Mr Nails

Mr Nails

A Screenplay by little bad puppy

not shure


opens on a forested area from above as the camera comes down music

can be heard playing seems like a background song camera comes to to

focus on a man in a nice suit laying on the ground. Camera pans to show a

cell phone on the ground ringing showing that the music is actually a ring

ton. The camera comes in focusing on his face as the phone keeps ringing.

The man suddenly bolts upright taking in a deep breath and starts coughing.

Steve: -looking around while trying to catch his breath- “what the hell.” he

says looking around trying to get his bearings then lifts his left hand up

suddenly realizing he's chained to a tree. He looks at the chain and the ground

and his situation in fear and disgusted on his face. He suddenly notices the

phone on the ground ringing (by this time the ring tone/music over has

become just a ring tone.) picking up the phone he answers it. “Hello!”

Nails:- voice on the other end is strange and distorted very other worldly-

“good morning Mr smith I see you are finally awake how are you feeling?”

Steve: “what? Who the f-” trying to stand and falls down.

Nails: “Mr. smith you need to calm down. Your not going to helping your

situation by losing your temper.”

Steve: where am i, who are you, why are you doing this?

Nails:  me? you are is why we are here. you have wronged some one Mr.

smith, you have caused some one so much grief that they called me. i am the

one who hears the battered mother crying in the night. i am the one who seeks

justice for the ones who can not defend themselves. i am revenge Mr. smith,

pure burning hate and revenge. i am the last resort for those who have no

hope, and you Mr. Smith now have my full attention.

Steve: me? I don’t understand.

Nails: you are Steve smith height xxx weight xxx born 1975 to Wanda smith

and john smith. Second child of three. Average grades through out school.

Went to college where you majored in businessmen law. Graduated tenth in

your class. Went to work for a law firm hoping to make partner. Father of

two. Married to Lizzy smith for 16 years. No criminal record you own your

home and have two dogs.

Steve: how do you know that? HOW DO YOU KNOW ABOUT ME!

Nails: i know everything about you and your life. and i plan to make you pay

for the evil you have done. but there is one way for you to survive this Mr

smith tell me the truth. tell me all of the dirty little secrets you have never

shared with anyone. if you confess to me you and your wife can live. So Mr

smith what I want to know is, do you love your wife?


Steve: what? What dose Liz have to do with this.


Nails: everything Mr smith everything. So tell me honestly do you love your



Steve: you leave her out of this! You hear me!


Nails: your wife Mr smith do you need her? Do you care for her? do-pause-

you -pause- love -pause- her?


Steve: YES! YES I LOVE MY WIFE! You son of a b***h.  don’t you hurt

her! I swear to god if...


Nails: -Laughs- I don’t hurt people Mr smith, you do that so much better than

I ever could. What we are going to do is have a truth or die session. If you lie

to me you both die if you tell the truth you both live, easy enough. But I must

warn you Mr smith your wife is on a time limit. So you better hurry.


Steve: who are you? Tell me!

nails: fair enough Mr smith my name is Mr. Nails. Now tell me. What is the

worst thing you ever did to some one.


Steve: who? what?


Nails: tell me, what was the worst thing you ever did to some one. What was

the worst injury you ever inflicted on someone? I need you to be very specific

tell me all the details. I want you to tell me Everything Mr smith. Everything.


Steve: look, please. Just let me go, I’ll pay you what ever you want. OK just be



Nails: let you go Mr smith? What about your wife. I am beginning to think

you lied to me. If you do not follow the rules you both die, good bye Mr

smith. -hangs up-


Steve: what? Hello? Hello? -looks at the phone- AAAHHH NO! -throws

phone on the ground- and slumps against tree, phone land just out of reach-

Steve sits for a few seconds then begins searching his pockets the only thing

he finds is a picture of him and his family and a knife. He looks at the knife

and the handcuff as if thinking about it then slumps against the tree crying. He

pulls out the picture and looks at it visible shaken saying “I’m sorry” over and

over. He stands for some time just staring at the photo. -as he is standing

there the camera slowly pans to show Mr nails in the back ground. Mr nails

raises his hand to his head like he is making a call- Suddenly he hears the

phone ringing again. He looks around and see's it laying in the leaves. He

crawls over to the phone but it is just out of reach. He reaches of it but its

just out of reach. Pulls the chain some more trying to get some slack but cant

reach it. The phone lying face up with the incoming call showing his fingers

brushing the phone till he finally gets a hold and answers it " Hello! Hello!


Nails: are you ready to cooperate Mr smith? -pause- Mr smith....


Steve: -leaning back against the tree looking defeated- yes.


Nails: good. Now as I said before what was the worst thing you have ever done to someone. And do not lie, you lie you die.

Steve: -looks upset and scared- uuhh... when... when I was 15 I killed a guy.

-pause where nothing is said-

Nails: tell me more Mr smith, details.

Steve: that’s it what more more do you want.

Nails: I want details, I need you to confess what you did Mr smith tell me

your sins.

Steve: -in a rush voice- I was coming home from a party and I hit a guy,


Nails: Mr smith, more details or I hang up. And you and your wife die.

-pause- so what is it going to be?

Steve: -mashing his teeth- it was my senior year in high school a friend of

mine was having a party. I was showing off and had too much to drink. My

father was a tyrant when it came to my curfew. My friends tried to talk me

out of driving home but I didn’t listen. I knew i was drunk so i took the back

roads to avoid the police, I might have been driving fast, I don’t know.

suddenly this guy in a brown jacket jumped out of nowhere. I felt the car run

over him. I freaked out. I mean what idiot walks home in the dark? I didn't

want to go to jail, I was a kid,  I was scared,  I panicked. i just sat in the truck,

engine idling, staring out the windshield into the dark night. i don’t

remember coming to any decision but i just drove off. I didn’t sleep all night.

I just sat on my bed, waiting for the cops to show up and arrest me. For years

I was always looking over my shoulder . I felt bad for not stopping to see if

he was OK. I some times think about that guy lying there in a ditch on the

side of the road slowly dieing no one around so alone. I mean I killed a guy.

-pause- Is that enough?

Nails: Yes Mr smith. You feel bad for what you did. You show remorse for

hurting another person. You may be human after all. so tell me Mr smith

what do you think that man felt as you ran him over. As your car crushed the

life from him, as he could hear his own bones breaking. What did his family

do when he didn’t come home. When his widow had identify his body? seeing

her crying over the broken remains that you left to bleed out in a ditch on that

cold night, because of your adolescent stupidity.


Steve: I don’t know. I was dumb. I didn’t mean to do it.


Nails: what would you say to him if you could?

Steve: I'm sorry. Oops. I DONT KNOW! WHAT DO YOU WANT!



Steve: -silent for a few seconds then in a low voice- I’m sorry. I knew better

but still I did the stupid thing. I knew better. I shouldn't have driven home

drunk. I should have stopped, I should have had some one drive me home. I

still have nightmares. i wake up in the middle of the night seeing the guys

face before it disappeared under the car. If I could undo it I would, I would

swap places, I chose to dive home that night. I never meant to let it happen.

-pause- I’m sorry.

Nails: so you killed a man and got away with it. Have you ever confessed

what you did to some one? A priest, a friend, -short pause- your wife?

Steve: no -pause- I never told anyone else. I've always been to scared of being

judged. The way they would have looked at me. The hate, the contempt I

would see i their faces when they looked at me.

Nails: but you told me Mr smith. You showed me your dirty little secret.

Your dark intimate scar on your soul you have kept hidden for years finally

exposed to the light. I am judge you for your evils Mr smith, I can persecute

you for your crimes. How did confessing feel Mr smith?

Steve: - sits silent sounds of the forest around him, he hates the guy on the

other end of the phone but strangely knows he's right he feels better- I feel

-pause- I -pause- feel. like a wight has been lifted off me. Like some thing

dark is gone from my soul. Better, I guess.


Nails: -laughing- you see this can be a good experience if you play along,

now. Second question. How did you meet your wife.


Steve: what?


Nails: your wife Mr smith the one who will die if you wait to long how did

you meet?


Steve: Lizzy -looks at photo he looks sad as if he is now forced to relive a

another dark chapter of his life, slowly his face brightens as he thinks back- I

-pause- we -pause- -sigh- we where both in the same freshman lit class

together. I remember hating that class the room was always so hot. -loosens

his tie- The guy who taught the class, I cant remember his name he was this

little balding guy who always smelled of cigars. He would waddle around the

class room on his cane and us it to point at something on the board. He was the

most annoying teacher I ever had. I remember the first day thou, sitting in the

back of the class. I was away from home for the first time, alone, I didn’t

know any one there. But when she walked into the room it was like the world

suddenly lit up a thousand different shades of white. She sat on the front row

next to her friend and they would talk to each other and laugh. It took me

almost a whole semester to work up the nerve to talk to her. I had had

girlfriends before all through high-school, but she was different. She made

me weak at the knees, my mouth went dry, and I couldn't say anything. When I

asked her out for the first time I was so scared I just froze, looking into her

crystal blue eyes. The way she smiled as she brushed her hair back. It was like

the world froze in place in one perfect moment meant for just us. Of course I

spoiled it by standing there stuttering till I finally handed her a note with my

name and asking her to go out. she said yes and we spent the next 16 years



Nails: have you ever cheated on her Mr smith?


Steve: -looking panicked, and in a soft voice- what?


Nails: Lie to me and I hang up. You do not want me to hang up Mr smith. I

ask you again Mr smith have you ever cheated on your wife?


Steve: -angry- NO NEVER!




Steve: -looking defeated, his shoulders slump- yes -he goes silent,-


Nails: -after a few seconds of waiting- details. I want to know more. You

have to do your part if your going to save your wife. So tell me what you did.


Steve: -he really dose not want to relive this- -sigh- it was almost a year ago

me and Lizzy had been going through some hard times, we started growing

apart. I would try to talk to her but...... so one night I went out after work for

a few drinks. I had gone out before I never told her where I was going. I just

told her I was working late, but she didn’t really care. And then I meet Stacy

we had a few drinks, she was cute. I really liked talking to her. We met a few

times for dinner and step by step we started sleeping with each other. I think

Liz knew but she was so far gone, I don’t think she even cared. It was on

again, off again for a few months till one night we go caught. i didn't know

but Liz friend had taken her shopping. i had made reservations for this place on

5th Bernelly's. they make a really good onion soup. i had told Liz i was

working late, and not to wait up. it had been raining all that week, so when i

looked out the window into the street and say Liz watching us my heart dropped

i froze, everything seem to stop. Liz turned and walked off, i ran out of the

restaurant and caught her at the car. We drove home she didn’t say a thing I

tried to apologize but no matter what i said she wouldn't even look at me she

just sat there. I felt like I was a kid and my father was taking me home to be

punished. I don’t know what was worse the fact we drove home with out

speaking or the fact she never mentioned it to me, never brought it up, never

asked me my side of the story. Maybe I was doing it to get back at her for

shutting me out. After the accident she shut down.


Nails: what accident Mr smith? I feel I am missing some thing here. Tell me

what was it that made your wife withdraw from life?


Steve: -almost ready to cry- It was our son. he.... he.... died.


Nails: how did he die Mr smith?


Steve: -sobbing- please no....don't..-very quietly- please.


nails: Mr smith your son died. You could not save him. Your wife will die

and you can save her now tell me how did your son die.


Steve: its been three years, his name was billy, he was 7 when he died. I will

never forget that day, no matter how hard I try. I was working 12 hour shifts

because we where knee deep in a law suit. Some guy had bought a cup of

coffee and burned himself with it so he was suing the restaurant. My secretary

put a call through to me from my neighbor. The damn neighbor. My own wife

couldn't even call me to tell me our son had died. I just froze, hell the whole

world froze. Nothing seem to move I just kept hearing my neighbor Stan

going on and on trying to console me. Afterwords I found out that she had

been down stairs watching TV through the bottom of a bottle of jack, Liz was

passed over for a promotion at work and was feeling depressed. She wasn't

even watching him, -pause- there was a open window upstairs. Billy was

playing by himself upstairs -pause getting choked up- he fell onto the

driveway and hit his head. -pause- She didn't even notice he was gone, she

just sat there till the ambulance driver rang the door bell and my daughter

answered it. the paramedics said he died from a broken neck. Liz was just

spaced out she stopped going to work just laid in bed all day. I would hear

her up there crying. I tried to get her to go to counseling but she wouldn't

leave the house. -cries-


Nails: so Mr smith do you blame your wife for your sons death? Is it her



Steve: -no longer crying- no.


nails: if it is her fault just say so. If you tell me it is her fault i will let you go.

i will punish her for what she has done to you. just say the words.


Steve: -jerks arm chained to tree so chain rattles, reminding audience he is

still chained up- NO! I don’t blame her. She had no control over the situation.

-in a softer voice- it wasn't her fault.


Nails: touching Mr smith and yet you punish her by sleeping with another

woman. So you do love her then


Steve: - standing up and starting to become angry- YES,  I love her till it

hurts. Now you answer a question. Why me? What did I do to you?


Nails: you have done nothing to me . it's someone else who has a grudge

against you. you see you have hurt a lot of people. And I'm here to get revenge

for them. But I believe that everyone deserves a second chance . but

Remember  her time is running out.


Steve: no screw you! I'm done with your head games! You let me go right



Nails: are you trying to make me mad Steve? do you not understand i own

your soul, your life, your very existence. do you want to see me angry, should

I up the stakes. Should I throw some more wood on your fire. How about

this. -a moment of silence as some bumping of the phone can be herd the

camera focusing tighter and tighter on Steve's face then a frightened girls

voice come over the phone- “daddy? DADDY HELP! HE”S....”






nails: -laughing- see Mr smith you can be motivated. Now shalt we continue?


Steve: - pulls the phone away from his head looks as if he wants to throw it

then bit by bit begins to break down his shoulders suddenly slump he is

defeated, in a soft voice- yes?

nails:- you can almost hear him smiling- good now i want you to look above you in the tree.

Steve: -looking up he sees a nail with a hand cuff key- yes, i see it.

nails:  good get it, you can put the phone down I’ll wait.

Steve: -puts the phone down and climbs the tree, gets the key and unlocks himself. he rubs his wrist, then picks up the phone.- OK now what?

nails: now turn to your right and start walking.

Steve: -turns in the wrong direction and takes a few steps.-

nails: not that way. your other right.

Steve: -turns the right way then stops.- wait how did you know i was going the wrong way? -looks around him (good time for a Mr nails in the background shot)- you can

see me? where are you.

nails: tick, tock Mr smith. and yes i can see you i see everything. now walk.

Steven: -looks like he wants to say something else, but begins walking angrily away- where are you taking me?

nails: to see your wife, if you get that far. now, in a few minutes you will come to a path. turn left and walk down it.

Steve: my wife better be OK

nail: she's fine for now. while we are on the subject, who is Ted Elison?

Steve: ted? he's my lawyer. why?

nail: but your a lawyer. are you not?

Steve: he's a divorce lawyer. I’ve been talking with him about divorcing my wife.

nails: i see. so you love her, but your also divorcing her? a very strange way of showing love?

Steve: `my life is none of your business.

nails: but it is Mr smith, you see people come to me when they have a grievance with another. they pay me to avenge them from the wrong doing of others. i give them a

sense of closure. i give them what they can not get them selves.

Steve: I’m not a saint. but what did i ever do to deserve this? is it because that guy? i didn’t even know him. I’ve tried to live my life to pay for that mistake.

nails: bravo Mr smith. you feel bad for what you have done. but you still did some thing wrong, and you must pay for it.

Steve: OK if i go to the police and confess murdering that guy will you let my family go? that’s fair right?

nails: no Mr smith. that is not the way this works. it is my job to make you suffer for your sins. i do not think you understand there is a higher power at work here.

Steve: then why are you bringing my family into this?

nails: because it is the thing you love the most. they are the only real thing that matters to you.

Steve: you sick b*****d! if i find you, I’m going to kill you.

nails: you might find that difficult.

Steve: -goes to say something but stops as a woman’s voice can be heard calling for help. Steve sprints toward the voice. rounding corner he sees his girl friend tied to a tree
 she sees him and calls out. still holding the phone to his ear.- what the hell is this?

Stacy: oh my god Steve! please help me! -Stacy is cuffed to a tree she looks a little roughed up- i don't know where i am.

nails: Mr smith if you look at you feet you will find a gun there. you know have a choice. will you use the key to set her free, and you and her can leave. but your wife

stays. or you can take the gun and shoot her. then you and your wife can be together.

Steve: looks down and sees the gun in the  leaves on the ground. reaches down and picks it up.-

Stacy: -while Steve is picking up the gun.- whats going on? please help me -pause seeing gun- whats that. is that a gun? Steve please no! no don't. I’m sorry don't kill me please. -she is crying as Mr nails begins to speak.-

nails: so Mr smith what is you choice.

Steve: -looking at Stacy tears running down her face as she pleads for him to stop, large black mascara streaks framing the look of sheer terror on her face as Steve raises the gun- no i can't.


Steve: - visibly shaken, in anger and tears-

Steve: -face contorted with anger and fear, pointing the gun at Stacy his face becoming more and more angry. Stacy and Mr nail are talking in the background as he become emotionally torn. and screams- SHUTUP! -BANG-
camera: -looking at Steve as he looses his mind pointing the gun at Stacy tied to the tree. pov: from be tree as Stacy now just hangs there. Steve fall to his knees sobbing. also still holding the phone to his ear.

Steve: - in a wet chocked voice- why?

nails: good job Mr smith. i knew you could do it. see your a natural.

Steve: i will kill you. -low soft voice-

nails: come come, your almost done. just a little farther down the trail your family’s waiting for you.

Steve: Liz?

nails: yes Mr smith. in the clearing you'll find her waiting. hurry up now Mr smith your almost out of time. -he hangs up-

Steve: -looks down at his phone and starts laughing/crying. then slowly gets up and starts walking down the trail. after a min or so he comes out into a field. nearby is a

fresh grave with a shovel in the dirt. Steve walks over to it. the grave marker is a simple white cross with Elizabeth written on it. in a zombie like trance he walks over to

the grave looks down at it, whimpers as he looks at the name. his mind is broken at this point. he takes the shovel and begins digging. fast forward sun setting. Steve is

standing in a whole as his shovel hits the lid. he tosses the shovel and begins clearing the lid by hand. calling his wife’s name as he digs. when he finally gets it open he call

out her name one more time before looking into the coffin. what he sees makes him stop. he just looks on in horror as he climbers out of the grave. as he stands there Mr

nails walks out of the woods clutching his daughter by the trough with a knife held to it, his daughter calls out "daddy!" making him turn around.- ALICE!

nails: hello Mr smith we finally meet. i must say it has been such fun playing with you. i am so sad it has too end, but such is the way of things

Alice: -very scared- daddy, help me.

Steve: - reaching behind him and pulls the gun out- DROP THE KNIFE NOW! -nails raises his hands but keeps the knife.- DROP IT! - nails drops the knife. Steve keeps

gun trained on nails- Alice get the knife -she picks it up and turns on her captor.-  Alice come here baby, it's OK, come here. -Alice turning and seeing him as if for the first

time runs to her father.- now you sick b*****d take your mask off i want to see your fa..urk

Alice: -looking up into her fathers face as he looks down at her in shock. Alice has stabbed Steve he looks down at her in shock.- I’m sorry daddy. it's my fault billy died. i

was so scared of telling you, I’m sorry. but you where leaving us. billy left, you left, we would never be a family again. but all that’s changed, we can be together forever.

-Steve is in shock, from the stab wound but also the shock of Alice being the one. he falls backwards into the grave. Mr nails has walked up and stands behind Alice

nails: are you satisfied?

Alice: yes thank you -hands him the knife-

nails: are you ready?

Alice: oh yes. -says with a smile as she climbs into the grave. the sound on the lid closing can be heard.

nails: -closeup on his face- the contract is at a end. you have paid you fee. may you finally find your happiness. -wide shot of clearing nails turns and walks off, the dirt is

back in place over the grave. as nails walks into the background everything suddenly goes black with the sound of a slamming door.

© 2014 little bad puppy

My Review

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this would make a great movie- bit phone-booth meets misery, but I do think its a little let down by the ending.
Good job

Posted 10 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on April 6, 2014
Last Updated on April 15, 2014


little bad puppy
little bad puppy

mobile, AL

I'm sorry but that's above your security level more..
