…we withhold certain truths and evidence
So that, although all persons are created equal
Are low bestowed by their creator to live life
In alienated plight
At the base of a hierarchy
Of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness
That to secure its might
Governments are an institute of powerful men
The same breed as the men who governed before them
Deriving their power from the silent complicity
Of the governed hoards
If any form of institute or individual becomes
Destructive of these ends
Through deed or thought or asking too many questions
It is the right of the government to suppress, abolish, or conquer
Seditious thinking, words and actions
By introducing new and amended anti-terrorist laws
And ensure its right to use maximum force
Laying the foundation on principles and organising its powers
With such force
It shall not seem to effect their
Safety and happiness
When in the course of human events
It becomes necessary for Government to circumvent
The ethical and social bonds
That have connected it with the governed
And to assume the powers of the earth
That separate to unequal stations
Which its laws favour, by nature of segregation
Thus nature’s God entitle them
Complete compliance to the actions and opinions of
And requires that they declare
Any causes which may impel them to further separation
Through ‘cruel and unusual’ interrogation…