Writing an Acrostic Poem was an assignment in class. We had to use the word that describes us the most, mine being OPTIMISTIC; the rest just came to me naturally sitting on my bed doing my homework.
Over the hills, Past the river, Through the forest, I'll be there Me, myself and I Sit alone Thinking about how knowing
"Ipsa scientia postestas" Cheerfully calms me down
Someone told me, "Don't use colors and multi fonts in poems... They look better in normal fonts". But I always feel otherwise! :) Thankfully, your poem is colorful!
By the way I don't know latin... What does that phrase mean?
Hello, I'm mostly known as Sovo, or SovannySaurusRex, if you prefer. I swear, I rant, I bake things. Stuff it, and read all the old stuff of mine. New writes coming soon. x