![]() Taking EverythingA Story by mobiustrip![]() I'd rather not ruin the story.![]() Cop: Stop shitting us around Marty, we know it was you! Your prints are all over the murder weapon for christs sake. Cop: What more do you think we need? Cop: That man you shot in broad daylight, you knew him! He screwed you Marty, we ALREADY know. Marty: No, NO! You, you're not liste-- Cop: You put 5 holes through his back THEN 1 in the brain! Had to make sure that sick b*****d wouldn't recover right? Cop: We should really be thanking you, you've done us a huge favour. Marty: YOU'RE WRONG! *Marty slams his cuffed wrists on the table* *There is a startling silence as the cop stares down Marty blankly as he struggles to find his words* Marty: it-IT WASN'T ME! *Cop scoffs under his breath* Marty: b-b-b-b-but... it should have been. Marty: b-b-but you don't really want the truth do you? Just someone to blame, and so here I am. Cop: Quit that bullshit. You're here because you shot a crooked man who had it coming! Cop: Everyone here knows it. Hell if we hadn't already been chasing him we wouldn't be having this discussion with words. Cop: You're a hero Marty, a hero to everyone that scum was involved with, but all heros pay a price and it's a real shame. Marty: HAH! You know... you're all the same you cops. Marty: This isn't about truth or justice, it never is. You're just a scarecrow paid to point the finger. Marty: We aren't all afraid of you and so sometimes the farmer has to shoot one of us down... but I'm not even a damned crow. Cop: Yea sure, you sure got that damned snake that attacked you though, that took everything from you. Cop: Your money, your job, your lover, everything but your life. --slight pause of silence-- Marty: He didn't need to take that! I'm only here right now because I didn't take it myself. But no, now that's your job. Marty: So finish me off already, or give me a gun and I'll do it myself. --longer pause of silence-- *Cop grabs Marty by the scuff of his shirt pushing him back against the two back legs of the chair* Cop: Quit f*****g with us! Marty: T-That's why my prints are all over the gun. Cop: Bullshit! Marty: I couldn't go through with it. Cop: Then why did you hero? Marty: No! I'm no hero just a damned coward who finally found some courage. Marty: There should have been only one shot that day, and one victim. Cop: The f**k are you blabbering about? Marty: After Tony took everything I got to drinking and sat in my appartment for hours resting with the gun in my hand. Marty: I had decided: I was going to go out with a bang. At least that's what I'd planned. Marty: As my finger trembled on the trigger though somehow I got to thinking. Marty: Tony hadn't taken everything, just everything I'd valued, and now there I was going to take everything from myself? Marty: As much as I wanted to pull the trigger I couldn't -- I couldn't become worse than Tony. Cop: Well bravo, what a heartwrenching tale you've thought up hero. *Cop calmly releases his grip on Marty and claps sarcastically* Cop: Instead you decide to take everything from him. Marty: No! I didn- Cop: I'd have done the same thing hero. Marty: NO! I'M NO HERO! I'm not like you. Marty: It must've fallen 3 stories when I threw it out the window. Marty: I've no idea who did him in.. and even if I did I'm no rat and you're no pig; We're just two people. Marty: For all I know one of you did him in. You said you wanted the b*****d didn't you! *A cold stare runs through the cops eyes as he kicks his chair back standing up aggressively* *Quickly he retains his composure pacing and pondering slowly while continuing to coldly stare Marty down* --there is about 20 seconds of silence-- Cop: You have quite an imagination you rat... Cop: Only your prints are on the weapon, it was discovered blocks from your apartmernt, and you had every reason to kill Tony. Cop: No court in hell will acquit you. Marty: What abou-- Cop: If you're lucky you may only get charged with second-degree or voluntary manslaughter. Marty: What about the blemishes on the weapon. Cop: What are you talking about? Marty: From the point of impact from where it landed. It must've left a mark in the pavement too right outside my appartment. Marty: It would have to be pretty considerable after that 3 story fall. Cop: SHUT YOUR MOUTH! *It now becomes evident in the cops stare that he can no longer see Martys eyes only the memories of what happened* --slight pause of silence-- Marty: I told you HERO we're just two people. I ain't no rat, and you ain't no pig. # 10 minutes later # Marty walks out of the station with all charges dropped. Strolling home he smirks a little as he steps over the dent in the ground outside his apartment. Sitting down in his appartment he rolls up a cigarette and chuckles to himself: "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" The plan had worked perfectly. He had waited days staring out his window for a cop to walk by his appartment building. Having bought a new revolver and fully loading it so the cop would confiscate it and analyze the fingerprints, knowing it had never been fired. Taking advantage of the fact that the cops knew Tony remained free despite orchestrating the deaths of many of their fellow officers. He knew the cops feared for their lives and wanted revenge. Marty didn't know which cop had killed Tony but he didn't need to. He understood the blue code and manipulated it perfectly. Taking everything from the man who thought he had broken him.
© 2018 mobiustripAuthor's Note