his sister's bed Holding her little hand in his. He could hear his parents and the sister talking softly in the hallway outside. Twisting fear filled his stomach as he stared at his twins pale face. He did not understand what had happened or why.
The sun began to disappear over the horizon plunging her room into darkness by degrees. But still he sat holding her hand, lost and feeling helpless about what to do. He was afraid that he would loose her, if she never woke up what would he do? She had always been there, his shadow, his twin. She was a part of him, and a part he knew he could not live without.
The growing shadows were suddenly pushed back as the large shape of Bill entered the room holding a lamp. He set it down on the little table on the other side of her bed. His worried eyes look from John to his sister and back again. He knelt down next to the boy and gave his shoulder a light squeeze, all of his strength was useless here, as it had been once before.
" what... What will happen if she doesn't wake up?" He softly asked the giant.
" I do not know my lord." Bill confessed in a soft deep voice.
" I can't lose her, what should I do Bill?" The boy asked looking up at him with large watering eyes.
" you could try to pray for her."
" how?"
" I'm not sure John," Bill said with a sigh. " I'm not a believer, but my mother was. She told me that she would often pray to Prime when she felt hopeless. She told me that he created everything, and was the father of all god's. So I guess if you had to ask for help why not ask him. Not sure if he will listen though, he never did for me."
" thank you." John lowered his head as if in contemplation and began to think about what he would say. Silent time began to stretch out as he thought, and quietly Bill left trying not to disturb the boy.
The thick strange fog curled around her feet as she slowly moved in the direction the phantoms seem to be going. The landscape was bleak, and she found herself surrounded by a fortress like wall of mist. The occasional flashes of quiet lightning that lit the sky helped her make sure she was going the right way. On a few occasions she had heard people calling out through the twilight around her, but never saw anyone else.
She carried the small baby in her arms, it seemed to be sleeping peacefully and was undisturbed by their journey. She had a sense of purpose as she walked, The words of the strange phantom still ringing in her ears. It had told her that this little one needed to be saved, and she must take it to the door. She wasn't sure what door the thing had meant, but she would find out. And if she ever did return home, and found the man who had thrown the basket in the river, she would make him pay.
Her thoughts were interrupted as suddenly a colossal wall loomed out of the fog. Teresa approached it examining its surface of rough cut stone, and looked for some type of entrance. The strange warm moss seemed to grow up the face of the wall a little, but not enough to climb. So she chose a direction and started walking, after some time she came across a path in the strange surreal foliage. It dipped and turned around twisted ancient trees, and finally ended at a large unmanned gate.
The portals metal was rusted and pitted with age. Large brown streaks ran down its surface, and as she pushed it open the disused hinges screamed in protest before seizing up. The small gap that opened allowed her just enough room to squeeze inside, while still holding the baby close to her. She whispered softly the him telling not to be afraid, but she was really just trying to calm her own nerves.
The short dark tunnel through the wall opened up into a shadowy street lined with rotting houses. Their wooden surfaces were a few shades off from the fog that enclosed them. Some of the rubble seemed to be transparent and when Teresa nudged it with her foot it scattered into mist, only to reform a few moments latter. It was as if everything here was fading away, as if the whole world was slowly dying.
Silently Teresa began to make her way down the lane, occasionally seeing people in the doorways, alleys, and windows. Their blank faces staring at her as she passed, some of them seem to be muttering to themselves in soft voices. They wore a variety of torn and soiled clothing. Most of them did not seem to be wearing any shoes as they wandered aimlessly about. A man crossed the street in front of her and with every step shattered into fog, only to reform a few seconds later. A young boy who watched her from a nearby shop window had only half a head, the missing part seemed only to be flowing vapor.
Suddenly someone grabbed her and jerked her around. A haggard woman with dark wild hair and an ancient green dress stared at her with murderous eyes.
" Emily, Oh Emily, thank the gods I finally found you. Where have you been? Your father was so upset with you." The strange woman said as she held Teresa by the shoulder.
" I am sorry ma'am, I don't know you. Please let me go." Teresa begged as she tried to pull away.
" come on now, be a good girl, don't keep you father waiting." The woman said as she tried to lead her to a dark open doorway.
" let me go. I don't know you." Teresa cried as the woman began to force her toward the nearest building.
" don't you back talk me you little..." The woman said anger flaring on her face. But her arm was suddenly pulled from Teresa shoulder as a man in armor intervened.
" here, leave her alone. She says she doesn't know you." The soldier said stepping between the two. The crazed woman hissed at him before disappearing into the darkness of the door.
" thank you sir." Teresa said her heart thumping loudly in her chest.
" you need to be more careful about the crazy ones. Where you from? You don't look like you belong here." He told her. As she stared at him she noticed that he had a wound in his chest and his armor was stained with blood. Even though it looked very painful the man seem to take no notice of it.
" I was lost in the fog and I am trying to find a way home."
" I am not sure that is possible child, this is the city of the dead, no one leaves. We are all here until we vanish"
" who is in charge here then?"
" the blind queen is, she sits in her castle at the center of town. Many have tried to speak with her but to my knowledge none have ever succeeded. There is a place not far from here I know of that is safe, I will take you there" The soldier said pointing through the fog.
" thank you kind sir but I must see the queen, can you take me there?"
The soldier smiled " it would be my honor and my duty young miss. I will endeavor to keep you safe from anyone who would wish you harm."
The two traveled down the street through the thick fog. The mans presence seemed to ward off any of the others that thought about approaching her. He told her his name was Travis and he had been a knight in a great battle. But was run through when he had been pinned helplessly under his horse. He had awoken in the strange fog outside the city and was then dragged here by one of the dark specter. He wasn't sure how long he had been here, and hoped his family was okay.
The mist soon parted revealing another gate, this time flanked by a squad of the floating apparitions. Travis stopped a distance away from them and Teresa noted the lack of any other ghosts in the area.
" I am sorry I can go no further. Anyone who approaches has always been savaged by those things." He said kneeling next to her and pointing at the hovering specter's. “ if you can not get past them return quickly to me, I have fought off more than a few of them. Maybe not so many but I am more than willing to try.”
" thank you sir. I will try to repay your kindness someday."
" no, thank you young miss, for giving me a chance to serve one last time. I shall wait here in case you need me again." The ghost said with a final smile.
Teresa returned his smile and nervously started to walk toward the guarded gate. The strange creatures sensed her presence and began to close toward her. Their shredded gray robes flapping in an invisible breeze. She did not break stride, but continued forward at a steady pace. The things hovered around her, their death like smell filling the air, but none of them attempted to stop her. When she had crossed over the gate they lost interest and returned to meandering aimlessly around the area. She turned and glanced back at her savior as he continued to kneel watching her progress. She gave him a wave before turning and walking inside.
She found herself in a large courtyard before a massive flight of stairs that lead up to the castle's doors. Walls of desiccated climbing roses covered almost every surface, except the narrow path that lead through the middle. As she walked carefully down the small path through the dead thorn laden foliage something strange caught her eye. Opposite each other were two Titan size portals, that towered over the courtyard. Each of them was surrounded by another group of the rotting creatures, who seemed to float randomly about.
One of the doors was black, but not the color black. It was like the absence of color, as if someone had cut it out of existence and left a hole in its place. The one across from it seemed to glow with a warm yellow color. Its surface of polished gold gleamed in the nonexistent sun-light. The shadowy door made her feel uneasy, but its twin seemed to fill her with hope.
She carefully traverse to the far side of the courtyard watching the malevolent creatures as they took note of her. None of them tried to stop her as she climbed the stairs to the large iron doors at the top. When she approached the doors they swung silently open of their own accord, as if inviting her in.
The interior was bright and Teresa could not see the source of the light. The floors and walls of the colossal chamber were made of beautiful white marble with veins of gold and platinum running through them. Life like statues were carved into the walls, and seemed so real she expected them to turn and look at her. The ceiling was so far above her head she thought she could make out clouds floating among the statues.
Decorating the center of the floor was a massive stone mural of the world, she stared in awe at its size, it had to be at least a hundred turns across. She moved closer as she cradled the small baby to her for safety, and examined the artwork. She could see coastlines and mountains depicted on its surface, and Teresa could make out the details of the cities in its tiles. As she began to scrutinize one of the massive coastal towns, she suddenly became aware that she could see the tiny boats moving. She saw the frothy white waves lapping against the shore, she could see a microscopic flocks of gulls winging their way through the sky, and the smoke from the hearth fires shifting in the breeze. She felt like she could stand here all day watching the tiny depiction below her feet but her marveling was suddenly broken.
" who are you?" The voice was like thunder as it echoed around the chamber and reverberated through her bones. The girl looked up at the black throne and its occupant that sat on the far side of the room.
Teresa stared at the goddess of death who had just addressed her. The girl knew of her from the books she had read and the stories she had enjoyed. A chill ran down her spine as the woman stood and began to approach. But as she watched Teresa felt something was wrong, in her books the blind queen had always been described as menacing and evil. But strangely she did not feel afraid of the woman, it was like being addressed by an adult, not a merciless god.
" I said who are you." The queen asked again.
Teresa clutched the small bundle close to her, and tried to stand as tall as she could. She set her face in a determined mask as she locked eyes with the approaching figure. The woman looked average, her dark Short hair framing a simple face. Her eyes were off brown and seemed to flash with forced anger. She wore a plain gray robe that seemed to hang off of her thin frame. The girl wondered how anyone could find this woman even slightly imposing.
" I am Teresa of house Stilton, daughter to lord Jonathan Stilton, rightful heir to the fisher king, and I demand an audience." The girl said taking several steps forward.
The woman stopped in her tracks, and blinked at the young girl as she crossed the room toward her. " you have no right to be here! Leave now!"
" I will leave when I am ready my queen, and not before. I come to you so you may show me the way home, and that I might return to my family." Teresa said coming to stand before the goddess.
" What? wait. I know you child." The woman said, a sly smile crossing her face. " I was there the day you were born and I am your brothers godmother. Still, you have no right to intrude upon me, leave now. I have no need for a little wretch like you. I should have denied your brothers request when you were born and taken your soul then."
" so you're the reason he can do the things he does." The girl said her gaze narrowing slightly as she stared at death.
" why yes, it was my gift to him. Five times he may ask me to return someone to life." The woman said as she leaned in with a vicious grin " he's already used up three requests, And once the last one has been fulfilled he will be mine. It shall be my pleasure to make sure that you never see him again."
Teresa felt fiery anger fill her to the core. " why did you do this to him? He's never done anything wrong!"
" simple child he has a purpose to fulfill. There is one that lives who has escaped me for centuries, and your brother will be the one who delivers him to me. I have already set it in motion."
" You mean the Emperor. You want John to kill the Emperor."
" no you stupid little sow, I do not want anything, I need him to die. Why do you think the city is full of souls? Every soul must be accounted for, that man has caused a imbalance in the universe. No soul may leave until he has been collected. It is for the greater good that the Emperor dies."
" What if my brother fails? What if he uses his last two requests and you collect him before he has finished your task? Then what?"
" Then I shall wait as long as it takes for the next opportunity to arrive." The queen said. " it matters not to me I have all of the time in the universe."
" but while you wait all of the people out there suffer." Teresa said pointing. She though of the poor knight Travis still waiting for her outside the gates.
The queen tossed her head back laughing " it does not matter to me, let them suffer, that man has denied me what is mine! And I will not be denied!" Her voice once again thundered around the chamber.
" I will not let you have John!" Teresa's voice was soft but hard like a steel blade.
" There is nothing you can do to stop it, you have no power at all, you will not even be able to stop your own parents from being murdered." The woman's words stabbed Teresa like a knife, she would have thought the queen lying, but somehow knew she told the truth.
" you cannot do this. You're going to destroy the world."
" as long as I am queen no soul shall pass through either of the doors." the queens words were like barbed whips, but a thought struck the girl.
Teresa suddenly remembered where she had seen the doors in the courtyard before. It all made sense now, the black door of destruction, and the white door of life. The forever door, and the door of hope. She had read about them in one of the obscure books in her father's library. The black door led to a tortured world of darkness that nothing ever escaped from. The golden door led to life, the world of the living, and to her home.
She smiled up at the woman, " we will see about that." Teresa responded as she turns and began to leave.
" where do you think you're going pup?" The queen bellowed " guards! seize her!"
As the girl marched across the room dozens of the rotting specter's suddenly appeared in the air around her. They swooped down, but stopped without touching her, they only hovered behind Teresa watching her. The queen continued to rage but they would not impede her progress, or try to restrain her, only stared as she continued walking toward the door.
" stop her! I demand you stop her!" Teresa heard the queen of death screaming as she walked back outside.
Teresa walked down the massive staircase and carefully through the desiccated foliage to the titanic golden door. Standing this close to it she felt the warmth of the suns heat, and the brightness of life beyond. She looked down at the small baby she still carried in her arms, he had watched the exchange with curiosity, but had never uttered a whimper or a cry.
" do you wanna try again?" She asked little infant. " this time will be better, I promise." The baby looked up at her and cooed happily in response.
Teresa mounted the two steps onto the dais where the door waited, when she did they opened but a crack, sending a blade of golden light slicing across the courtyard. As she watched the long dead roses that covered everything quickly changed from a evil gray to a vibrant green as blood red blooms exploded across them. She stopped when she stood before the radiant opening of the door, and from the other side she heard a soft voice.
" what is his name?" It asked in a musical tone.
Teresa did not know, she did not think the baby had a name. He had died before anyone had bothered or cared to give him one. The thought of this filled her heart was sadness, and anger at how unfair it all was. She looked down into his chubby smiling face and made a choice.
" John, his name is John. He's named after someone very special to me. Please take care of him I want him to be happy." She said extending the infant toward the opening. A pair of transparent golden arms that radiated warmth reached out and took him from her. Then it was her turn, she stepped up into the light as the voice asked the question again.
" my name is Teresa Stilton, I did not die, I am only lost and wish to return home." She told the light, her voice shaking with emotion and desire to be with her family once more. As she stepped forward feeling the feather like glow touching her skin she suddenly heard a familiar voice calling out to her.
From outside Travis saw the golden light and watched as the climbing roses that hung outside the walls bloomed. Something long forgotten stirred inside him, he touched the wound on his chest and found it gone. As the light faded the blossoms rained down from the walls, Travis caught one and clutched it to his chest.
“ by all the gods she did it.”
John had sat by his sisters bed for over two days. He hadn't slept or eaten the whole time, only sat holding her tiny hand in his. Everyone had tried to get him to rest but he had refused, his father had ordered him to his bed but he only looked up at him and said “go away, she needs me.”
He felt so tired and he had no more tears left. He had prayed to every god he knew to bring her back, promising them what ever they wanted. But none had answered him. As sleep finally began to overtake him he suddenly felt Teresa squeeze his hand. John bolted upright, was it a dream? His sister smiled up at him.
“ you brought me back again John.” she whispered.
“ Teresa!” he hugged her so tightly. “ I was so scared, I don't want to be alone, please don't leave me.”
“ it's okay, quiet now you'll wake the house. Oh, John you look dreadful. My dear strong brother, I'll always be beside you. But you must sleep.” he nodded his agreement as she patted his back. he curled up on her bed as sleep finally over took him. She watched him drift off, and the memories of what she had experienced came back to her.
“ you will never have him, I promise.” she whispered.
All that night Mary couldn't sleep, she tossed and turned in her bed as Jonathan snored next to her. Finally the golden rays of the rising sun crept softly through her curtains, from somewhere below her she could hear the house staff beginning to stir. She rose her heart heavy knowing that her daughter lay sick in bed, and there was nothing she could do about it.
She walked silently down the corridor to Teresa's room, and peaked inside. John laid half off of the bed snoring as loudly as his father, but her daughter was nowhere to be seen. Before she could turn and wake her husband she was gripped firmly around the waist. Startled she looked down to see the little girl holding her tightly.
" by the light, you're awake!" Mary said kneeling before daughter and showering her face with kisses.
" mother, I missed you so much." Teresa said honestly.
Mary was so overjoyed with relief at her daughter's recovery that she did not question what had happened. Jonathan on the other hand taken his daughter aside later that day and tried to understand what she had experienced. But all the girl would say is that she suddenly felt strange and the next thing she knew she woke up in bed. She told no one what really happened no matter how many times they asked.
She tried to spend as much time with her mother and father as she could fearing that they would soon be gone. Some days it felt hopeless as she tried to work out a plan for their survival, but no matter how many times she pushed herself trying to see the future it always ended in flames and blood. She began to lose heart as she knew the time was growing short.
After her ordeal she begun to experience strange flashes, and would see things before they happened. She began to study this strange new ability trying to control it, she did not know where it came from or what caused it, but she planned to use it to try to save her parents. If what the queen of the dead said was true she would need help, not just her twins assistance but someone else who would believe her.
Teresa found herself sitting underneath her favorite tree trying to read a book about prophecies she had found in her father's library. But the words just seemed to blur together, she could not focus enough to concentrate on the little black squiggles that populated the page. Her mind kept filling with the sounds of screams and the smells of burning flesh. In anger she slammed the book close.
" are you all right?" Sister Nancy asked from behind her. The girl looked up knowing she had been there for some time, but not wanting to say anything. She saw a genuine concern on the sisters face, and an idea struck her.
" no sister, I'm not all right, nothing is all right. I'm alone on the battlefront of a war that no one knows is coming."
The sister gave her a congenial smile " it can not be all that bad, please tell me what has you so upset. Maybe there is something I can do to help."
" maybe," Teresa said. She contemplated the sisters offer of assistance and realize it was exactly what she needed. " please sister sit. This will take some of your time, and a lot of your understanding."
Nancy cleared a spot on the ground as she made herself comfortable, the girl stared at the book in her hands for some time before looking up at the woman with her strange eyes. The words of Teresa's story fell from her lips one by one, and with each syllable Nancy could feel her heart growing colder. The girl told her of what had happened, she told her the truth, and left nothing out. The sister had never seen the girl express emotion before, but this seemed to have choked her up. After her story was done she looked up and Nancy and waited for her to respond.
The world around them seem to become quiet, the thoughts in the sisters head drowning out all other sounds. If this had come from any other child she would have thought in a flight of fancy, but not this girl coming from her she believed it to be true. Teresa had told her of her mounting visions, and how hard she was striving to save her parents. Even though the late afternoon was hot Nancy felt cold shivers running down her back.
" I will write a letter to the head of my chapter and ask for her assistance. Maybe she can send us some aid before the attack. We must plan for the worst to occur but also pray for the best." The sister said as she gave the girls shoulder a comforting squeeze.
" thank you, Nancy. I'm glad you're my friend." Teresa told her as she felt her spirits rise a little.
" there is more we can do here. I will prepare a plan in case I need to get the two of you out." The sister said as she looked down toward the fruit trees near the river. She could see john and his group of friends playing there. They were climbing on Bills shoulders to reach the the apples in the top branches of the trees.
After a time the sister looked back to the girl " Teresa," she said taking the girl's hand " there is something that only I and your mother share, it is about what happened the day of your birth." And with that Sister Nancy began to tell the girl about the visitation her mother had received only moments before she delivered the twins into the world.
Teresa listened as her story began to unfold, and it shed new understanding on their current situation. When the sister was done they both sat for some time in silence. Finally the girl looked up at her friend.
" I know I'm different, I know I'm broken somehow inside. I'm not like anyone else I know. I remember everything that has ever happened to me, every moment, of everyday, I can recall with perfect clarity. I'm an oddity, a freak, a monster." When she spoke the last part she stared intently at Sister Nancy and the woman understood that the girl had always known how she felt.
"oh little one I'm so sorry," Nancy said wrapping her arm around the girl and hugging her tightly. " I was blind to the truth, but there will always be the people out there who don't understand you. Just hold on to the few that do."
" thank you." Teresa said honestly. The girl looked down the embankment as her twin noticed them, and waved excitedly as he held up an apple. The two looked from john to each other and could not help but start laughing.
When his fist connected with the mans nose, Tom relished the meaty crunch noise it made. His opponent staggered backwards , his arms pinwheeling as he fought to keep his balance. It surprised him how easy it had been to hit the big man, considering how badly his own body was hurt. sweat stung the wound above his eye as warm blood flowed down his face and made him keep wiping at it. The smoldering pain in his left side made him want to favor it, but Tom kept that side turned to his opponent. Even though the brute had been swinging at his good side Tom never let his feet stop moving as he danced around the other man. The circle of soldiers gathered around were yelling and cheering. Their voices echoed in the low ceiling of the hot dim chamber. The feet of the men kicked up weak clouds of dust from the earthy floor as they danced around each other. The few torches that hung from sconces on the walls did almost nothing to push back the darkness that filled the space. The air was heavy with the old stale smell of sweat and the coppery under tone of blood. His opponent was half a turn taller than Tom and twice as heavy. He had short dark hair, chopped in the ragged style of a soldiers. His skin was bronzed from long hours marching in the sun. his body bore the many pale scares that crisscrossed like badges of honor. The crimson stain he now had on his upper lip was framed by his burning green eyes. The giant bellowed in rage as he swung with all the force he could. The move was so easy to spot that Tom barely had to try to dodge it. The mans heavily bronzed skin glistened, as he swung large beads of sweat flew from his body, when his liquid hit the ground the earth drank greedily of his pain. Tom did a hop backwards as the brute pressed his advantage, and forced Tom against the cold surface of the far wall. The soldier lashed out with his foot as Tom side-stepped the blow and moved in to deliver another attack. Toms fists pistoned against the well muscular side of the huge man as he delivered a volley of blows. He heard something inside the man crack and the giant howled in pain as he staggered backwards. The solider fell to his knees clutching his side, primal pain stamped on his face as he tried to breathe. Tom stepped to his fallen opponent, the man looked up at him through his mask of anguish. The soldier held out his hand begging that Tom stop his assault, but the lack of breath only allowed him to wheeze a plea for mercy. Tom grinned evilly as he lashed out with his foot slamming into the side of the other mans face. The soldiers had gone pale as he slowly fell into the stale earth. Tom stood over his opponent as two shield sisters appeared through the expanding ring of men. They quickly walked over to the fallen solider who had not moved from the dusty earth where he had fallen. The younger sister wore a cover over half her face, and wordlessly instructed her older companion. Silently the sister touched the side of the fallen solders neck with two fingers, after a second she looked up at Tom and shook her head. This only seemed to make him smile bigger. “Yes! Okay who's next?” he said turning and looking at the ring of surrounding men. The other soldiers only stared back silently, not one of them willing to step up. The silence begin to dampen Toms mood and his smile slipped slowly from his face. He walked to one of the pillars where a towel stained with blood and sweat hung. He snatched the ragged piece of cloth and began running it over his sweat soaked bald head. He looked at the men that surrounded him staring each one in the eyes in turn. his gaze was like fire burning into the souls of each of them. With his look he dared them to step up, begged them to dance the dance of pain with him. He wanted to destroy each of them as they tried to destroy him, because in this twisted embrace of pain and death he always came closer to his love. “COME ON! ONE OF YOU STEP UP!” he screamed in rage at the soldiers. “FIGHT ME! FIGHT ME!... FIGHT ME!” the sound echoed around the cramped hot chamber and bounced off the dark stone walls. Tom made to attack one of the men at random when he was stopped by a soft hand on his bruised sweaty arm. Tom looked down into the face of the shield maiden who wore a cover over half her face. Her one good eye looked up at him pleading with him to stop, she tried to speak but it only came out as a soft low croak. She was his ward, barley nineteen seasons old. She wore the whipple of a shield sister, but the rest of her clothing was that of a peasant. The skin above the collar of her robe was a crisscrossed pattern of pale scares that circled her neck. The top of her head barley came to the bottom of his chin as she looked up at him. His eyes were the lightest of gray, almost seeming to be white. They had an intensity that bore into most men and made them either want to fight Tom or run from him. They possessed a kind of manic crazed glow that seem to want to draw you in and break you down. These were framed by a face decorated with the scares of a life spend with a sword in his hand. Some times the flesh did not seem to match up just right. Were the healer was unable to marry the two halves back together. He had lost most of his hair in a siege on a barbarian stronghold a few years ago and had taken to shaving it all off. He had a barrel chest like all men in his family and with years of drills and exercises had developed a well toned body. Tom was not a kind man, he was known for quite the opposite. He would put an entire village to the torch, and leave no one but the dead to testify to his deeds. There had been only one occasion when he had spared someone he had been sent to kill. Almost ten seasons ago he had been ordered to destroy a village that had refused to pay his fathers taxes. He and ten soldiers had ridden hard for three days till they came to a cluster of straw hovels tucked up in an obscure valley. The land was Gods forsaken and the villagers had nothing to show for their existence but a small heard of starved goats. The village elder had come to meet them saying they had the tax but had not been able to deliver it due to the snow. Tom had run him through as he pleaded for leniency. The men had fanned out putting the village to the torch and slaughtering everyone who stood before them. Nothing had been different till he had kick open the door to one of the last buildings. Inside the blazing inferno was a young girl barley out of the crib. She had drug the bodies of her parents into their burning home in a vain hope of escape. When Tom kicked in the door and looked around he saw her standing there, an old sword in her hand, and no fear on her face. He remembered smiling and laughing as she raised her weapon threatening him. He had half heartily swung at her, but she nimbly side stepped and stabbed deep into his chest. Tom looked down at the wound gushing blood and white-hot anger dimmed his vision. He smiled as he stepped up to the waif of a girl and tried to rain blow after blow down on her. But no matter what he did he could not touch this girl barely off her mothers tit. She was like a little shadow moving, dodging, and all the time landing deep cuts into Toms flesh. The two danced around each other as the golden flames consumed what was once the girl's life. After their dance had stretched out they were halted when the roof let out a creak of surrender. Tom expected her to keep fighting till the building collapsed on top of them, but she suddenly rushed him, she leapt at him and planted a knee in his chest driving them both out through the door. But one of the large support beams had caught her on the side of her face as the two flew out into the icy cold pouring rain. His men closed in around them as Tom once more became conscious. He looked upon the little farm girl, who had savaged his body with her ancient blade, as she lay dying in the cold crimson blood infused mud. He had staggered to his feet as one of his men stepped up and raised his sword to finish her. Instead Tom ran him through, and then screamed at them that she belonged to him and no one else. He then gathered her up in his bloody arms and climbed into the saddle of his hoarse. He rode hard through the sea of rain till he came to a crumbling keep that was used by the shield sisterhood. The old head matron was surprised when she answered the door and Tom stood there looking down at her. A stroke of lightning flashed silhouetting him like some ancient forgotten god. Rain and blood poured off his body as he staggered into the bright warmth of the building. He shoved the rain soaked pale girl into the matrons arms. The old woman looked at the small broken girl with her dark hair plastered over the destroyed half of her face. And before the darkness took him into unconsciousness he warned her that if the girl died, he would burn the convent to the ground and salt the earth with their bones. Both he and the girl survived, but her face was forever disfigured by the encounter. At first she had hated him, attacked him, and cried whenever he came near. But he was her only friend and slowly she came to accept him, then want him, and then loved him. For the years following their meeting she lived with the sisters, he would visit whenever he could, and bring her gifts and flowers. He also brought things for the sisters to help make their life easier. Slowly their strange relationship grew over the years. Finally she had come to live in the castle with him a year ago, he had given her an apartment not far from his, but she preferred instead to spend her nights with him. “would you have me stop?” his voice was low and soft as he reached for her. He slid a hand under the cloth that hid half her face. She flinched as he stroked what was concealed under the cover, she wanted to pull away but knew better. She squeezed her eye shut against the pain of his touch on her tortured flesh. He smiled down at her the blood slowly drying on the same side of his face. His eyes twinkled and filled with love as he looked into her eye, she could see the man she had met all thous years ago suddenly appear before her. The thought made a smile dance across her lips and she cast down her gaze. “fine, for you. You play me little one, like a bard plays an instrument. You know all the right notes that make me dance.” he leaned in and stole a kiss from the corner of her mouth. She looked up at him with happiness in her face and mouthed the words 'I love you.' Sister Octavia motioned for all the other men to leave as the two stood in the middle of the death arena kissing and touching each other. she turned and closed the doors giving them some privacy. The last thing she saw was the girls robes falling onto the stale earth next to the sightless dead soldier. Sister Octavia turned as she began to walk down the dark passage toward her quarters. She heard running footsteps and saw a young servent coming toward her. “excuse me miss, have you seen the lords son? His father is summoning him to the main hall, with much urgency.” the young man was almost out of breath. “Yes he is in his practicing room.” she said motioning back the way she came. “ but I would not disturb him if you wish to keep your head. What is this about.” “well, uhm, there's a messenger from the Emperor himself here to see lord christian. And the lord has call for his son.” sister Octavia frowned.” I will inform him, go and tell the lord his son is in dispose and will be arriving shortly.” “thank you ma'am.” the messenger said as he turned and ran back down the hall. The sister frowned, what was going on this did not bode well. @@@ the man raised his hand and presented a rude gesture to Robert. “ this is where you can tell lord Stilton to stick it.” he said with a large malice smile on his face. He turned to his brothers who laughed at the crudeness of the comment.
When he turn back to Robert the huntsman slid a arrow from the quiver on his thigh. With one swift move he penetrated the mans hand freezing the gesture in place. The mans eyes grew large as the pain from his hand lanced through his body, his mouth opened as he inhaled to scream. But Robert moved with such speed he just seemed to blur, as he twisted the arrow and guided the mans hand behind his head.
With a swift shove he stabbed the arrow through the base of the others skull, and it instantly appeared in the mans gaping mouth. The bandit spasmed and fell forward to the dusty earth at his feet. Robert knelt next to the man and bowed his head, he said a short prayer of forgiveness and asked that the man pardon him for his evilness.
The forest was quiet as the huntsman slowly stood and turned. He looked at the remaining brothers with a empty blank expression. His heart had not even changed beat as he killed the man that now lay cooling on the ground. The constable was somewhere behind him staring in awe at the speed of Roberts kill. The man seemed to be inhuman.
“now gentleman, as a appointed representative of lord Stilton I am informing you that you are now by law under arrest. I do not wish you harm but if you do not obey, I will plant you in the ground as I did this man here.” the hunter said, his stone face scaring the men more than the threat.
One of the bandits dropped to his knees and held his hand behind his head. Seeing the wisdom of their brothers action the rest followed suit quickly. The hunter went to each one and bound their hands, not tight but enough to hold them.
When he finished with each one he spoke softly “ I'm sorry for the loss of your brother, may he be in a better place.”
with all the men tied together he walked back to the sheriff and handed him the end of the rope. The constable just stood there clutching the prisoners leash and staring at Robert.
“well good sir, I hope that has completed my service to you with satisfaction. I am returning home now, if you have further need of my services I will return.” Robert walked over to the still body on the ground and lifted it onto his shoulders, he carried it to his horse and placed the dead man across the saddle.
The group watched him do this with out saying a word, and when the bandit was secure on the horse he turned to the brothers. “ I will take him to be buried, it is my fault he is dead and so it is my responsibility. Please do the right thing, and do not make me return.” he said to the prisoners.
With that he took the horses reins and began walking out of sight. The farm land stretched out before him in all direction. The late summer fields of grain slowly maturing for the fall harvest that was approaching soon. Occasionally a breeze would stir the rolling green tracks and brought with it the salty smell of the sea that was not far off. A few stray clouds dotted the almost clear sky as flocks of gulls cried out from above.
They had passed by a small temple a league or so back, he had marked it's location in case the outcome of the encounter was like this. He became lost in his memories as he walked along the road alone. By degrees his thoughts drifted to his past, and his wife's face swam into his mind. not the wasted frail thing she had become on her death bed, but the sparkling eyed beauty he fell in love with all those years ago.
He could see her as she ran through the wheat field next to the road, she turned and waved at him from the distance. Her dark brown hair blowing in the late breeze, her eyes flashing at him inviting him to come hunt her, her smile shining as the setting sun tattooed her mocha skin a dim shade of orange. As he watched her, a smile crept to the edges of his mouth like a thief in the night. He felt the jagged broken thing in his chest stir, it's bloody shattered remains nothing more than a ball of pain.
“mommy is that man dead?”
Robert turned suddenly aware of the woman and her son standing a few turns away. Her eyes were large as she looked at the dead-man across his saddle, her hand covering her mouth hiding the expression of shock. She looked form Robert to the corpse and back again, as she clutched her son to her and fear stood out on her face.
“it's okay ma'am.” Robert said as he touched the lords crest on his tunic. “official business. The man was a bandit.”
her manner seemed to lighted, “Oh, I am sorry my lord, I was just startled.”
“no, you are right miss, I apologize I thought not of meeting some one on the road, I was careless. I beg your forgiveness.” he said taking out his saddle blanket and began tossing it over the dead-man.
“thank you sir, you are a rare kind man, here take this, please.” the woman said and held an apple out to him.
He took the offered fruit, “ I shall cherish it, many blessings on you for your kindness. May you know peace.” Robert told her placing his hand over his heart and giving her a little bow. She smiled and turned, resuming her journey down the road. He watched her disappear over the hill, and looked down at her gift. Why could not all people be so kind,why did dark things have to exist in this world?
He turned back down the path as he tossed the apple into the field. He had never liked their taste, always seemed to sweet to him. Once he had enjoyed sweet things but they had lost their flavor years ago. He did not meet anyone else before he arrived at the little temple. The sun had started to drift toward the horizon and the shadows were growing long across the grounds.
The building was more like a dirt mound that had been hollowed out. It had several large rough stone slabs supporting it's interior. It was surrounded by a low stone wall a few turns away from the mound, on the other side of which was a ocean of dark green wheat. The temple was at least ten turns tall with short grass growing across it's surface. There was a cavernous opening that lead into the interior, and Robert could see the red-gold flicker of a fire inside. The place had no obvious sighs of being dedicated to any one god, no statues, alters, or banners. The grounds were well tended and he could see several rows of grave markers near the portal.
As he approached a old man clad in simple gray cloths walked out to greet him. He looked to be many seasons old and had a bushy white beard that hung down his chest. His old wrinkled face had an open honest look, and his smile seemed warm and genuine. He stared at Robert with intense dark brown eyes as the huntsman approached.
Robert held his hands away from his side palms open showing he meant no harm, “greetings grandfather, are you the keeper here?”
“yes son, as much as it pains me most days to do so, I am. What assistance can I help you with?”
“I have a man here who needs last rights and a burial. Can you do that for him?”
“lets see,” The old mans brow furrowed as he lifted the mans head and stared into his face. “I know this man, George Halter, lives... sorry, lived with his brothers over near Swine Mill. Did you kill him?”
“yes. I'm sorry I had to, I sympathize with your loss.” Robert told him
“My loss? I said I knew the man, not that I liked him, he was a complete b*****d. Beat his wife to death a few seasons back, he was a drunk, and a thief. I buried her myself right over there. Her family paid for it, he refused to give one coin to help. So I must ask why are you wanting to see to this mans last rights? Did you know him?”
“no I met him just today, I was preforming my duty for my lord.” Robert said touching the crest on his tunic.
" I understand," the old man said " well I guess that is something that could not have been helped. It's a shame when anyone dies, even those that deserve it."
" and even those that do not." Replied Robert his mind once again drifted back to his wife. The sun had dipped well below the horizon by the time the two men have finished their choir. The smell of freshly turned earth hung in the air, and the sounds of the insects serenaded them from the tall wheat fields nearby. The old priest had decline Roberts offer to pay him for his services, and offered the huntsman the seat by his fire that night. The old man prepared a simple meal of stewed vegetables, and Robert contributed some dried meat that he had to spice up their dinner. As they languished by the dying embers of the old man's cooking fire Robert had taken out a chunk of wood and began to whittle on it. " what is that supposed to be." The old man asked as he picked his teeth with a bone. " it's a man's head." Robert said holding it up for the other man to inspect. The carving was quite detailed down to the ragged scar on the mans cheek. Robert handed it over to allow the old priest a closer inspection. The old man role the wood between his thick callused fingers admiring the detail and craftsmanship of it. " that's fine work there son, making it as a present for someone?" " no grandfather, this is the face of the man who murdered my daughter. I carve his likeness over and over to remind myself what he looks like so that if I ever meet him I'll be sure to make his suffering as long as hers was. Every time I finished with one I burn it so I can start over again." The old man stared at Robert across the slowly dying fire, his eyes seeming to catch the light from the embers as he gazed at the huntsman intently. Robert did not hold much stock in the belief in god's, because he had seen too much heartache and sorrow in his life. The scars in his soul were deep and painful. It was hard to believe that a merciful deity even existed, the only thing he truly believed in was the justice of his own hands. " you seem like a man who has a very heavy burden that he has chosen to carry a around with him. Son, I understand how painful loss can be, and I will say a prayer for the safety of your loved ones. But if they have passed on their cares are no longer of this world, let the pain go, there are people here who can use your protection now." Robert stared across the fire at the old priest, " did you have anyone in particular in mind? Or are you would just speaking in general?" " look there toward that distant hill," the old man said pointy into the darkness. Far across the open train of the night Robert could make out that twinkling of distant lights on a far hill. " that is maven port, about a week ago five men died when their boats turned over. A few of the man claimed to have seen something under the water flip the boats, and then dragged the fishermen down into the lake. No one has dared to go back out on the lake since then, and fishing is the village livelihood. As you are one of the lord's men, you could get him to send us some soldiers to kill what ever it is. This is prime fishing season and I'm sure they can't afford to miss even one day." " I understand," Robert said nodding " I will go there tomorrow and see what I can do about their lake monster." The old man stared at the hunter, " shouldn't you get some soldiers to help? You don't think you can take it all by your self do you?" " yes, I do." Roberts said in a full honest tone.
mother mercy gets a letter from Nancy, Beatrice there, mercy has hurt leg. They discuss tactics and strategist, also see what the grandmother said when the twins were born
spy he prepairs to assasinate him, but the Emperor chastises him. Tells him not to. The spy has scare across lips. Spy meets John in town selling toys. Spies name I carver. Spy stays away from Teresa.
one of the emporers men meets with lord Christian to ok the attack
Teresa says goodbye to everyone, and has John say goodbye to their parents.
night of the attack, Ned is a surprise, he was sneaking in to see Nancy, trying to beg her to take him back. but carver finds him first as carver changes to look like Ned
joushua is awaken as killers sneak into his room. He and Mary start to fend them off, joushua sends Bill to save the kids. Mary tries to save the cook and his family but dies as joushua watches, he charges in and is killed by tom. “hello uncle, I didn't miss you.”
Bill gets to the kids and he fights his way out with Nancy “evil” Ned shows up but Teresa sees through his mask. Nancy breaks his arm as they escape. Flee across the vinyard in the night. To the barn where Nancy creats a diversion and Bill and the twins get to the river. Bill sees them off, waving good by as they disapeir, then dies.
the boat finally came to rest on a muddy shore under large tree. The rain pelted down around them like the arrows of the enemies. The large branches overhung the river providing a small degree of shelter. John sat huddled in the middle of the boat, his arms hugging around his knees as deep sobs racked his body. Teresa had steered them most of the way here fighting against the current best she could. As the boat thumped softly against the embankment she reached up grasping for the limbs of the tree. With much effort she managed to somewhat anchor the boat on the shoreline. She collapsed at the bow, exhausted and tired. Both of them were soaked to the bone and she could feel her body began to shake from the cold. " John we cannot stay here. The soldiers will be looking for the raft, and we need to find shelter." She knew her brother was in a fragile state and did not want to try and force him. " what's the point." John sobbed " their dead, their all dead. Everyone is dead!" " I know. I know." Teresa said moving to him and wrapping her arms as best she could around his shoulders. She gently tugged him until he reluctantly stood and with much effort she managed to get him out of the boat and up the cold muddy embankment. The woods along the river's edge were light so there was not much to impede them. The high thick canopy of leaves gave them some relief from the persistent down pour. The twins traveled slowly through the wet dark night, their nightmarish journey seeming to never end. The big wet leaves slid under their feet making their journey somewhat treacherous. Teresa supported john the best she could, but it was not something she was made for. She was quickly tiring and knew that she would not be able to go much farther. She kept encouraging her brother with hollow strong words, telling him that everything would be okay. But he just clung to her for support, the emotional pain of what he witnessed that night eating at his heart. From somewhere in front of them a golden-yellow light suddenly shown. It was dim like a distant star but held the faint promise of hope. With great effort Teresa led her brother slowly toward it. They emerged from the edge of the forest on to what appeared to be a dilapidated farmhouse. The building's boards were gray and work with age. vines grew up the side of its walls and across part of the roof that sagged from years of neglect. Any paint had long ago peeled off. Teresa would have thought the place abandoned if not for the lantern hanging from the barn door. Cautiously she led her twin toward the dwelling. Glancing around for any inhabitants that might be up at this hour. Seeing no one she struggled to led john into the barn. The atmosphere was dry and warm she helped her brother over to the nearest pile of fresh hay. An old horse stood in its tall and did not seem to be disturbed by their intrusion. Piles of old sacks lay in one corner of the room, and an array of rusting farm tools hung from the wall. He collapsed onto the prickle Ing mound shivering and sobbing. Teresa found some dry horse blankets and tossed one across him. " get some sleep john will have a lot of walking to do in the morning we need to head east and find the ship to take us across the ocean." She said in a dell voice that betrayed her exhaustion. " what's the point they're all dead." John mumbled from underneath the blanket. " yes john everyone we knew is dead. Everyone we've loved is dead. But crying about it is not going to bring them back." " why are they dead! Why!" John screened leaping up off the ground. He turned to a sister in anger he stood before her hands clenched eyes wide. He wanted to fight he wanted to punch someone to hurt someone to make them pay for what they did to them. "why did we survive and they died." " because brother I knew this was going to happen I saw a very long time ago." " if you knew this was going to happen why didnt you warn them!" He screamed. " it didn't matter. Nothing we could have done would have changed the outcome. I tried. Do you think I wanted our parents to die." John stood looking at his twin. But she was not truly his twin. Their parents had died, brutally murdered only a few hours before. But she just sat there as if nothing had happened, she discussed the death of their parents as if she was discussing the weather. All of these years he had lived with her oddities and had gotten used to them. But now, now he could see what everyone was always talking about. What everyone else saw when they looked at her. Teresa his little doll-like sister, never changing, never aging, always the same. And she was his age but spoke better than most adults he knew. He took a step back from her, disgust growing on his face. " they where right, you are a monster. You don't care that their dead. You don't have a soul." He told her the same empty motionless tone in his voice that she always had. “what?” she said softly. The barn suddenly seemed to grow very quiet, as if the world had suddenly turned it's attention to them. “your a monster.” John said as he stared at her with hate building in his eyes. Slowly her face began to change her eyes glistened and for the first time in his life he saw tears rolling down her cheeks. She looked at him pleadingly as if begging him to take the words back. " please John no, don't say that. I don't care if the world hates me, I don't care if everyone hates me, just not you, please not you. I promise to fix it, please...” Teresa's words trailed into babbling as she pleaded with him. " I... I... I'm sorry." He said. John crossed the room to his twin and took her in his arms. Her body shook with the cold and the pain of his words. He kept telling her he was sorry over and over again that she wasn't a monster. That he was stupid and that she shouldn't listen to him. It was just the two of them now, nowhere to go, and no one to help them. He held her close feeling her sobbing and the horrors of the night flooded back to him, and he too began to ball. Their tears scrubbing the pain from the wound of their loss, so maybe it could heal with time. After her tears were spent the two huddle together on a pile of hay and were soon fast asleep Outside the barn the rain continued to beat against the roof in rythmic fasion. The soft sounds of the twins breathing was only slightly louder than the little scurrying mice as they searched for a meal. They slept watched over by the old hourse, and someone else. At the back of the barn a shadow slowly moved. It seemed to glide across the floor making no sound. The little field mouse perched ontop of the bag nibbling it's grain of corn did not even hear it. It was silent and deadly like dark posion. It moved through the barn till it stood over the stall where the two remaining heirs of house Stillton slept. finely it was satisfied that they were not a danger it entered into the small circle of the lanterns light. Jacob scratched his beard stubble old chin as he looked down at the pair. His face was wrinkled and had the look of age toughened leather. The sparse salt and pepper beard gave him a strange grandfatherly look and his dark hazel eyes sparkeled as he inspected the two as they slept. " well looks like I got me some work to do."
@@@@@ © 2015 little bad puppy |
Added on April 23, 2015 Last Updated on September 8, 2015 Author