

A Poem by SpeedyHobbit Armstrong

I wrote this a few years ago, when one of my classmates (with whom i'd been friends in elementary school though drifted apart from) was killed in a car accident


Why? Why, why, why? Why Brieanne ? She was so sweet, practically a gift from Heaven, A good and caring friend, always happy, never cried, Devoted Catholic, pious, always giving, never taking.

Why? Why, why, why? Why Brieanne ? The world needs more like her, yet she was taken away from with us. When baby-sitting, she always played with the kids, never desired payment. Avid softball player, always striving for excellence, never lazy.

Why? Why, why, why? Why Brieanne ? She was born October 24th sixteen years ago, How badly she wanted to drive! When her Sweet 16 arrived, she always studied her manual, never rash She was like a flower ripped up by its roots.

Why? Why, why, why? Why Brieanne ? The end for her came just last week. She was doing everything right: parent and learner's permit with her, never breaking traffic laws At a side road and Route 58, she stopped for the glaring red light, patiently awaiting its change.

Why? Why, why, why? Why Brieanne ? The light finally changed, she stepped on the gas, cautiously driving she entered the intersection. A whooshing noise, a glaring of white lights, a honk, a smash The end didn't even come instantly.

Why? Why, why, why? Why Brieanne ? How she suffered, what a period of time! Four hours for her that contained an eternity. The sweet girl bravely fought for the light, wanted to live, but to no avail. Alas! Her injuries were too grievous! Four hours later, she quietly drew her last, her heart ceased to beat.

Why? Why, why, why? Why Brieanne ? Damn the truck driver! Damn him to hell! Damn him for doing this to her, and to us all! Damn him, the world lost a wonderful person, it's all his fault!

Why? Why, why, why? Why Brieanne ? "The sun was in my eyes," that was his c**k-and-bull excuse. He ran a red light, robbed humanity of a good person, a parents of their child, students of their classmate. What a dark time it is for us all!

Why? Why, why, why? Why Brieanne? Perhaps God wanted a caring person like her in heaven before she was corrupted by evil, But why not let her have an instantaneous, painless death? Could he have been testing her by making her suffer?

Why? Why, why, why? Why Brieanne? Heaven now contains a pure soul, that of a rose, a ray of light, the essence of love But as for those on earth, those in my hometown, Days for us all are full of darkness, the sun doesn't shine.

Why? Why, why, why? Why Brieanne? Why did we all have to lose her love, her happiness? Why did I lose a potential true friend? Why did a wonderful person deserve death? Why?

© 2013 SpeedyHobbit Armstrong

Author's Note

SpeedyHobbit Armstrong
Written when I was 16, only a week after the car accident that cut her life short at much too young an age. The only thing about this that I changed was removing her last name

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A heart touching poem I am sorry you lost a good friend I almost cried reading I don't know what to say very well-written I can see that you truly cared about her thank thank for sharing such personal poem

Posted 10 Years Ago

A good piece of writing from your younger days. I can feel how deeply you felt the loss of your friend. It is always so sad when someone dies unexpectedly, even more so when they are so young.
One edit:
yet she was taken away from with us. (delete the "with")

Posted 10 Years Ago

No words I would say can describe how well you have written this.I was almost in tears when I read this and the feelings you have for your friend are clear from your words. As a poem it's just very beautifully written.

I wish that you didn't have to go through this pain of losing such a good friend. From your words it seems that Brieanne must have been a wonderful person and this world is surely in need os such people in the dark times of today. R.I.P Brieanne

Posted 10 Years Ago

Why? Why, why, why? Why Brieanne ? She was born October 24th sixteen years ago, How badly she wanted to drive! When her Sweet 16 arrived, she always studied her manual, never rash She was like a flower ripped up by its roots.

Nice and I feel the emotion. Please send me more.

Posted 10 Years Ago

╰☆╮Driving terrifies me because of people like this not paying attention or driving recklessly and causing accidents. I'm sorry for your loss :(╰☆╮

Posted 10 Years Ago

I know what it's like to lose a dear friend. The pain, the questions... it's awful. I can feel the pain in this piece as I read through it. Well done.


Posted 10 Years Ago

Thanks for sharing such a personal poem. I think the form of the poem could potentially be restructured if you wanted. Breaking the lines might make it more attractive to the eye as opposed to having two lines per stanza. An example would be:

Why? Why, why, why?
Why Brieanne ?
She was so sweet,
practically a gift from Heaven,
A good and caring friend,
always happy, never cried,
Devoted Catholic, pious,
always giving, never taking.

Posted 10 Years Ago

This is a very deep and emotional poem. Straight from your heart. Well done!

Posted 11 Years Ago

This makes me so sad, I'm sorry for your loss. I don't know how old you are now, but what a thing to go through!
I went through something similar- A friend I knew in elementary school who I drifted from went to my high school, and in Senior year, right before graduating, he killed himself.
Through that connection, may we both find acceptance and hope.
If it's alright with you, this poem has inspired me to write my own poem, based only loosely on it; is that ok?

Posted 11 Years Ago

Very moving. I can see the grief. I am sorry for your loss.

Posted 11 Years Ago

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19 Reviews
Added on November 22, 2013
Last Updated on November 22, 2013
Tags: why, brieanne, death, loss, grief, teen, too young, sixteen, teenager, car accident, crash


SpeedyHobbit Armstrong
SpeedyHobbit Armstrong

Long Island, NY

My name is Cher Armstrong, also known as Speedy Hobbit. I'm a USATF athlete in racewalking for the Raleigh Walkers club team. I just graduated from Queens College in Queens borough in New York Ci.. more..


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