As a victim of domestic violence I thank you for this piece. Though a painful, disturbingread it is reality. Many(like myself) keep the secret and present to society a blissful union. Until one day enough is enough.. I chose to live.. and I'm still standing..
Your voice will educate and make someone think before they lift the arm, voice, tool in anger..
Too many die alittle each day.. just too damn many
Thank you for this piece.. Yes, they it's not right
Covering just one side doesn't mean that it's still not a great poem.
Like others have said though, I like how you carefully balanced the stanzas, making it flow very nicely into the reader's head. Well done!
As a victim of domestic violence I thank you for this piece. Though a painful, disturbingread it is reality. Many(like myself) keep the secret and present to society a blissful union. Until one day enough is enough.. I chose to live.. and I'm still standing..
Your voice will educate and make someone think before they lift the arm, voice, tool in anger..
Too many die alittle each day.. just too damn many
Thank you for this piece.. Yes, they it's not right
You did an excellent job with measuring your words out carefully, balancing each line against the next. It flows quite well, and of course it has an excellent message. Nicely done. :)
Just returning to WritersCafe after a couple of years in the wilderness of life.
I'm a 40 year old (until December 2013, at least) father of two, former youth and community worker, sometime socio-pol.. more..